Ista Weyr Log: Essieth and Ulfianth's Hatching, March 2005 (pt2)

May 11, 2015 15:12

Ista Hatching, March 2005 - cont'd

Hatching Sands - part 2(#1296RJqs$)

Brash Unpolished Bronze Hatchling nears Lilias just as her concentration wanders and the dragon stumbles. One bronzed talon reaches out instinctively to find balance and rips into the candidate, tearing her robe and sinking sharp nails into soft skin. As the bronze befouls and struggles to right himself the falls back, possibly pulling the girl with him before he's able to get himself free. Taking a moment to center himself once more, the dragon rolls back upright and then trudges onwards, once more gaining speed as he nears the next patch of possible lifemates.

Fadra exhales a little, a nervous laugh escaping her lips. "Bronze," she says to her friend. "Y'can worry about that." Then she looks worried, "Oh, he could maul, yer right." Great, more to worry about.

Jh'or swings back around to where M'rek and Shimshon stand, a pause in the weyrling herding action. He chuckles as Shimshon's moved a bit behind the bronzerider, "Y'know, we could find you a rock to hide behind if you want Shim?" a twinkle in his eye as the greenrider wipes the sweat from his forehead with the back of his hand.

Jillah looks like she's about to lose the meal she didn't really get to eat, "Lil! Lilias! Shards!" She swings in the direction of the other Red Sands person, and looks like she might go flying off to see what the damage is."

Dairyn seems fairly absorbed into the whole thing as he plays around with the sleeves of the badly-designed robes, though he does take a fair breath as the Bronze approaches Lilias before it moves off again. Is that even possible? Not that he knows that much about it, as he goes back to conversation between them all. "...Don't worry, I can play Dragonpoker later and win back all your marks." For himself, but that goes unsaid of course.

Fearless Foothills Brown pauses in his rampage, slowing the charge to find that elusive lure that's pulled him in a merry chase. The russet muzzle dips closer to a petite sailor with hazel eyes and he claims her as his own, binding them together.

M'rek glances over his shoulder at Jh'or and then Shim and chuckles. "I suppose this is as safe a spot as any for the moment. No angry Weyrleaders or Lord Holders around and the dragons are too new to have a beef with me yet." As if, given time, they're likely to find some reason for it. He looks back in time to see a dragon maul one of the candidates and he whistles, "Shards."

Lilias's attention is back on the hatching, it's hard not to be, and her instinctive scream quickly turns to a gurgle as she's dragged forwards and hits the sands. The dragon quickly frees himself, but she doesn't move more than a twitch.

Balinne shrieks and a hand flys over her mouth as she sees the bronze go down. "Oh! Is she OK?" she asks in a hurry, resisting the urge to rush over. She's all nervouse glances and fretting now, nibbling on her nails. "Oh Faranth, we'd better dodge away if he comes towards us."

Kylia gasps at the sudden mauling, her eyes widening. Essieth lets out a soft croon of concern, though her eyes are on the bronze not the fallen candidate. He of course doesn't seem to be too concerned and the gold's attention quickly shifts to the brown who has chosen his mate. "Shells," Kylia mutters. "Do we have a healer somewhere close?"

Fadra looks like she was hit in the back of the head. Slowly she looks from the bronze to the brown at her feet. "Uh," she says, lacking any eloquence. "Sulizath. You- Me- I- OH! Sulizath!" Fadra ignores all else and throws her arms around her brown's neck. Hers!

Lirit's eyes flick toward the Left Too Long Egg, her attention wavering from the dragonets on the Sand. She misses the bronze's stumble, the mauling of Lilias.....but hearing Jillah's cry, her eyes home in on the injured Candidate and she catches herself taking a step forward. Gritting her teeth, she fights her natural instinct to help, internal struggle written in the set of her shoulders and rigid stance. "Crackdust" she exhales.

Jasia turns at Jillah's remark, and her eyes widen some when Lilias is noted. Others may resist, but she stalks towards the girl, crouching down once she's close enough to offer a hand. "You're not bleeding, are you? Wouldn't want you to die out here and what not." But though her tone is light, her eyes are dark, and there's a frown creasing her forehead.

Jh'or blows Shimshon a kiss as he's off again to collect weyrlings, "Miss me." he winks, finally catching a look at the gore and wincing, "Phew. Someone didnt zig." he heads towards Fadra and Sulizath.

Shimshon misses Jo's kiss as he spots Lilias go down, "Oh, fardles." He hesitates a moment, not really wanting to get out there, but doesn't have THAT many options, "Right," he tosses to M'rek, missing that comment and Shimshon strides across the sands towards Lilias, "Candidates, just keep your eyes out for yourself right now." Then he mutters, "Candidates. Never doin' this again..." to himself.

Winnit's eyes widen, a real look of panic coming clearly into her features as she watches the other candidate get mowed down. Realization of the serious situation she's in hits her like a brick about the head and she takes a step backward. "Oh..Oh..." That's her intelligent reply for Balinne, dark gaze blinking back tears that just want to come out.

Fadra walks down to the far end of the Cavern.
Fadra has left.
Sulizath walks down to the far end of the Cavern.
Sulizath has left.

Moyra watches Lilias get mauled, and then looks back to the eggs, she glances over to Winnit, "Um, If one heads this way, did you see a rock we could duck behind by chance?" She asks, attpemting to be quiet about it, but failing. Totally.

Jillah bites the heel of her hand til it might bleed with the force of it. It's enough to squeeze a rush of liquid from her eyes, anyway, and the tears with the shimmer of heat from the sands, masks Fadra and Sulizath's departure. She stays where she is, though it's rather hard from the strain portrayed from head to toe.

Lilias appears to still be alive, though her breathing is coming more as a wheeze and a bubble of blood appears and dissappears from her nose with every breath.

Elias bites his lip quickly, but takes Shimson's advice, increasing his wariness, glancing around quickly and watching for any activity in his vincinity, ready to dodge if needed.

Cavernous Sanctuary Egg hasn't given up! One of these heaves will surely free the occupant inside. The egg trembles, the motions turning into spasmodic twitching of epic proportion. Every few shudders the egg will jump an inch or so off the ground and plop back down deeper into the hot black sand that has been it's nest for so long.

A pair of healers hurry onto the sands, collecting Lilias onto a stretcher and ferrying her off the sands in a rush, no doubt off to the infirmary.

Balinne swallows hard as she watches Lilias on the Sands. Fadra's Impression doesn't escape her attention, though, and she offers a congradulatory "Yay!" though her voice is laced with nervous concern. "It'll be OK," she says, squeazing Winnit and Pearl's hands.

Dairyn holds the instinct to run over to Lilias as well because already much more qualified people then him are attending to her, running in that direction, and the last thing they need is one more uppidy hunter thinking he knows more then he does. "Is she okay? Is she dead?" That thought suddenly strikes him, since she's not moving at all. Shells, no one dies on the sands from a scrape like that, you're overreacting. Or is he? Of course he misses the blood bubble, or else he'd be a whole lot concerned then he is right now.

Brash Unpolished Bronze Hatchling rushes past some girls, passing between them and managing not to touch them only from sheer luck. He's not got many turns on him yet, but he's already working on the mileage as he pushes past a lad and sends him sprawling back, unharmed. The sands are studied and yet X never, ever seems to mark the spot and so the bronze rumbles in frustration before pivoting and pausing to look at some of the male candidates. His attention is drawn in and he tries to decide which to approach first. He must choose...wisely.

Members Only Egg gives a few pulsating shudders, a rhythm that is hesitant at first but steadies, matching the thrum of watchful dragons above. Bits of sand that once clung to the shell now break free, falling gently in little spasmic showers.

Lilias heads out towards the entrance. Lilias has left.

Shimshon and a healer, who pops out from the same place the candidates did, take either side of Lilias and gently start to drag her off the sands. A trail of dampness glistens on the black sands, "This is why I'm not a healer," grouses Shimshon, as the healers take over once Lilias is off the sands proper.

Jasia slants a glance up to Shimshon, and her hand remains outstretched to Lilias. When the healers rush forth, though, she rises and steps back -- and suddenly finds herself with no one to hide behind. Well, isn't this a pretty mess.

Cavernous Sanctuary Egg gives a final shimmy and shake, shell crumpling about it's occupant, leaving the Vivacious Verdant Spring Green Hatchling with a trail of egg goo and shards in a crown looped about her headknobs. With a little shake from muzzle to tail, the hatchling takes her first steps, goopy wings unfurling to fan and be embraced by the warmth of the hatching cavern.

Vivacious Verdant Spring Green Hatchling

There is a certain energy, a certain exuberant vitality to some rare shades, colors that naturally draw the eye and elicit an emotional kinship. This dragon's hide is one such; for it appears as though Spring has made her brilliant home here, a bright conglomeration of verdant hues found only in the youngest, liveliest vegetation. Fresh, dark green forms a base of her hide, feathering chest and back in soft streaks only to be overlaid with playful, intertwining lighter shades to give the subtle appearance of whimsical vines. These wispy images of flora traipse attractively across the whole of her back and around her neck to embrace her in spirals of leaf tones and bright, elusive glimpses of gold-greens. And while that gives the delicate march of her ridges and rounded shoulders a distinctly sunshiney appearance, her underbelly is a deeper, mossier shade, a tumbling of light into dark as of hidden places that rarely see the light of day. Subtle though the change is, that heavy darkness is marked contrast to the general impression of vitality about her, and the angular, almost overlarge exotic nature of her eyes only speaks of vibrant curiosity.

Jillah gathers Lirit in with her free hand, an instinctive protective motion. She shifts slightly as she watches the bronze, but not in any way that would move her in front of the Hunter-Lad.

Lirit forces her self to look away from the the inert Lilias, shaken to the core but finally remembering where she is. Her attention fixes back on the eggs and the dragonet, wary and dead serious. "She'll be alright" she says to herself, repeating it a few times as if that might make it more likely to be true....and then she gets yankes out of the bronze's way before she really has a chance to fully register he was even that close to begin with.

Shimshon pulls out a kerchief to sop the blood off his hands, "Ick," he mutters, returning to M'rek's side. "That's just ... gross."

Winnit turns her wide shining gaze to Moyra, pale lips moving for a moment before she manages to utter an anxious, " rocks. But I know where the stairs are..." She gives a giggle that's not from amusement at all, lifting a hand to cover her mouth as she gives a little hiccup. She leaves her other hand in Balinne's, which might be the only thing keeping her from running away.

Balinne tightens her hold on Pearl, and shimmies closer to the other candidate. "That was scary. Let's make sure to..." but her words die in the crack of an egg. She jumps in surprise, and her eyes fly open as the green graces the sands.

Kylia looks at the blood and turns pale, then faintly green. "Oh, Shim... not people goo." She turns away a bit, sidling closer to Essieth and leaning lightly against her side. "Stop shuffling, Ess, stand still."

Pearl embraces Balinne. "Ohh, so good for Fadra! And so bad for Lilias. Imagine, she can't Impress now. I won't let that happen to you." She refocuses her attention on the newly hatched green. "Oh, what a little /pretty/," she says breathlessly.

Dairyn tries to compose himself after what happened to Lilias not out of nerves, but out of the fact that one of his fellow candidates just got hurt to the point they were carried away on a stretcher. Instinctively, he's a bit more defensive of the two next to him, though obviously more Lirit then Jillah who looks more like she can hold her own. All eyes on the charging Brash Unpolished Bronze, though now it's not so much in curiosity as that interest is layered with deep concern.

Members Only Egg shivers again, strongly, the vibration growing into a wriggle that only serves to nestle it deeper into its spot in the sand. It gives a few little hops, a few faint bounces, as if there is some excitement building from within.

Moyra does glance over to Shimshon as she notes his reactions to all the mess and fuss, and she can't help but laugh a touch. She nods to Winnit as she speaks, and grins at Winnit, "See Shim over there? Going on about how good and strong and tough all the time, and now he is hiding behing M'rek."

Jasia looks at a loss -- but it passes, quickly shuttered away, and she picks her way back to Lirit. "Exciting, isn't this?" she mutters, and there's definite sarcasm dripping from her words.

Elias grimaces at the two uneasily laughing girls, "Might be the smart one of the lot of us." He comments in response to Moyra, glncng about the sands, "Might want to keep your eyes on the hatchlings, and not the stairs. Afterall, running off might get their attention."

The Brash Unpolished Bronze darts from left to right, weaving uncertainly. Then, hunger-red eyes alight on the prize. With a quick thrash of his tail, he thrusts himself forward towards a lad as lanky as himself, to find his one, his only, his chosen.

Shimshon, who's only claimed to be calm, is indeed hiding behind M'rek. "Sorry, Ky, I /could/ just leave the next one on the sands, if you'd like."

Kylia wrinkles her nose up at Shim, craning her head just enough to spot him. "Don't leave them on the sands but also don't bring your icky drippy hands over /here/ either. That's not too much to ask, is it?"

Winnit wets her pale, dry lips with her tongue, letting Moyra distract her with one of their Coordinators. She too looks towards Shimshon, and gives another high pitched little giggle and a hiccup. "Yeah..." She's real articulate and engaging now.

M'rek shakes his head, "Wouldn't want anyone else slipping." So practical. And then he glances to Shimshon, "Citris juice sometimes will get the blood out." From someone with way too much experience with such things. "Say. I think that bronze finally seems to be picking. Maybe that'll settle him down some."

Dairyn suddenly feels his eyes widen against his will, green eyes shining as he gazes into the eyes of the Bronze dragonet. "...You're my Dajianth!" The Hunter-lad suddenly cries out and feels enveloped by the sensation he's never felt before, dropping down onto his knees and catching the newly impressed Bronze hatching.

Balinne seems somewhat reassured by Pearl's statement. She takes a deep gulp of air and moves slightly away--back to her orignial spot. "Oh, he's chosen!" she exclaims, following the bronze with her eyes. And... it's "Dairyn!" she shrieks in hystarical delight. "Oh, it's Dairyn!!"

Vivacious Verdant Spring Green Hatchling gives a quiet croon with a hint of squeak at it's start as tail is drawn up out of egg-goo and head is given a shake to try to unsuccessfully rid herself of the crown of shards stuck about her head-knobs. My, but this is a new place isn't it! Eyes begin to whirl steadily faster as she swivels her head about to regard the other eggs, the other hatchlings, the pink things garbed in white scattered about the sands. She sits there a few moments, taking it all in before she pushes herself up with a bit of a lively wiggle, wings give a little flutter and then she's off to test out these new digits of hers, beginning to toddle slowly across the dark sands.

Jillah sighs, as the steady place holder next to her drops like a rock, an adoring rock at that. "Shards. Guess it's you and me on my cuz' boat after, Lirit..."

Lirit takes a moment to compose herself, watching the rushing bronze. Her eyes flick toward Jillah, a subtle hint of gratitude. And to Jasia, she murmurs "Aye. Excitement." Her deathly serious expression speaks more of guarded wariness than anything close to excitement. The expression she might use on the deck of a ship in a storm after the main mast has cracked.....

Pearl tries to clap, but still has her hand on Balinne's shoulder, so waves vigorously. "And here I thought he was scaring the dragons!" she squeals. "Can you imagine? Dairyn, riding bronze...Err, I mean D'ryn, right?"

Members Only Egg continues its dance, a series of shimmies and wiggles, hops and bounces. A fine mesh of cracks spreads along the shell, mingling over the smooth surface. It still remains intact, though, likely to the frustration of its occupant.

The illuminance of the Rainbow Cavern Egg is enhanced briefly, the beast within strugging to be free. The browns and ambers of the shell shudder, and begin to flake off. Glittering peices fall to sparkle among the sands, and soon, a glistening young blue joins them. He whines pittifully, untangling his limbs slowly. Finally on his feet, he stumbles unerringly for a small, dark haired boy. "Oh Veraneth!" Gerbon, now G'ron cries, falling to his knees next to his new lifemate.

D'ryn suddenly feels his eyes widen against his will, green eyes shining as he gazes into the eyes of the Bronze dragonet. "...You're my Dajianth!" The Hunter-lad suddenly cries out and feels enveloped by the sensation he's never felt before, dropping down onto his knees and catching the newly impressed Bronze hatching.

Shimshon fehs at Kylia, holding up stained but 'clean' hands, "I haven't the foggiest how you get blood out of the sands, though..."

Jh'or swings back around to see the blood and sand and goo covered bronze selecting a lifemate. He scuttles over that way, keeping a bit of distance from the claws of doom, "C'mon there tough guys. Over this way for food and oil and a bit of cleaning up." he tries to herd Dajianth and D'ryn towards the corner.

Jasia looks towards Dairyn, and there's blatant disblief on her face. "Oh, wonderful. Now who'm I supposed to hide behind?" She doesn't seem entirely happy with matters as they stand, but nonetheless, she does offer D'ryn a ghost of a grin.

Moyra grins to Winnit as she sees the Bronze make his choice, "Well, won a few marks there I'd say, breaking even now." She notes to the Bitran. She grins, "Yourself?" She asks, stepping a touch more lively on the sands as she watches the hatchlings move about.

D'ryn walks down to the far end of the Cavern. D'ryn has left.

Jillah waves her suddenly unoccupied hand in a shooing motion behind her. Maybe it's in Jasia's direction, a subtle offer to be her point person.

Sleek Six-Fingered Sadist Egg has been placed atop a shallow mound, not too far from the recently hatched Members Only egg. Still and silent it sits, biding it's time.

Pearl shakes her head. "I just can't get a hang of this honorific stuff. Good thing girls don't have to deal with it." She leans on Balinne's shoulder, suddenly drooping. "I haven't any nervous energy anymore," she complains. "That's almost preferable."

Balinne is all grins and squeals at the moment. "Oh! I'm so happy for him!" she exclaims to Pearl, reaching out to hug the cook with one arm. She squeazes Winnit with the other.

Winnit turns her head to see D'ryn and his new lifemate as Balinne shrieks about it and Moyra speaks of winning bets. "What? Me? No..No, I didn't... I mean..Only on the color spread..." But now there's a new dragon covered in goo. Its just too much for her to take at the moment, so she squeezes her eyes closed, repeating a quiet mantra to herself under her breath to calm down, and hopefully stop the hiccuping.

Jasia simply looks blankly at Jillah, eyebrows quirked, but eventually decides to take what she can and slides to a position behind the girl. "Thanks," she murmurs beneath her breath, and then that keen gaze moves to study the sands.

Shimshon watches D'ryn head off, "Bronze. Somehow that figures." He shakes his head. "M'rek, are you one of those sort who bets on this stuff?"

Vivacious Verdant Spring Green Hatchling begins her search, her plodding path bringing her winding through those eggs that are still unhatched. Curiosity causes her eyes to swirl even more quickly than before. This is -exciting-! It's a fun new game! Snaking her neck to one side of one of the larger eggs, she peeks out at a trio of candidates standing many feet away, then with a bugle she tromps out from behind it, over to examine the lot with great enthusiasm before moving on, finding little of interest amongst them, evidently.

Lirit, despite her wariness, cocks a half smile as D'ryn leaves the Sands with his new lifemate. "Good huntin', lad" she muses after her friend before the smile fades and her attention goes back to the....excitement....of the Hatching.

The Member's Only Egg sways in long slow motions, rocking to the rhythm of its inmate. Finally it sways too far, tipping past its center of balance and tumbling down from its cozy little mound. End over end it rolls across the sand, caught in its own momentum, chunks and shards of shell breaking away along the journey. Finally there is nothing but a brown hatchling sitting in an uncomfortable jumble of limbs and wings, sand sticking all over him.

Blithe Arboreal Brown Hatchling

Umber striates the dark brown hide of this dragon like roots stretching through soft soil. The understated variation of hue between walnut and mahogany, thickly brindled along his shoulders and haunches, meanders towards the dark shadows of his belly. His head is broad with a small blunt snout and wide-set eyes that are large and rounded, proclaiming innocence without guile. Neckridges march in a neat row, almost tawny as if permanently sun-scorched. His wide pinions are mottled with an array of subtle earthen colors like drying leaves on a forest floor where the sunlight comes streaming, dappled, through the canopy. His wingspars have the thin grace of branches in a breeze. As if caught in perpetual youth, his build is lean and lanky, but sculpted. There is nothing burly or brawny about him, just quick sinew and tendons. Long limbs have an easy energy, giving his demeanor a ready, eager quality

M'rek laughs and nods to Shimshon without taking his eyes from the emerging brown, "Aye. That I am. Won a bundle on the number of eggs, even if Ulfianth wouldn't even try to make a guess on it. Did you bet anything, Shim?"

Jillah does one of those huge, breath-intaking sighs. It's not the green, though she's beautiful and would be worthy of Harper odes, it's the brown that has her attention. "Lir, Jasia...look at that lad. Isn't he the most beautiful thing you've seen since since...since Fall ended?"

Pearl practically swoons with delight as another brown enters the world. "Look, 'Linne, another brown! He's so /dark/, not like that other one." She's totally entranced, and proceeds to ignore the green in favor of the new arrival, keeping a firm grip on Balinne's shoulder.

When the Unearthed Gemstone Egg finally cracks open it reveals that the inside curve of the shell is actually even more spectacular than the outer portion was. All the richness of polished jewel tones is also reflected in the hide of the freed green hatchling. Precious moments are spent in preening away bits and flecks of eggshell before the nearest line of white-robed candidates is given a first, cursory inspection. Rashundra, a native of Ista Weyr, isn't even looking the green's way when the dragon lowers her head and bumps into the girl, causing bright laughter from the girl. The noise of merriment gains an even more ecstatic echo as the impression is formed and Rashundra shares the dragon's name - Beilth - as well as her desire to be fed.

Balinne's attention drifts away from D'ryn as he and his bronze disappear from view. Turning back, she's met with the sight of a hatching brown. "Oh! See, I said it'd be fast, didn't I?" she says towards Pearl, a broad grin on her face. "Yea, he is pretty, isn't he?" she replys to Pearl, the cooks enthusiasm only adding to her own. "What do you think, Winnit?"

Lirit's eyes regard the approaching green and she visibly tenses....and then the green moves to a safer distance and her eyes flick to the new dragonet on the Sands...and another. Brown and green....both beautiful.

Vivacious Verdant Spring Green Hatchling trundles along past clumps of candidates, some of them shying away while others watch the playful green frolic her way along. She seems unworried by the first few examinations not producing fruitful results. There's time yet. What she's looking for will be found. She passes over another pair of candidates before she heads past a group of white-robed figures and suddenly stops, lifting her muzzle, her bejeweled eyes beginning to whirl still faster and faster as she swings about to regard that bunch once more. There! How could she have missed her!

Moyra grins as she sees the green that comes out of the gemstone egg, "Oh, thats a pretty one, went well with the egg she was in." She notes as Rashundra is led off, and she looks back to Winnit, "Holding up ok?" She asks both her, and her other friends nearby.

Shimshon waves a hand at M'rek, watching Rashundra impress, "Made a policy never to bet on dragons. They're too erratic. Did you think that one'd impress?" He gestures at a skinny boy from Nabol.

Jasia turns to examine the brown, attention directed by Jillah. "Lovely, yes," she agrees absently, and then observes, "There's been a sharding lot of browns out here, hasn't there?"

Winnit's eyes blink open a bit sluggishly at her name, "What? Oh. Yes." It's painfully obvious to anyone that she has no idea what the question was in regards to. Still, she seems sort of calmer now. "Yeah, I think so..." is her return to Moyra.

Pearl's stomach is in her throat and her heart in her feet as she watches the brown's progress. "Oh, look 'Linne, the green's made a choice! Who d'you think....?"

Jh'or isnt still for long as another green weyrling pair impress and need herding off towards food and oil, "C'mon cutiepies." he chimes to the girl and her green.

Blithe Arboreal Brown Hatchling lets out an indignant creel as he finds himself a tangled lump on the sands. He tries to step out of the predicament, but only manages to catch a foot on his wing and tumble over again. He's rather sandy at this point, the dark grains sticking to his slick hide. At length he concentrates and slowly manages to get each limb in the right place. Time to try this walking thing again.

Kylia arches a brow at that last impression, shaking her head. "You never can tell, can you?" Essieth swings her head a bit to the side to chuff. "Not that it wasn't an excellent choice of course, love."

Balinne shakes her head at Pearl. "Looks like...Rashundra... OH, /that/ green!" she exclaims, catching the second Impression. "I can't see from this distance..."

With the swiftness of one carried on the wings of love, the petite Vivacious Verdant Spring Green finds herself arrived before the perfect choice. With a soft croon, she moves to nuzzle the stomach of a Bitran girl with brown hair, not quite so dainty as she herself is. Mine.

Jillah slaps one foot on top of the other, an anchor on a restless vessel. Jillah isn't going to go rush off into anything foolish. She smiles wanly as the brown gets his sealegs, and turns her head slightly to watch the green choose her other half. "Oh...OH...Lirit, Jasia! Look at that!"

You have the young dragon: -> :begins to rock, a slowly methodical motion that causes ambers and browns to glint beneath the light. First one way then the other, almost methodical in it's exactness. Then, after a brief pause it begins to jerk harder as if the denizen within is searching for a weak spot. <-

Sleek Six-Fingered Sadist Egg begins to rock, a slowly methodical motion that causes ambers and browns to glint beneath the light. First one way then the other, almost methodical in it's exactness. Then, after a brief pause it begins to jerk harder as if the denizen within is searching for a weak spot.

M'rek nods his head, and then because his mother taught him better than to think that's an answer he tells Shimshon, "I did. But I'm running at only about 20% tonight so far. Hard to tell, but then. That's all the fun of betting on it. The risk."

Winnit's mouth opens, then closes. She lifts one foot up from the sands as if to take a step back, then buts it back down with a confusion of sudden tears, "What do you..." Then timidly, uncertainly, she wonders, "Ivienth? I..I had no idea...I..Oh..I think I'm going to be si.." She covers her mouth with both hands, paleness turning green once more. Fortunately for all, she supresses the urge.

Pearl lights up. "Winnit!" she exclaims, pumping her fist into the air. "I knew she could do it! I knew she could Impress! Huzzah, Winnit!" Her eyes are swimming with held-back tears of delight. "Oh, Balinne, can you believe...Winnit! And Ivienth!"

Shimshon wasn't looking at M'rek, so the verbal reply is appreicated. "20%? You should come with me to Ruatha, M'rek. I'm running close to 60% on the runner races. Better on the sprint, but them's averages for you."

Balinne frowns. "Wait, is she coming /this/ way?" she asks, following the green intense scrutiny. As the green nears them, Balinne's eyes widen, her hands tense and she begins to move away... "It's coming.. OH Winnit!" she exclaims, her jaw dropping. "Winnit, Winnit!" becomes her squealing babble.

Left Too Long Egg flexes, bulging in two opposing spots on the shell. This distortion of the egg's shell only succeeds in making the egg look comically deformed rather than freeing the occupant within. It tries again. And Again. And for a fourth time, but to no avail. It falls quiet.

Jasia, again, allows her focus to be channeled by Jillah, and her head dips as she notes Winnit and the green. "I'd rather thought she would Impress," she says smugly, and her tone is the sort brightened by the promise of marks.

Moyra grins and steps back away from Winnit to give her room, "Congrats..." She says, and moves a touch more to allow the new pair to be led off. She glances over to Balinne and Pearl, "I knew she was going to do well out here. 2 for 3 now on the bets I laid out."

Jillah can cry for joy too, it appears. She watches Winnit and her 'mate, and doesn't even try to wipe the streaming moisture from her face, even if it's leaving clean tracks in the dusty mask that all that sand being kicked up can produce.

The hazy quality of the Oil Slick Egg is enhanced as a hatching tremor causes it to dither in the sands. It's not long before that mirage quality is threaded with cracks and then, finally, lost all together in the emergence of a tenebrous blue hatchling. The young dragon is quick to stumble away from his shards and immediately starts to pace past a throng of candidates who are holding hands. The small grouping of people parts as one of their number, a red head from Nerat, drops to his knees. It's the blue hatchling who rushes to his side and both boy and dragon make noises of recognition before the lad manages to squeak out for the others to hear, "I'm okay, Ladanth. He says my name is K'fal now!"

Lirit follows Jillah's gesture to see yet another friend Impress. She finds herself smiling that vague hint of a smile again, but this time it lingers, wariness fading just a little....and then, almost by instinct, her attention goes entirely on the Left Too Long Egg. It moved?

Kylia frowns over at M'rek and Shim. "Betting on hatchings is really a waste of marks. 'Sides, it must be like, bad luck or something for the clutchsire to do it. No one's going to believe you didn't have inside knowledge." She's interuppted by the blue going to the Neratian and she gives a little whoop and claps her hands together. "I knew it!" Blink, blush, ahem. "You can't help but at least place one little bet though... right?"

Pearl narrows her eyes at Moyra. "Don't tell me you bet on me or 'Linne, Moyra!" she exhales as the girl closes the gap Winnit left. She puts her free hand to her forehead. "It'd make me feel /strange/ to be bet on. To think someone's money's riding on my fate."

Blithe Arboreal Brown Hatchling takes a few uneasy steps but quickly steadies himself and, once that's done, pauses to glance around. As he fans his wings, he looks almost as though he's applauding the whole production. And he might be! He certainly seems delighted by the everything. The fanning sends heedless sprays of sand at the nearby candidates. Oh! Candidates! He's got to get closer to those. Off he sets at a perky pace, ready to explore.

Shimshon smirks at Kylia, "Uh /huh/. I admit, I /did/ bet on the number of maulings..." Hard to say if he's joking here.

M'rek whistles as an impression is made and then he crosses his arms over his chest, "That much? I'll be sure to tag along with you, Shim, next time you hit the track. Just give me a yell via the watchrider and I'll head down your way." He chuckles at Kylia, "Aye. It very well might be a waste, but it's a fun waste. Is it bad luck? I couldn't have any worse luck lately. Maybe it'll cancel out my other bad luck and reverse the trend or something."

Winnit walks down to the far end of the Cavern. Winnit has left.

Balinne giggles hystarically, tickled from head to toe with joy. "Oh, Winnit!" she says just once more before Pearl claims her attention. She beams widely at the other girl. "Oh, it's just in fun. I'm sure Moyra won't be /mad/ at you if she /did/ bet on you and you didn't Impress. Right, Moyra?"

A sudden shattering that sends the blackened shell rolling off in three different directions disrupts the fertile landscape of the Bubbling Aquifer Egg. What's left in the egg's place is an elegant green hatchling, a young female resplendent with all the fresh shades of spring's new growth. Several candidates look more alive as the hatchling peers into each of their faces in turn, but she moves on. Ebon sands mire the little dragon's steps and cause her to stumble and sprawl out at the feet of a gentle tempered boy from distant Seminole Hold. The boy watches anxiously as the green rights herself and then he reaches out and, lovingly, brushes black grains from her muzzle, "It's all right, Isrieth. I'm not embarrassed, I love you."

Ivienth walks down to the far end of the Cavern.
Ivienth has left.

Jh'or is kept busy, back and forth and back and forth to the corner of the sands and back again ferrying weyrlings and dragonets.

Left Too Long Egg tries a rocking motion, the inhabitant not willing to give up trying to free itself. Somehow, this doesn't seem to do much except displace a little sand. So it starts rocking harder. Harder. So hard that it rolls out of its sand nest into the next depression amid bits of broken egg shell and goo of one of its brethren's recent hatching.

Jillah reaches back with a flailing hand, as if she's trying to make contact with Jasia's arm, or something else that will give her a hold, in preparation for possibly towing the cynic into a more camaraderie-like position next to her.

Lirit's hand goes to her mouth, all else forgotten but the motion of the Left Too Long Eggs. "C' can do it...." she whispers so low that only those within arm's reach can hear.

Balinne shifts her position. Lifting a leg, she rubs at her ankle gently. "Ugh, this is getting hard on me. I want to sit so badly!" As another egg shifts, she's drawn to it, and grins. "It's Lirit's favorite! The Left Too Long egg! Wonder what'll Hatch from it."

Sleek Six-Fingered Sadist Egg shivers, a flake of creamy yellow fluttering to the sand. Or perhaps that glint of light was simply an illusion. Here and there a tracery of lines begins to develop, tiny faint cracks whispering here and there.

Blithe Arboreal Brown Hatchling eyes a few candidates but they aren't right at all. He's certainly not discouraged though! Maybe what he's looking for is over there? In his eagerness he trips again and rolls right back onto his feet in an artless bit of luck that surprises even him. He bugles merrily, not a care in the world - it all worked out after all - and continues on his adventure, kicking sand up as he goes.

Pearl snorts. "I'm too nervous and excited to worry about the heat! My whole body's numb and my heart's a-fluttering! Faranth may care about my feet!" she says stoically, although she is rocking back and forth on her feet. She leans against Balinne weakly.

With a final swift jerk, the Sleek Six-Fingered Sadist egg rolls, hiding that eerie handprint from view and knocking the amber and rust tinted egg from it's perch atop the shallow mound. This seems to be the final straw and it splits neatly in two, the sides falling away to reveal a sleek, angular little brown. So swift is his appearance it's almost like a vision conjured from thin air, though the imperious creel he utters as soon as the air hits his hide is all too real.

Fantastical Flagstone Brown Hatchling

Unmatched flagstones have been masterfully fitted to from a perfect mosaic, sun-warmed browns piled together across the hide of this angular dragon. Chunks of terracotta meet weathered brick along his shallow ribcage, a wash of ever changing reddish rock which ends at muscled legs shaded like a dirt path obscured here and there by a whirl of autumnal leaves. Delicate paws sport razor sharp talons of ebon, echoed in the sepia streaks that sweep out from the edge of each keen eye and up over sharp eyeridges. His pointed muzzle only accentuates this sleek look, a glint of teeth giving him an almost fierce appearance. The remnants of sturdy vines in winter, a duller tone of grey brown, find purchase in aged mortar and wind their gnarled way over the spars of widespread wings, surrounded by the translucent rust of the membranes themselves. Across his high back paler sandstone crumbles with age, leaving uneven neckridges to march sharply down his slender neck before disintegrating into a grainy haze over his long whiplike tail.

Balinne flashes a grin up at Pearl. "I meant.. I'm tired of standing. I hadn't thought about the heat." She brushes dark sand from her ankle and stands straight once more. "Oh! Another! Look, Pearl, Moyra! Another brown!"

Moyra moves a touch closer to Pearl and Balinne, and she grins to Pearl, "No worries, at this rate, won't be much longer one way or the other." She says, keeping a eye out for maruading hatchlings, having no desire to wind up next to the other mauled candidates.

Pearl gasps. "Another brown! So many browns in this clutch! One after another!" She seems to rather like this arrangement. "That one looks like my sister's beast, Kienth. Kinda light brown, he is." She looks anxiously up at the stands. "I hope Ais and Kienth are watching!"

The Coal Seam Egg shudders once, a small ripping running from the top to the inky base. Another shudder, and a small crack appears. Fracturing, that small crack becomes a larger crack, sending pieces of shell raining onto the dark sand beneath. There's a pause; a stillness, and then a ear sliptting pop as a dark green is dumped into the black Istan sand. She's on her feet quickly, though, and after barreling into the tall Tordelan, the delighted sound of "Of course we will, Trebith!" can be heard from T'lan.

Jillah nods, as if she had known it all along, "Brown. Good. The world needs more browns." She glances over at Lirit with one of those soft, indulgent, big-sisterly type smiles that younger siblings come to detest. "Your egg looks about ready to split..."

Jasia starts as Jillah's hand clamps on her arm, and she pulls back to free herself from the hold. "Look, I really do love you, too, but I'd rather stay here. Thanks for the offer." She's tense now, gaze on the other candidate in wait -- but her attention shifts as the Sleek Six-Fingered Sadist egg cracks, and her focus leaves Jillah altogether.

The Left Too Long Egg bounds up a good arm's length and cracks upon hitting the sands. The split slowly hunts its way up to the top of the egg before bursting asunder to reveal hidden beauty within. Remarkably, the tiny Steadfast Sunscorched Blue hatchling is able to flick off bits of egg shell with a twitch or sweep of limb or wing, showing remarkable control for one so young. Lifting his head high, the hatchling calls out longingly, a deep warble of need.

Steadfast Sun-Scorched Blue Hatchling

Ista's brilliant tropical sky dominates this dragon's hide in a brilliant blue that seems to shimmer like the horizon at high noon, the color of sheer atmospheric heat melding into wavering illusion. That midday sun sets along the clean lines of his head and down the smooth swath of his throat and chest, the hue shifting as imperceptibly as the firmament in a subtle change to dusky azure. His intense eyes are rimmed with twilight. The same creeping change of evening wraps the long, sinuous tail, darkening steadily to gloaming's murk at the forked tip. His wingsails show wisps of soft gray-blue, hints of thin cirrus clouds drifting along at some lofty altitude interrupted by the radiant cerulean of his wingspars. Pale, as though the glare of the sun were washing away the color, his neckridges trail along his spine in a neat glinting row. Athleticism is prevalent in the lay of the muscles of his limbs and back, promising an ease and elegance of movement.

Fantastical Flagstone Brown Hatchling stretches his long slender frame, reaching a gawky leg forward and then eyeing the shard of egg clinging to it with venom. That will never do. A quick flick sends it flying and he pulls the rest of himself out of his egg's remains. Sepia framed eyes whirl with a reddish tint and he turns them on the white-clad group before him. Ah, a puzzle to solve is it?

Lirit exhales slowly, seeing the gorgeous blue emerge from that once-so-plain egg...the underestimated egg. And she bursts into tears, grinning ear to ear, hand still covering her face. "I knew it!" she exclaims. "I knew it!"

Pearl looks overwhelmed by all these dragonets popping out, one after another. "Now there's a blue fit for a sailor. Sun and sea." But her attention is directed more towards the browns, perhaps because her sister is a brownrider, perhaps because of personal preference.

Balinne shifts on her toes, peering here and there as fast as she can. "Woo! They're really moving now, aren't they!" she exclaims, her eyes flashing between green, browns, and blue. "Such a gorgeous blue, too!" she agrees, bobbing her head towards Pearl.

Moyra watches her friends, Lirit's vidicated look and Pearls wistfull looks to the Browns and grins as she moves off to the side touch to get a good look at what is happening on the sands other than around her little space.

The Blithe Arboreal Brown Hatchling turns his head up, watching the ledges with curious eyes as he comes to a stop before a tall young woman with dark hair and haze eyes. All of a sudden he notices her and then with a squawky little bugle he -notices- her.

Jillah turns her head long enough to say, "Second watch has to come up on deck after first is done, you know." But she smiles in a genuine way at Jasia, and Lirit's bubbling-over exuberance yanks her attention to the blue, "Lookee there, isn't that a beaut?" She's free with her praise, but those two browns...they divide her attention between them like men dividing a choice roast.

Steadfast Sun-Scorched Blue Hatchling creels insistently, head waving from side to side until the last note falls silent. The blue regards those before him. He takes a step forward, hissing now as if none of those in white are to approach him. He'll have none of it! He takes another step forward and hisses again. Another step forward, avoiding the remnants of another egg as he does. He sways his head again, not hissing but creeling out softly a call to be answered.

Jasia snorts softly, one hand rising to brush at her bangs. "Handymen don't understand sailor-jargon," she replies mildly, and remains staunchly where she is -- behind Jillah, with seemingly no intention of moving forward.

Jillah goes utterly still, and her eyes arrow, sleek-diving down into another pair in a small form before her. And the tears will not be stemmed, or dammed, or forbidden. Her hand falls away from Lirit, Jasia fades into the background, and it's all about the little one before her as she folds up neatly, knees to the sands, arms around the small form, "Qensith? Qensith... QENSITH!" And yes, it is roared out in sheer pleasure, to echo off the walls.

Balinne's eyes were on the blue, but at the cry of a familiar voice, she quickly turns towards the Impressing brown. "Jillah! It's Jillah," she remarks to Pearl in haste, clapping her hands together in delight.

Jh'or heads over to collect Jillah and Qensith, dodging egg shards and goo and candidates, "Yes, Qensith. We caught it." he grins, "C'mon now, food's over this way."

Shimshon winces at Jillah's shout. "Ow," he says mildly, wiggling a finger in one ear, then the other.

Fantastical Flagstone Brown Hatchling sets out across the dark sands, slender tail flicking from side to side in agitation as he scans each candidate with discriminating assessment. He gets too close to a Bitran girl and she takes a step back which seems to amuse him. His tail flicks a chunk of shell her way as he passes - an obstacle to keep her from backing any farther.

Pearl cheers wildly for Jillah. "Good for you, Jillah! And good for you, Qensith, for choosing her." She turns to Balinne. "You can't forget to thank the dragons. Ever. You've got to cheer for both, or they may think they're underappreciated."

Kylia grins as yet another pairing is made and Essieth croons to those still wobbling around the sands. "This really is going well. Other than the mauling at least."

The Hope Springs eternal egg shudders a final time, and the ovoid crumbles apart to reveal a pale-toned blue. For a moment, he simply reclines amidst the fragments of the shell, gaze keen as he studies the sands now and again. Then, with a quiet rumble working in his throat, he heaves to his feet and begins the bothersome process of walking - stumbling, once, as his talons catch his tail, before pausing to consider the humans. His head cants this way and that, and suddenly Leyn moves forward, laughing. "His name is Eldaith!" he announces, and as the dragon croons, he adds more softly, "You can stop that now. My robe isn't really /that/ terrible."

Lirit shakes her head slowly, rubbing the tears from her eyes with the heel of one hand, almost hugging herself with the other.....her attention is so taken with this most lovley of blues that she almost doesn't notice the approaching brown....and then Jillah shouts, pure joy, and Lirit tears her attention away to look in open amazement as her friend meets her new lifemate, not more than a pace or three away across the hot Sands. And then her freshly wiped cheeks are wet with tears again.

Jasia purses her lips as yet another barrier is stolen from her wall, and though she does give Jillah a thin smile, she's more involved with eating her own words and shuffling forward. "Y'know," she muses to Lirit, "I'd really..." Whatever her thought is, it flies straight out the window soon after, and her gaze shifts to latch on Leyn. "Hm. Wouldn't have thought /he'd/ find a dragon."

Steadfast Sun-Scorched Blue Hatchling gives those candidates arrayed before him another careful, appraising look before jumping forward with ease, landing close enough to spray sand on some of the candidates standing closer. A startling action for one so new from the egg. He shifts his head back and forth, watching each moment made by the candidates. He looks at one boy and hisses at him, baring his teeth. No, not that one, clearly. A blonde girl gets hissed at as well. Turning his head up, the blue creels out longingly.

Balinne stands on her tip toes, using her free hand to balance againce Pearl. "I think it's winding down," she notes, looking for unhatched eggs. "I don't see many.. if any, left." This is meant to reassure Pearl, though the cook seems far from her earlier hysterics.

Jillah pulls herself from her daze and shambles off in the indicated direction, a hand ever present on the little brown's head, "Qensith, we have so much to do...we're gonna live large..."

Jillah walks down to the far end of the Cavern.
Jillah has left.
Qensith walks down to the far end of the Cavern.
Qensith has left.

Fantastical Flagstone Brown Hatchling pauses at a knot of lads, dipping his head a bit to eye them speculatively. Suddenly then, that one, that special mind is found. He rears up on his hind legs in a motion awkward but hinting at future grace, spreading vine-wound wings of rust as he trumpets a triumphant note. The young stableboy in front of him cowers, but such fear is hardly worth a second glance. No, that touch he felt came from over there, and so he heads that way with sudden speed.

Shimshon counts on his fingers and looks back at the eggs.

Pearl smiles crookedly. "But what about the blue and brown? Ahh, the brown..." She looks at him with an admiring gaze. All her hysterical energy is gone, and she needs to lean on Balinne to maintain any semblance of posture. "Oh! He seems to know where he's going, doesn't he?"

Balinne bobs her head once, staggering slightly as Pearl leans on her. "Yea, looks like it," she notes, following the brown. She sucks in her breath as he rears. "Phew, I thought he was going to hit that one.. boy."

With a regal nudge of his head, the Fantastical Flagstone brown makes his claim and whirling eyes meet pools of blue, angular features complimenting each other as does the similarity in his red-brown hide and her auburn hair.

Pearl leaps away from Balinne, tearing her hand from her shoulder as if it was made of burning pitch. "Balinne! Oh..." She wobbles without her friend's support, but the brown is right in front of her, so she can hold on no longer. They were meant to be.

Lirit watches Jillah and Quensith leave the Sands, positively beaming. The ugly egg turned out one of the loveliest dragons ever, and both Jillah and Dairyn have Impressed.....she looks positively exultant as she turns to murmur to Jasia, "Impress or no, I think I could die happy right now." Shards if the girl doesn't almost mean it.

Jasia turns to finish her original though to Lirit, but again she's interrupted, this time by a brown passing entirely too close to her. "Shards, you have /got/ to be kidding me!" she explodes at him -- and then, sinking to the sand regardless of heat, levels her gaze so she's eye to eye with him. "I never called for you, Aansoeth. But you're hungry. We'll sort this out after you've eaten, I suppose."

Steadfast Sun-Scorched Blue Hatchling steps forward, then leaps forward, knocking two candidates aside as he lands behind the group. Perhaps from this position he can determine who he is looking for. He hisses at one of the boys who was knocked down as he tries to get up. Perhaps laying on the ground would be a good idea. The blue shifts his head back and forth and back and forth, giving each candidate an intent look. Suddenly, he lifts his head up and creels out, shoulders tightening as if he's ready to pounce.

Balinne blinks rapidly at the reaction in Pearl. "Pearl? Are you OK? Are you alright?" she asks in concern, her attention on her friend, not the dragonet. "Pearl?" she reaches a hand up to shake the cook gently. "We're almost done, then we can eat."

Pearl giggles. "Oh, sorry, for a second I thought the brown was headed for you! I'm silly, aren't I?" She mops her brow. "Eat. Right," she says faintly. "That would be nice."

With an almighty lurch the Dance Your Cares Away egg falls over, splits, and deposits a rather shaken looking green onto the sands all in a moment. Any pretence at grace is lost as she stands up, trips over her wing and tumbles towards the line of candiates - eventaully smacking into the legs of Garren sending him tumbling to the sands as well. Straightening out wings and legs takes time but somewhere in the tangle the call of "Desath!" bursts forth and pretty soon the matching pair - clumsy dragon matched with equally clumsy G'ren - help each other to the side of the sands.

Lirit positively laughs as she finds her thought aimed at Jasia just as yet another friend finds a lifemate. "Good on ya, Jas" she adds, finding herself standing alone now.

Moyra grins as she watches her friends slowly impress and get lead off the sands, remaing near-ish to the pair of Balinne and Pearl, looking over to Lirit and Elias as well. "Can't be much longer I think. So far, not to bad, save for well.." She looks over to the discoloured sand, as she speaks to Balinne and Pearl, not noting if they are listening or not.

The Steadfast Sun-Scorched Blue comes to a sudden stop, looking from candidate to candidate. None of these are quite right. Not this one. Not that one. And then he sees her, the sloe-eyed sailor girl that he was meant to be with.

Jasia unfolds from the ground, absently brushing sand from her legs, and curls her lips back in a smirk. "Of course. Whatever you say, m'dear." Carefully, she splays her hands across the brown's head, then wonders, "Shall we?"

Lirit's laugh cuts short, dying off completely as reels, almost as if struck a physical blow. "Ele....Eleketh?" she says quietly, eyes finding their way back to the gorgeous, gorgeous blue.

Pearl finally lets go of Balinne, as the blue finally Impresses, and claps for Lirit and her new lifemate. "Yes, now we can eat, I suppose, Balinne, can't we? That would be good..." Her voice sounds oddly faint, and she's swaying on her feet. Clearly this is all getting too much for her.

Balinne squints a bit, catching an Impression across the Sands. "Oh, I think he's..." but her voice trails off as she watches the blue pick his match. A smile grows on her face and she bounces once, "It's Lirit! And it was from her favorite egg!" Apparently the rusty-girl finds great amusement in this. "LIRIT!" she calls at the top of her lungs.

Moyra grins, "Congrats Lirit..." She calls over to her, and she laughs softly as balinne is a touch more.. vocal in her responce.

Elias sighs very softly, watching as the eggs near their end, futily scanning the broken shards. He looks almost hopefully at the blue but looks away as it finds Lirit. "No, not too bad. Only one injured. Mmm. Congratulations, Lirit." He calls after a moment.

Jasia walks down to the far end of the Cavern.
Jasia has left.
Aansoeth walks down to the far end of the Cavern.
Aansoeth has left.

Lirit reaches out to stroke her lifemate's nose almost in disbelief. "Yes, yes, we'll feed you. No worries" she murmurs. Straightening her shoulders, the young woman declares with fierce pride in a voice used to carrying across the decks of pitching ships "His name if Eleketh!"

Jh'or swings back around towards Lirit and her blue, "C'mon now, food's over this way. Eleketh aint getting fed standing out here."

Reye emerges from the tunnel leading to the Weyrwoman's Weyr. Reye has arrived.

Balinne laughs in delight, her eyes sparkling as she watches Lirit interact with her new bond. "He's perfect for her, I think," she remarks to Pearl. After a nod of her head, she replies to Pearl with, "Oh, I'm hungry too, yes."

Lirit walks down to the far end of the Cavern.
Lirit has left.
Eleketh walks down to the far end of the Cavern.
Eleketh has left.

K'tdan has arrived.
Jh'or walks down to the far end of the Cavern.
Jh'or has left.

Shimshon keeps an eye out for anyone on the ground and bleeding, but all looks well. "Hey, no one died, no one went missing. I may have just won ... something from someone." He smirks.

Balinnes delight at Lirit fades as Shimshon's comment is heard. "Is.. Is Lilias going to be OK?" she asks nervously, serious once more.

K'tdan emerges from the tunnel leading to the Weyrwoman's Weyr just behind Reye.

It soon becomes apparent that there are no more eggs left to hatch, and all that is left on the sands are empty shards. Reye and K'tdan approach the Candidates, standing within easy hearing distance from them all. Reye is the first to speak up. "We are very sorry you did not find your lifemates here today. I know you've heard this before, but we believe that for many of you, it simply means your lifemate will be found in a future clutch. Both K'tdan and I want to thank you for your time here at Ista, and we'd like to welcome any of you who would like to stay with us." She then looks sidelong at K'tdan, expectantly.

M'rek chuckles at Shimshon's words and takes in a deep breath. "Ah. Was a great hatching." He bends forward and captures a piece of egg shell from the sands and slips it into a pocket. "As I don't plan to be conscious enough later to remember." Still, he waits attendance upon Ulfianth, letting the bronze take whatever last minutes he wants on the sands.

Kylia sighs softly as the last of the dragons waddles off with his lifemate and flops down on Essieth's foreleg. "Well, that's that at least." She offers a soft smile to the lingering candidates, wiping a bit of sweat from her brow. "She's in good hands, Balinne. I am sure she will be just fine."

Shimshon holds a finger to his lips at Balinne's question, and makes a 'hang on a sec' hand wave with the other hand. Reye's speech is taken with a little interest.

Balinne shuts her mouth, though it's clear she's troubled. Turning, she regards Reye and the other speakers, nodding her head as she listens.

Pearl can't help shuffling forward and taking an egg shard for herself, a dark leathery looking bit from the Jump Magic Jump Egg. She looks around to make sure no one's mad at her for doing this, then shuffles back to Balinne's side.

K'tdan steps lively, the sands are quite warm after all. "Yeah, we would be very happy to speak with you about staying on at Ista. How you could leave a place like this, well..." He lets that thought fade. "We hope you'll enjoy the feast and activities. We're both available to speak with if you so desire."

Balinne seems to perk up considerably at the word 'feast', and as if on cue, her stomach rumbles audibly. "Um, I was wondering... can I.. not work in the kitchens anymore?" seems an appropriate time to ask, or so she thinks.

Kylia eyes M'rek, crouches to take a bit of shell for herself as well, then settles back with Essieth. The gold looks entirely too smug, but doesn't seem too inclined to get up off the sands.

Moyra grins softly as she walks over to where Reye and K'tdan iss speaking and she nods to his commment on staying. "I think I might want to take you up on that, but could we talk about this where the floor isn't trying to slowly bake us?" She asks, grinning, but still lightly two stepping on the hot sand.

Reye lets out a low chuckle at Balinne's words, blue eyes brightening. "Don't worry, if kitchens aren't your thing, you don't have to work there. We'll talk more a little later; for now, go find your friends and parents."

Balinne sags in relief, a grin spreading on her face. "Thank the first egg," is her comment, though she does favor Pearl with an apologetic look, "No offense..." and then she's paying attention once more.

One by one, the candidates begin to filter off the sands.

#hatching, fadra, sulizath

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