Where: Jungle Clearing, Ista Weyr
Who: Balinne, Edani, Fadra, Fayre, Idralia, Jakkal, Javeri, Niala, Nolee, Suizen, Sunniva, X'lar
What: Candidate Dinner, hurrah.
Jungle Clearing(#785RJ)
Deep within the jungle of Ista Weyr, a clearing has been made just for the festivities. The heavy underbrush has been cleared, leaving only the jungle's bright, vibrant flowers left to be navigated around the large area. Strings of glows have been hung in the trees, offering decoration if not more than sufficient light for the event. After sundown, the dark is held at bay by a medium-sized bonfire and a pair of torches flanking it. The bonfire is not as big as the ones found on the beach, but, with the help of the lit torches, the light is enough to illuminate the entire clearing.
A series of long rectangular tables with benches to sit on can be found to one side, ready to seat the masses who have come for the feast and the fun. Plates and utensils can be found sitting at the ends of the tables for anyone to use. A large Gather tent with a floral print sits nearby where a number of tables are set up for the buffet of specially made food.
On the other side of the clearing, however, lies the underground oven built days before with the help of Ista's hunters and kitchen staff. A small circular table sits nearby, a necessity when the slow-cooked porcine is finally taken out of the oven and ready for consumption. A few hunters, likely the hunters who ended up hunting down the pig in the end, stand near the space where the pig is being cooked underground.
In summary, the clearing is a particularly tropical setting with all the lush green jungle circling it. The area is especially so when the sun sets, the torches are lit and the bonfire blazes.
The suns slow setting in the horizon may signal the beginning of the candidate dinner, but it's the delicious smell of the feast that heralds the start of something good. There's just enough light that it is not necessary for the torches and bonfire to be lit just yet. There's a number of kitchen staff, having left the confines of the caverns of the Weyr, scurrying about to make sure the last-minute preparations are completed.
X'lar walks through the jungle to the clearing, guiding a group of candidates. "So then, I was just standing there," Xie talks to them, looking over his shoulder to make sure they're following him. "And /that/ was when he raked me." He grins briefly, spotting the clearing. "Here we are. Have at, everyone. I'm sure you're tired from all the work you've been doing, so just have fun tonight!"
Fayre picks her away across the jungle floor very cautiously; this goldrider has no intention of tripping over any giant branches, thank you very much. She breathes a sigh of relief when she reaches the thankfully cleared area and her nose immediately begins twitching when those delicious scents begin to waft her way. Her gaze flicks from the buffet table to the porcine cooking area, just to double check if it's finished yet. Even though it's clearly not, the weyrwoman still heads in the direction of the food.
Fussing. That's what Balinne's doing at the moment. Fussing with something on one of the tables that likely needs no attention at all. Another nudge of the plate and one of the cooks makes it her mission to shoo the greenrider off. With a bit of a pout, Balinne abandons her attempts at table-setting and wanders away, much to the relief of those who actually know what they're doing.
New clothing, a social gathering that doesn't involve some personal test of skill of strength and a walk to the feast that was too slow to build up a sweat has Jakkal in a some what sour mood. Staying to the back of the cluster of Candidates once they reach their destination. He thinks on X'lar's tale to try to figure out if it's a tale that no matter what you do there's no way to prepare for it, or another tale of caution. At least it's something to diver his attention from pulling at the collar of his new shirt. He's resisted the urge so far...
Nolee's waiting in a copse of abandoned flowers left to decorate the jungle clearing, and has taken to braiding their stems together to form decorative floral leis. As the candidates arrive, she waves flowers in their direction, beckoning the willing over to receive a floral necklace of sorts. A few of the girls drift past, leaving bedecked in flowers, and a couple of boys from Nerat elbow each other until the most rotund of them sheepishly comes to get his own decorative lei from the Weyrwoman
Walking through the jungle is quite the habit for Javeri or at least that's what she used to do before finding herself doing chores all day at the Weyr instead. So, at least she's not worrying about tripping over something in new sandals. She does stop when she reaches the clearing to re-tie one of the bows since it looks a bit lopsided when she checks it out. More important than worrying about the rest of her clothes which is good since the hem of her skirt still has a few wrinkles. No need to worry now since there's food although she doesn't run for the table like a starving person. That would be rude and even if there might be the faintest of hints of the stable around her she has manners. Just bad luck in chore rotation. Rather than rush ahead she sort of lurks on the edge of the gathering to get the lay of the land first.
Any excuse to dress up is a good excuse as far as Sunniva's concerned. Somewhere near the front of the group of candidates being lead by X'lar, she looks utterly delighted at, well, everything. The waving of flowers by Nolee draws her attention and she breaks away, head cocked to a side rather quizzically. "Oh, what are those?" Food? Not nearly as important as flowers, clearly.
Niala is following X'lar, stepping gingerly over rocks and sticks on the path, trying not to trip and ruin her pretty party dress. Of course, it's hard to move around when you're uncomfortably trying to readjust your clothing. Chatting amiably with some of the other candidates, she's doing her best to ignore X'lar for the moment. No tales of maulings please! Once she reaches the clearing, she goes to find a place to sit, ignoring the food for a moment. "Jays, these shoes aren't nearly as comfortable as my boots." She mutters, rubbing her feet and fixing up her hair, plucking a flower to put behind her hair in a fit of childish fun.
Fadra navigates her way like a jungle native, which might beget it's own jokes when she's not in earshot - but hey, she's mustered up the good nature to socialize, someone can certainly cut her some slack. Perhaps predictably, she doesn't immediately join the crowd already gathered, but beelines directly for one of the women who's job it is to pass drinks to the parched. "But, one, um," the server stutters, bewildered, while Fadra snags two off the tray. "I'll be back if'n y'don't come back fast enough," the brownrider says. It's not meant to be a threat, so why is the recipient cowering like that?
Suizen follows along with everyone else, rather familiar with the activity, if not in a skirt. To Sunniva, "Flowers, if I were to be guessin'..." she teases, before nodding to Niala.
X'lar gives Nolee a brief grin, spotting her. "Evening, ma'am," X'lar calls out, waving. To Sunniva, he laughs, saying, "They're called leis, they're like necklaces of flowers." Another laugh after and he adds: "From what I remember from Red Petal Day a couple turns back ago, they're also a great source of amusement and bad jokes too." He nods toward them before asking, "Would you like a lei, Sunniva?" He smirks once before moving toward the tables where the plates are, grabbing one. "And Suizen?" he calls out, looking over his shoulder. "No throwing these plates. I think it goes against party rules or something."
"They're flowers," Nolee patiently explains to the dressed-up Sunniva, pleased to have a few more brave ones drift her way and nodding to Sooz. "For decoration. And celebration." A nod to X'lar, and a smile. "They're a tradition, well, when we remember to make them, they are." She selects a lei rich in bright orchids in pinks and magentas, draping it decoratively round Sunniva's neck. While Suizen's close (if she's unprotesting), Nolee drapes flowers on her as well, selecting a bright string of greens and tropical reds.
"Ah, good," says Balinne as the candidates appear. But her first order of business is to slip over to Nolee for one of those leis herself. "Very festive," she tells the Weyrwoman, and will accept a flower-necklace of her own without the slightest bit of hesitation. "Don't do that," she tells Jakkal, perhaps having caught that not-quite-but-almost tug at the shirt-collar. Fadra is given a look as well, though Balinne does a good job of hiding any surprise she might be feeling at the brownrider's attendance.
Fayre swerves in her path towards the buffet table, distracted by those pretty and bright flowers Nolee is weaving. She taps her foot uncertainly, watching as a few brave souls accept a lei from the Senior Weyrwoman. When she sees the portly fellow accept one, that's enough to convince her. She shuffles over in that direction, eyeing the collection of flowers. "Are these just for candidates, or can I have one too, Noles?"
Suizen is the recipient of a backwards look and an oh-so-briefly stuck out tongue, gone in the blink of an eye but exceptionally good-natured. X'lar's explanation prompts a blink from Sunniva, who remarks, "Oh? That is an odd name for a flower necklace." There's a brief furrowing of her brow that soon passes, transitioning into a nod -- which just so happens to coincide with her floral adornment. "Oh! But, they are lovely," she adds, reaching up gingerly to touch the orchids before smiling at Nolee, "Thank you!"
The hunters by the underground oven on the other side of the clearing confer with one another quietly. It seems a decision has been made and they move into place, taking the leaves and fronds off the large hole filled with the hot stones. It takes them a small amount of time, but soon enough the Ista porcine is unearthed and ready for consumption. The hunters stay to carve the delicious slow-cooked meat for everyone who wishes to line up for a piece.
Feet rested, for the moment, Niala takes a glass of fruit juice, non-alcoholic, from one of the servers with a smile. Sipping slowly, she savors the cool, sweet juice and makes her way over to Nolee. "They smell wonderful ma'am." The leis of course. Jakkal is given a whithering glance. "This is supposed to be fun, so please try to have fun? I know I will be." She sends her fellow, former stablehand a grin.
"Thank you, ma'am..." Sooz adds, taking her own lei to lay just under her own necklace. Sunni's reaction gains one from her, that of a muffled snicker, before looking around. "It's lookin' fair to amazin' out here.."
Jakkal eyes Niala when she comments on her shoes. "Why do you expect I put my foot down on keeping my boots at the very least?" he calls in mild amusement. His right hand moves up and moves the bangs and sideburns in the right side of his head behind his ear. Yes, the free hair does help counter the fact that he feels like a doll his cousin dressed up, but he's not used to having something blocking his line of sight like that. Spotting the Weyrwoman he gives a bow, "Evening, Weyrwoman Nolee." He nods to Fayre, "Weyrwoman." Then Balinne, "Wingleader Balinne." He offers her a grin at least.
X'lar grins briefly at Nolee, saying, "Just as long as these flowers don't make us itch like that one Red Petal Day, ma'am." He wrinkles his nose and says, "And have us grabbing that stuff that ended up turning people blue. I still say Andy did that." He looks to Fayre, grinning at his clutchmate as he asks her: "Remember that, Fayre? Making all of those leis as candidates?" As the porcine's taken out of the earth, he quickly takes his plate with him, forgoing the buffet for the time being and get in line for the slow-cooked pig.
Idraila trails in on the tail end of a train of candidates that shuffles into the clearing. She's dressed for the balminess of the jungles, a rare pair of shortened pants covering her legs and a loose, lightweight tunic draped from her shoulders, both nice enough to seem somewhat dressy. It's almost unladylike, with her tightly braided hair pulled severely back from her forehead. Smiling faintly, but glancing around at the many bodies filling the clearing, she ducks into place before Nolee, dutifully waiting to be lei'd like the rest of the candidates.
Jakkal spotting the porcine, Jakkal makes his way over to the hunters and nods from his place in the line. "Congratulations to whomever managed to bring one in," he offers, voice filling the clearing easily.
Fadra was making a decent point of avoiding Nolee - or maybe less Nolee and more those leis, because they're making her grimace over her wine-glass, but she does seem capable of manning up just enough to step closer and say, "There's easier way's o'gettin' 'em laid." Crass, always crass.
Nolee purses her lips at Fayre's use of the very informal nickname, though her irritation is short-lived in the festive atmosphere. "The bright ones," Nolee cheerily explains, "are for the candidates. But for the rest of us, there's yellow ones?" One is offered as if, somehow in the tropical blaring shades, yellow is more subdued. "I hope not," Nolee comments X'lar's way. "I made some of these, and I'm not itchy. One for you?" One in orange and red is offered to Niala, then another in red and deep purples to Jakkal, a pale pink and purple to Idraila. "Congratulations on being Searched!" Fadra? Gets a wink. "Not for candidates!"
"Mm-hm," Sunniva seems to agree with Suizen, just drinking in the sight of it all before she ventures on to get a plate and a few fruity tidbits, though not enough to fill the plate. She slips into line after a few other folks, taking a delicate sniff of the air. "The porcine smells delightful," she says to no one in particular in between nibblings at whatever she has on her plate.
Javeri skips the leis because she's just not up to going over by two weyrwomen. It's a just a bit much for the holder potter turned candidate. She looks around for a safe space to lurk and, because she likely doesn't recognize her from the beach so long ago winds her way to near where Fadra is standing. At least she doesn't try to talk to the brownrider. Maybe as she got closer she does recognize the other woman. The gathering has enough going on she doesn't seem quite sure where she should insert herself into the group. More reconnaissance then before she tries conversation out on someone!
"Jakkal," returns Balinne, but by the time she's saying it, the candidate's already dashed off the pig. And Balinne just rolls her eyes. There might be a peek over at that porcine, but Balinne lingers where she is, perhaps loathe to jump to the front of the line. And then she gapes at Fadra, and hastily covers her mouth to keep her giggling to a minimum. "Very mature, Fadra," she says, despite her own rather childish reaction. "Nice of you to show up, though," she adds.
X'lar gives Nolee a brief look after receiving a chunk of the underground oven-cooked porcine on his plate. He makes good time and begins eating. There's a sigh there that might be reserved for the best food evar. He almost looks like he could faint. Well, not really. But he does seem to be enjoying the tender meat. "Sure, why not," Xie finally tells Nolee with regard to the flowers. "Lei on on me, Weyrwoman."
Fayre smacks her forehead when X'lar mentions Red Petal Day. "Oy, do I ever remember that! I say he did it too. He's the one that gave me ointment for it in the first place, and it turned me blue, that's for sure." Now the pretty leis get a very suspicious look, as does Nolee, but the rider still happily takes the subtle(ish) yellow collection of flowers. "Oh, so that the candidates can be picked out super easy...Weyrwoman?" Either she caught that momentary look, or seeing everyone in their fancy wear is getting to her.
A bluerider from Maelstrom finds himself at the mercy of two very hungry and impatient children (likely his own, given the similarity in their appearances to the rider's) as they get in line for the Ista porcine.
Jakkal glances at the Weyrwoman and shakes his head, "Thank you for the congratulations, but no thank you, Ma'am. It's bad enough I had to change my clothing to something that I need to make an attempt to return clean, I won't be wearing flowers as well." When he gets a few slices of the porcine he moves off and returns to Balinne who seemed to have returned his earlier greeting. He nods to her as he samples the fair.
"Evenin', Fayre, Balinne.." Sooz calls out with a bit of a grin at the two 'riders, forgoing the 'ma'am' Nolee got with the handing out of the leis. In fact, she gets another, before adding, "Didn't eat much at lunch - was dreamin' about the porcine tonight.." she admits, before slipping behind the rider and children.
Niala moves to get a place in line after accepting her lei, putting the flowers up to her nose and inhaling deeply. "Mmm, these smell almost as good as the pork," she comments to no one in particular. She gets a largish slice of the roast pork, then makes her way over to the buffet table for some fruit before ending up near Sunniva and Suizen. "This is really nice, even if I had to get all dressed up for it." She grins and takes a bite of the pork, mixing it with a slice of juicy red fruit. "Oh," a look of surprise crosses her face, "this is /wonderful/. You must try some."
Edani enters the clearing with a line of servers carrying in crates of fresh ice. He's directed over towards the drinks, but manages to glance round at the festivity in curiosity. His burden makes it safely to the ground without a mishap and as he straightens up, he rubs his back a bit. There's no rest for the weary, unfortunately. He's handed a pitcher and sent amongst the crowd.
"Isn't it, though?" Sunniva turns a cheerful look to Niala, her plate laden with porcine and the myriad other things she picked up. She rolls up briefly on tiptoes to survey the area and seek out a place to sit, but she doesn't immediately move. "Oh?" precedes an actual sampling of meat with an apple slice, which is then followed by another, "Oh! It /is/." Blissful. "Where shall we sit? Over there? Or there?"
A candidate in her early teens dares another much older candidate from Telgar to eat the raw fish being served at the buffet. Laughter ensues when the older candidate takes the dare but ultimately spits the bite out right at the younger candidate, making a face at the taste.
"One on you, coming up!" Nolee rises and drapes one of the yellow strands of flowers around X'lar's neck, still trying to blithe her way past any lingering Red Petal day similar woes as she nods to Fayre. "Exactly why. Since we're celebrating them tonight. Ooh, I think I picked the right ones, and not the wrong ones. There's a line, in the gardens? I had help." Really, it wouldn't be her fault. "The food smells wonderful, Malsaeth's."
Fadra makes a snorting sound. "Rules're meant t'be broken, y'know," she remarks. She doesn't, however, elaborate on punishment for just such an indiscretion. She sighs, shaking her head, and happens to catch Javeri out of the corner of her eye. Pause. "Skulking suits y'well," she says drily to the candidate before she's too far away. "Mayhaps get some food - makes fer a bit more subtlety."
Suizen, her own plate full to almost overflowing with porcine, and the red fruits, and anything else she can get to fit, that looks delicious. "Anywhere's fine..." she admits around a bite of redfruit.
"Let me guess," Idraila says as she leaves the lei line and comes up behind X'lar, all sneaky-like. "It's the best food ever." On turning, he'll find a wide grin, though it's a tad sheepish at the edges, perhaps apologetic for surprising him like that. One finger is toying with the flowers at her collarbone, but as soon as she notices it, it drops behind her back to join those on her other hand. "I'm pretty sure these flowers are safe," she comments, peering down at them for a studied second or two more. She herself hasn't indulged in the pork yet, and lingers while the line for the food grows.
Jakkal spots a somewhat familiar face and grins at Edani remembering what effect a verbal greeting had on the lad after the failed hunt. He finishes his two bits of porcine with a nod and sets the plate to the side near a few empty glasses. It would seem that he's not that hungry, but he watches the crowd with some interest but he doesn't move into any discussions.
Fayre tilts her head as she examines her intricate lei of yellow flowers, casually inquiring, "Oh? The gardens? Did Griere help you grow these? She loves her gardenin', after all." She lifts the ring of blossoms up and sniffs the freshly picked flowers, sighing happily. "Ah, Ista. Who couldn't love this place, eh?" Her eyes drift over to that beautiful, delicious-looking roast porcine. "Especially when we offer up stuff like that!"
"Wasn't skulking," Javeri tells Fadra with a quick shake of her head. "I was just-" Standing around near the shadows doing nothing at all. Not skulking at all! "I'll just, yea, go get food. Right. Did you want anything?" It's polite to ask and she's clearly hoping that the brownrider will not want anything and she can make her get away and go Not Skulk somewhere else entirely. Maybe near the food since she sniffs at the air appreciatively.
If X'lar seems at all phased by Nolee's latter statement to him, he doesn't seem it. He still seems to stand and eat, casually mingling. Especially with him getting a lei around his neck from the Weyrwoman. "Thank you, ma'am," Xie offers to the goldrider. And then Idraila sneakily comes up behind him and asks that question of him. "It /is/!" he exclaims in protest. "Well, I think there's maybe three or four best food evers." He begins ticking his fingers off, "Spicy meatrolls made by an assistant headwoman at High Reaches Hold, /the/ klah-cake, this porcine, and these fantastic sticky buns I had about a seven and a half ago." He sighs contently for the culinary masterpiece that is the porcine and continues his eating. But no talking. At least, not while he's talking.
Niala grins. "Somewhere where other people can join us?" She points to a relatively clear spot that is somehow still near the buffet table and the pork. Fingering the lei around her neck, she inhales the heady scent again before moving toward the open area. Once there, she gets another glass of juice and begins munching hungrily on her dinner. She waves toward Jakkal. "Come now Jakkal, you're not sulking because we made you get dressed up are you?" She's teasing, mostly.
"And what's wrong with flowers?" Balinne wants to know, frowning only a little at Jakkal's refusal. She's currently picking at her own lei, though not violently enough to pull petals off just yet. "Good food?" she wonders of the porcine, with only a hint of hunger. But no, she's being patient and waiting. Or something.
Jakkal nods to Balinne. "Food's fine..." he rumbles. Niala gets a look which shifts to Balinne, "Nothing wrong with hard work either." If he'd ever learned to speak low and to himself this would be a perfect time, but he never had, so his reply is a low rumble, most likely audible by all.
Sunniva cants her head briefly to Suizen, then shifts her attention to the spot indicated by Niala. "Of course. Jakkal! Come join us?" Cue a pleading smile. She's refraining from eating more of her porcine, at least until such time as they've moved to the aforementioned spot and she's able to get a glass of water and a tropical bubbly or two. "This is wonderful," she murmurs idly, glancing around to see if there are any other candidates that can be roped in to join them.
Nolee grants Fadra a sideline look, mayhap wondering just so about the punishment for breaking that particular set of rules, then shrugs brightly and hands out a few more flower necklaces. "Ooh, I didn't /grow/ them. Just braided and strung them," Nolee exlains to Fayre, donning a yellow one of her own. "Awfully thirsty, though. You suppose that fellow with the pitcher would come over here if I waved?" Not waiting for Fayre's answer, Nolee waves her arm about awkwardly, attempting to gain Edani's attention. Never mind that she has no cup.
A number of residents get into an argument over the best dish served in the buffet, prompting one of the older riders nearby to settle the particular culinary dispute by telling them: "Forget the buffet, it's the /porcine/!"
Fadra shifts her drink glasses into the same hand in order to properly gesticulate that Javeri's excuses mean nothing; she mimes talking, rolling her eyes, and then says, "I'll get m'own," as though Javeri's insulted her. To prove it, the brownrider takes a step towards the buffet tables, pauses long enough to see if Javeri's going to make good on getting a plate, and then says, "But if'n y'see one o'the servin' girls - blonde, sort o'taller than me, carryin' drinks - stop her."
"Food's delicious.." Suizen corrects Jakkal with a bit of a grin, before following the others to a sitting place, "Think it's better than last time there was bein' a hunt for them."
Fadra gives only Nolee a shrug. The world may never know.
Edani manages to sidestep the spitting candidate, blinking at the raw fish blob now dribbling it's sticky way down the front of the hapless candidate. He wrinkles his nose briefly. "Why you eatin'bait?" He asks, curiosity overcoming reticence. Jakkal's grin his way is noted, but the crowd separates them, so he can't ask what -that- is about. A quick glance down at his shirt, but no, he hasn't spilled anything there. He swirls the pitcher, causing the ice to clink invitingly as he makes his way through the crowd.
Javeri was going to get a plate when Fadra wasn't heading there, but since she is the candidate seems to be having second thoughts. Her wary glance to the brownrider ends with a bright smile. "Sure. If I see her I'll stop her for you. How come you can get your own food, but not your own drinks? Nevermind. Not my business." She lets the smile fade away and then heads for the food keeping an eye out for drinks for the cranky one. What she doesn't keep an eye out for is Fadra. With any luck they can part ways and she can lurk near someone drunker or more cheerful!
Jakkal just shakes his head at the invitations to go sit down and glances around the area again. He skirts the area slightly, standing near the cluster of hunters and gazing down at the porcine again, trying to get a proper estimate of the full size of the creature when it was brought down.
Fayre aides in the waving over of Edani, though her eyebrows raise when she notices the Weyrwoman's lack of a cup. "Oh, ah. I'll be right back." The rider makes her way over to the buffet, flashing her knot as she goes to bud in line despite more than a few grumblings from various weyrfolk. She snatches a tall, chilled glass, along with a plate of food for herself--hey, she's already there!--and heads back to her fellow goldrider. "Y'might need this when you get your wish for a drink, ma'am."
Idraila smiles quite wide, two strong lines of teeth revealed. "Until you find another best food ever nest seven," she predicts dryly, with a glint of humor in her squinting eyes. She glances around again, her smile gradually losing its strength as her eyes land on more and more faces. With a suddenly deep breath, she turns her gaze back to X'lar and tells him, "I guess I'm going to go find myself some food. Drink, maybe." Her hand gestures haphazardly at the buffet table, then she starts to head that way with a hasty little wave and a final flash of a smile for the bronzerider. She avoids the argument near the food, edging around it, and instead nudges closer to the drinks, begging a cup of chilled, fruit-spiked wine.
"Ooh, ooh," Nolee exclaims as Fayre returns with a fantastic chilled glass, and she holds it in her hands, welcoming the soothing chillness with excstatic delight. "Jays, this is almost perfect on it's own. Thank you, Lieryth's." Now that she's prepared, she waves the glass at the pitcher-carriers, hopeful, though the fragrances wafting from Fayre's plate cause a few envious glances. "Once you try it, tell me what's good? Then I won't waste time on parts that are too dry or not spicy enough."
X'lar laughs again before admitting to Idraila, "You're just lucky I don't include every individual meatroll I've ever eaten, Idraila, then we'd be in trouble. Or I would be, in any case." He grins once more at her in return for that wide smile, an encouraging look as she starts toward the buffet table. The bronzerider pauses before noting to the candidates eating their food. "And, I will tell all the candidates, you should expect Harpers pretty soon, too," he notes. "I managed to talk them into a little display tonight!"
Sampling this or that, Sunniva finds herself distracted somewhat by just how many people there are and how good the food is, so she falls silent for some time. Content to listen, if just for a little while. X'lar is glimpsed and summarily waved to, though she has to push back up to tiptoes for the wave to possibly be seen over the heads of a few passing riders and candidates. His words aren't heard, unfortunately, not over the din of a couple of folks chattering nearby.
Jakkal nods at X'lar's comment of Harpers, looking even more uncomfortable if that's possible. He decides to stick to his spot near the hunters and the pit for now, watching the reactions of those gathered to the meat, food and company.
Niala has nearly finished her food, and appears to still be thirsty. She notices a blonde woman carrying drinks and retrieves a cup of chilled wine, her first real drink of the night. Upon her return, she sighs at her two tablemates. "I understand the value of hard work and all," she nods toward Jakkal, "but I'm sad that he's not enjoying himself more." Sad face for the grumpy one. Then she overhears X'lar talking about Harpers. That does a lot to brighten her mood. "Ooo Harpers!" She exclaims for all those around to hear, excitement clear in her eyes. Then, she remembers what one does to music. "Oh no, I hope they don't expect us to dance..." She trails off, nervous.
Fayre is happy to oblige and eagerly takes a bite of her food, choosing to taste the event's main dish first. She's barely finished swallowing the piece of porcine before she exclaims, "Mmm! I haven't tasted anything this good in Turns, and y'know that's sayin' somethin' comin' from me!" Well, maybe Nolee doesn't with her memory, but the sentiment is there all the same. "Once you're done dolin' out nice flowers to the Weyr, I'd definitely get yourself some. It could go fast, y'know?" Clearly she's not willing to share any of her own, though, as the weyrwoman slips into the crowd to mingle with other guests and candidates.
The sun's fallen to a point where it's necessary for glows to be hung and the bonfire and torches lit by a few of Ista Weyr's staff, organized by a lone assistant headwoman already tired from the day's preparation.
Finally, it seems the temptation is too much, and Balinne grabs a plate and heads for that porcine. She takes up her spot in line, waiting impatiently for those in front of her to get their share. There is much standing on tiptoes and attempting to see around the shoulders of those who are being served before her, but in the end, Balinne gets her plate filled. A very content looking greenrider skips off to the side to enjoy it at her leisure, though she keeps a wary eye on the candidates.
Idraila turns out to be one of those gathering to the meat, if not exactly for the company offered there. She sidles up next to Jakkal after fumbling her way through the line of other gatherers and finds a plate thrust into her hands by eager cooks. "What'll you have, little missy?" the ruddy-faced gentleman asks her, and she stammers heartily in her unsure way. "I... I don't even know what part to ask for," she tells them, helplessly glancing at her fellow candidate. Help?
Edani does notice both the waving and the cup-waving, although his attention is sorely enticed by all the pretty flower-clad girls about. He's managing not to gawk, as Northern manners also dictate, but it's not easy. He arrives in Nolee's general vicinity and as politely as a 15 turn old can, he asks, "Anyone need a refill?" He hold the pitcher aloft, so the pinkish-looking stuff can be viewed.
"Because it's th'woman's /job/," Fadra sighs in exasperation at Javeri, "while it's pretty clear we're supposed t'be servin' ourselves fer th'most part," she says, gesturing grandly to the serving tables. Sulizath's rider is quite clearly more observant than most people give her credit for, even with a few drinks under her belt. "Stop lookin' so uncomfortable - part o'bein' a rider, if'n y'Impress, is pretendin' you're at ease." She pauses, thinks about that, then adds, "I nay e'er claimed t'be a good example."
"Oh! Harpers?" is in reaction to Niala's words and, if Sunni's hands were free, she'd probably be clapping. Instead, she settles on tapping a foot to some unheard beat. "That will be fun," she decides, canting a curious look to the other young woman. That look grows a bit sharper and more appraising as she wonders, "Or ... do you not care for dancing much?" Inquiring minds and all that.
Upon spotting the small burst of activity, Jakkal steps up with a silent offer to help with the glows and torches, evident by his helping a short woman to get one glow hanging off of the lowest branch of a nearby tree.
"I do, I do!" Never mind that it's a first-fill with a 're' later, Nolee holds out her cup. "Jays, thanks. I'm positively parched!" With the sun setting, Nolee realizes Fayre's indeed correct, and when even Balinne the restrained goes for food, she looks that way thoughtfully even as Edani offers a drink. "D'you get to eat after the rest? Or do you have to wait and eat back at the weyr?" Clearly, the Headwoman's jurisdiction is one within which the Weyrwoman herself does not stray. "Cause I could get you something, on account of you being so nice in filling my drink and all."
"Really? Always? I mean people have to pretend to be something they are not? I thought that was wrong?" Javeri is fascinated by the topic even if she should be finding her own way to food. Instead she seems to be continuing to lurk near the brownrider even as she heads for the food table. "My granny says we shouldn't ever pretend to be something we're not." Her wise granny. "You're probably a good example of something," she says under her breath so likely she does not mean a good example of anything good. Craning her neck around she tries to find the woman with the drinks. Probably wishing she could have several of whatever the woman has on her tray.
X'lar spots Fadra and Javeri, brows furrowing some as the Istan teen listens to what he can, being a distance away from them. "Don't hurt Bali and I's candidates, Fadra," Xie offers to the brownrider in amusement. "We already had one bruise their knee during the hunt days ago." He takes a look around, smiling happily at the food and people, nodding in appreciation before finishing off his first plate of the porcine. /Now/ he goes to the buffet. A sudden gasp is heard from a nearby rider when X'lar actually decides to take some of the salad and put it on his plate.
Niala grins one of her nervous grins. "I can't really say that I don't like dancing, because I've never really learned how to dance." Her face tells all, however. The thought of dancing makes her very uncomfortable. "Did you do a lot of dancing back at your hold?" More inquiring minds, as Niala takes a long sip of her wine and finishes the last of the fruit on her plate.
"Oh, well, then. That is easily remedied, if we can find a few others willing to oblige us," so thinks Sunniva, who returns Niala's nervous grin with a cheerful one. "We did dance quite a bit at the hold, but usually only those fancy sorts of dances. Our father rather liked his gathers and parties." Her smile falters only briefly before she excuses herself for the few moments needed to exchange water for something a bit more fortified -- some fruity sort of drink or another.
Edani pours slowly, if not skillfully, managing not to spill. "Welcome. Don't know what's in this stuff, even though it's is a pretty color, it smells rather horrible to me," he warns the Weyrwoman. His shrug is in answer to her question, "Probably eat at the Hold, later." He moves off towards Niala and Sunniva. "Drink?" Again the pitcher is offered.
Fadra scoffs a quiet laugh, taking a small amount on a plate as she says, "Yeah, well, yer granny's nay always right. Tis situational, I suppose. Like now --" she cuts off, her brows shooting up at X'lar's approach and subsequent remarks, before she barks back, "Y'wouldn't have her if'n 'twasn't fer me, I'll do as I please. Unless you're going t'come stop me, that is." Is she smiling? Maybe. But don't tell. Anyways, all evidence is wiped when she returns her attention to Javeri. "Like now, I have t'pretend t'be social and like I'm here fer th'company and nay just th'free food and alcohol."
Ooo! Drink refills! Niala holds out her glass with a big smile on her face. "Oh yes please." A confused look passes over her face. "Excuse me, I don't remember your name. I'm terribly sorry." A small blush as she pushes her plate away. "I'm going to need something to drink if I'm actually going to learn how to dance." She barks out a nervous laugh and looks around for the harpers.
X'lar hears the tail end of Sunniva and Niala's conversation from the buffet table as he nibbles at the salad. "Oh, I think we won't be the ones dancing, Niala," X'lar calls out informatively, grinning conspiratorially. "/They/ will be the ones dancing from what I heard from Harper Kalimara." At hearing Fadra, Xie can only grin in response. "Riiiight," he offers to the brownrider.
Nolee regards the offered beverage suspiciously, sniffing the container and holding it out from herself uncertainly, though she offers polite thanks before cutting in line the same way as Fayre, via the advantages of rank. She comments between bites of fruit kabob to indecisive Idraila, "The most moist part is about there," a vague gesture toward the middle slices and then helpfully toward the legs, "But there's good flavor in those bits, too."
Getting no help from either direction, Idraila returns her gaze to the silently waiting cook and replies, "Um. Could you just... please, um... just some of the haunch." There, decision made. She holds out her plate for that selection of pork and then scampers off, meandering through the happily chatting crowd. After a few minutes of mingling without any taste of conversation, she migrates back to the faces that are more familiar. Slowly, she infiltrates the edges of the circle that X'lar, Niala, Sunniva and Edani make.
Jakkal finishes helping with the glows and torches before retreating to lean against a tree. He lets his gaze wander about the area, slipping the left side of his curtain of hair behind that ear. He glances at the food table thoughtfully, but only for a moment before he diverts his gaze, looking mildly ill.
The candidate is in mid-sip when Edani makes an appearance and Sunniva's quick to swallow -- which prompts a brief coughing fit when it all goes down the wrong pipe as a result of her haste to be polite. She turns away until it's out of her system, managing to say, "Oh! I am sorry. What is it?" while she tries to catch her breath again. Of course, the angle allows her to give X'lar a curious look and a muted, "Oh?"
"My granny is always smart," Javeri says firmly as she takes a plate and looks at the selection of food. She, unlike some of the other candidates, is quite happy to see the raw fish and takes a nice selection to put on her plate. X'lar's words and Fadra's response does have her looking more nervous, but she doesn't seem to have a polite out for the conversation so just hangs in as best she can. "But if people know you don't they know you just want the food and drink? Why pretend to be social if it's not what you want to do? I get acting the way people expect you to or being polite, but...I guess I don't know why if everyone knows you're grumpy they wouldn't figure you were just here for food anyway?" A covert look around shows her no easy diversion she piles fruit on her plate by her fish.
In the company of someone perhaps more uncomfortable as he is, Edani visibly relaxes. "It's Edani, Ma'am," he replies to Niala as he refills her cup, "From over t'the Hold." A concerned glance is given to Sunniva and waits for her coughing fit to end before answering, with an uninformed shrug, "Better take a small taste of it first, I dunno what they added to it. Might make ya dance kinda funny." One side of his mouth curves a tiny bit as he pours hers.
Niala looks confused, though moderately relieved at X'lar's comments. "They will be doing the dancing? But I thought harpers sang, played instruments, and taught small children." Through her relief, she definitely intrigued and she smiles at Edani. "Oh, I'm not a ma'am. Just a candidate. I'm Niala, from Keroon originally, but I've been living here for awhile." A worried glance is given to Jakkal and Sunniva. She reaches out to pat Sunniva's back, but withdraws her hand as the coughing fit ends. All of her attention, for the moment, is given to Jakkal. "You doing alright, you're looking a little green?"
The sun having set seems to heralds a procession of Harpers that arrive in the jungle clearing with sticks and drums. All but two of the harpers gather with their drums in a corner while the remaining two begin lighting the ends of their sticks. Soon the rhythmic drumming commences and the two Harpers with their fire-lit sticks begin showing off their skill in fire-dancing to the spectacular thumping rhythm of the drumming behind them. Considering how dark it is (even with the bonfire in the centre and glows around the perimetre), their sticks are a blur of bright fiery light as they are flicked back and forth, thrown up and caught.
Sunniva downs the rest of her glass without incident, then offers it to be filled. "Oh, well ... I suppose I could be adventurous." It can't hurt, right? Not much, anyway. "It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Edani," she states, smiling warmly. "I am Sunniva." And Idraila's presence is noted with a widening of her smile and a cheerful, "Oh! There you are, Idraila. Have you tried the porcine?"
"I nay said she wasn't smart," Fadra indulges, "but she's wrong in this particular matter. E'eryone pretends. It's human nature. Dragons are honest about themselves. They're the only creatures who are. If'n y'Impress, for example...y'may be called upon t'do things you're nay normally used t'doing. I grew up around sailors and on boats, and fer turns I had t'pretend t'be diplomatic and curb m'tongue. Pretend. Perception is reality, is all."
Jakkal shakes his head slightly at Niala's concern, his lips pressed into a tight line. When the Harpers arrive he takes the excuse to sit on a rock near the tree, his attention no longer on the festivities.
Plate in hand, Nolee finds a seat on the sidelines among a few members of her wing - a pregnant greenrider, a brownrider with his arm in a sling, and an elderly goldrider, where they admire the festivities and cheer the fire-dancers while cleaning their plates and gossiping about the weyr at large.
Idraila lifts her plate as evidence that she has, indeed, tried the spiced meat, her smile perking up a bit as she's recognized. "It's very good," she offers a gentle opinion, as her fingers, slicked with grease, are poised above the plate, ready to grab her another bite of said meat. Pleasant smile is passed across to everyone in their little group, but the expression dims when she sees the trouble Jakkal's having. "Oh," she mutters, looking around, unsure of what to do since Niala's taken things into her control. "Is he okay?" she asks, voice heavy with concern when he goes over to sit on that rock.
Edani hands Sunniva's cup back to her with a murmured, "Mayhap it won't hurt tonight, but tomorrow morning it might?" He eyes the lowered level in the pitcher. Not yet empty. He smiles to both girls shyly. "Congratulations on being Searched. Nice to meet you. Niala. Sunniva." Likely committing the names to memory. He's being watched by the boss, so he steps away reluctantly.
"Do try it with a piece of apple," Sunniva suggests brightly to Idraila, "it is /delightful/." Much like everything else, it would seem. The cup is taken back happily and she inclines her head to Edani with a musing, "Mayhap so." But she doesn't seem too concerned when she takes a swig. "Thank you!" is paired with a waggle of fingers in farewell when Edani moves away. Her attention is pulled toward Jakkal when the others seem to, her forehead creasing as well. "I am sure he will be alright," she supposes, shoulders rising and falling helplessly.
Jakkal spots one of the younger boys with a Candidate knot making a quick escape from the group. If he didn't spend so much time hunting things or working with animals that can really hurt you if you don't pay attention, he may have missed it, but as it is, he gets slowly to his feet and jogs after him. "Mind some company?" The trees help to subdue his question slightly, though most likely anyone paying attention on that side of the party has heard his question as he takes the chance to return to the Weyr.
There's a number of oohs and ahhs from the younger kids gathered near the fire-dancing Harpers. An auntie tells them to scoot back. "If you don't," she calls out crankily, "You'll have no more eyebrows!" The older woman's words have enough of an effect that there's a quick move back a few feet from the wide-eyed kids.
Almost as soon as Niala asks X'lar about the dancing harpers, the harpers appear. Fancy that! She watches the fire dance, mesmorized by the flaming blurs. With a shake of her head, she breaks the fire's spell on her. "Hmm, reminds me of one of the eggs. The one that looks like an eye. That color..." she gestures to the firedancers as she smiles and waves at Edani, taking a sip of her drink. "Oy! That's strong." Doesn't stop her from drinking though. Idraila gets a grim smile. "Hi Idraila." She leans in. "I'll go over to him. Don't like the way he's looking." But he's gone before she can leave. Looking after him. "You're right Sunni, I'm sure he'll be fine."
Perhaps Balinne heard. A hand creeps to her forehead and she murmurs, 'eyebrows' under her breath. However, despite such risks, she can't help but creep a little closer to the performers, risking singed hair and an eyebrowless existance for the chance of a better look.
"Huh. You were a sailor? That's neat. I couldn't do that. I get seasick." She just associates with sailors does Javeri. All proper like and everything of course. "Oh, wow! I should have known! That would so explain the grumpy behavior. I still think we should do our best to act like we are and not hide behind a, you know, fake face. There's a word. Facade? Maybe? Oh, well." As she picks up a slice of bread she frowns at it. "So, I just wonder- Nevermind." Whatever she wonders Fadra is clearly not the person she wants to ask. Maybe she's wising up!
X'lar seems to have found himself a place to sit down and watch the fire dance from the Harpers, tapping his slippered foot in time with the rapid beat of the drums being played. For the moment, there're no comments from him about the festivities. But, he does happen to take a look toward the candidates from time to time, checking up on them.
Idraila's eyes trail after the leaving candidate, but they don't follow too far before she gives up with a reluctant shrug and digs into her pork again, chewing with relish. Meanwhile, her eyes, like everyone else's, travel to watch the Harpers and their fiery dancing. "Maybe they should train candidates to do that," she suggests with a wry note in her voice, her smile taking on a definite smirky quality, though it's hidden somewhat by her eating. "That way we'd get used to the heat that will eventually be coming out of our dragon's mouths. Or I'm sure they could find another reason." Bitterness? None. Her tone remains even, if dry.
Fadra makes a face. "More or less - m'father was a Master with th'Fishers. I got searched 'fore they could properly apprentice me t'somewhere more ladylike. Like...th'weavers. Or sommat." She shrugs, a half-committed gesture that hitches only one shoulder. She's finished her second servings of alcohol, and is picking patiently at her plate to pop select pieces in her mouth. "Fake's as necessary as real." Then, at Javeri's deterred question, the brownrider says, "Y'wonder?"
Blinking at the fire, Sunniva's forced to agree with Niala with a distracted -- nay, briefly enthralled -- "Doesn't it? Or that other one, perhaps? There are two that are rather similarly coloured." Well, more than two, but two that resemble that particular hue. With a shake of her head, she adds, "But we can check on him after, just to be sure." Her attention flicks to Idraila, brows lifted before settling into a semblence of politeness. "It would be exciting just to learn, with reason or not, I should think."
Edani heads back towards the drink casks, nearly-empty pitcher in hand. He makes a wide berth of the fire-dancers, stepping over and around kids sitting on the ground. "Scuse me, scuse me...no, I think you don't really want any of this stuff," he answers one little girl who's eyeing that pinkish liquid. "Lemme get you some of the red punch." But alas, when he reaches the drink table, it is just in time to be sent off with an empty cask that needs refilling. He shoulders it and heads off down the trail.
With one last flourish of the fire-lit sticks by the dancing harpers, the drummers suddenly stop. The harpers douse their sticks and put them aside, replaced with two pieces of rope with small glows attached to them. With an alarming speed, the musicians start beating out a rhythm on the drums while the dancers begin creating an amazing display of skill at making brilliant designs with the glows spun this way and that. In the middle of this second rhythm, one harper manages to weave her pair of glows about to mimic the sight of a flower. The other Harper spins her pair of glows around fast before tossing it up in the air and catching it.
"Don't wonder anything I need an answer to now," Javeri assures with a smile. "I know you don't want to talk to me. I'm not sure why you are at all. Unless it's to keep someone more odious away from you?" Now she looks around once more like there might be some smelly, drooling giant of a person lurking about waiting to waylay Fadra. "I'm hardly going to keep that sort at bay." In her mind she's clearly imaging such a drooler just waiting to shove past her.
Niala grins. "Might be fun to do on runnerback, though the runners might spook." Another glance for the fire dancers, the light from the fire reflecting in her honey colored eyes. "I'd take this up, in a heartbeat. Don't know how good I'd be at it..." Oops another show! Niala is equally enthralled by this one as well. "I'd take that up too, might be safer than the firesticks. Wonder how long they spent training for this event?"
X'lar's eyes widen as the sticks are doused and the ropes with glows on them are suddenly swung around and around. "Shells," X'lar replies, stunned. However, at Idraila's remark, Xie can only laugh and reply, "Like shells, Idraila. We'd have dozens of candidates burned to a crisp if they taught you how to do that!" He looks to Niala and comments, "This event in specific? Since Lieryth's eggs were on the sand and I became a coordinator of you guys."
Fadra makes a distasteful sound, followed by a distasteful word. "Hardly. If'n I had anyone else out there t'bother me, I'd certainly be takin' care o'it better'n talkin' t'some Candidate." She rolls her eyes and moves back to the serving tables, directing a larger amount be put on the plate, which she carefully covers with a second plate before tipping her head at Javeri. It's to suffice as a farewell; she'll leave Javeri to the imaginary slavering stalker.