State of the Rhi (and my mom)

Dec 25, 2016 20:00

The December posting came to an abrupt pause because my mother called me Tuesday morning and said, "I think I need you to take me to the hospital, honey."  No, no, it needed an ambulance to do that.  Turns out that while moving her husband in his wheel chair -- Mom is insistent that it be reported that she by gods was lifting properly -- she pulled back muscles and compressed, and cracked, a vertebra.  Lumbar 1 to be precise.  So.  It's been a back and forth week as tests were done; Friday, a GP was saying he thought she'd be going to rehab Saturday.  Saturday, the neurosurgeon pretty much said, oh fuck no, she's getting surgery Monday.  The vertebra has too much tilt/bend in it now.  (By a third over the indicator for surgery.)

So.  Tomorrow morning, at 07:30, Mom gets a few vertebra fused.  I'll have a laptop with me, but I'm most likely spending the night with her, so there's someone *there* if she needs sheets adjusted, immediate help, whatever.

Tonight, I have been thrown out of the hospital (by my mother) to have Christmas with friends, get sleep, get a long soak.  See you guys... um, in a few days at most?  At which point I will, in fact, start posting more again.  I have to rewrite the last scene to post of Depth of Field; I will try to get the Miss Marple second part up on time; and I will, in fact, do what I can with those prompts, guys. But wow.

Update:  Or, you know, not.  Maybe just not yet?  Turns out, they want to do a bone scan and a couple other things; Mom's parathyroid may be out of whack, which could explain how we got here.  But they want to be sure she has solid vertebrae to which to fuse things....  Ay yi yi.  I want more sleep, but I've gotten all of *my* back exercises done, and a couple real, home-cooked meals in a row.  Yay!

May 2016 be better for all of us. (Although it did, in fact, have several good points.)

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day in the life, family, health, december meme, what was i thinking?

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