State of the Rhi (and my mom) part 2

Jan 08, 2017 00:30

Posting this while I can, now that things have somewhat calmed down.

Since my last post, Mom has been widowed and, hours later, sent from the hospital to rehab.  She didn't get to see her husband before he passed, but he'd been largely unresponsive since before she went into the hospital and as she said, she has no reason to feel guilty; she had done everything she could for him. Demonstrably, I said, she'd done at least one thing for him she couldn't, which is how she ended up in the hospital.  (This is now how I would have wanted it to happen, but I have to say, a week's bed rest was good for her.  Mom was exhausted.)

Since then, we've had a visitation, a funeral, and an interment:  all of which Mom made it to. (Between weather and holidays, they couldn't hold the funeral 'til after the new year, so she had a few days of rehab first.  Thank goodness.)  I also got to go to the post-funeral wake; then I fell over.  Since then, I've also had my birthday, new tech, and well, Mom's rehab and days on end of being her legs and hands and memory.

The good news is, Mom's always been an athlete: bowling, tennis, golf.  As the PTs have been saying, it doesn't stop injuries from happening but surely speeds up the recovery.  She can now get her brace on and off herself, has vastly cut back on her pain meds despite the increased mobility, and expects to be out of rehab Weds.  (The PT keeps going, "We could put her in a lighter brace if they'd let us; she's got much better core strength then most of our patients here age.)  As for the emotional... she and I are talking about it, and I think she's going to be okay. It's just one of those 'must go through to get out' things, damn it.  I hate those.

She's also throwing me out of town on Weds for my long-planned vacation.  Big brother insists he can get Mom moved from rehab to her place or his and also organize her out-patient rehab by himself while I'm gone.  Me, I think he's nuts and I have primed the three local cousins and the three local stepsisters that help may, in fact, be needed, but you know what?  He's an adult.  He can ask for help himself.  (Can you tell he's driving me a little nuts?)

But I don't care.  Wednesday morning, I go on a road trip with
alysswolf , headed to see
devohoneybee for massages, hiking by the Rio Grande, and writing.  I even get to write in the car!  If, you know, I can stay awake.  Alyss has this odd notion I may need to nap a good bit of it.  We shall see.

Anyway.  That's the update, and I have a list of writing prompts to try and work on, and well, yeah.  This isn't as bad as 2014, but it has not been one of my better years, I gotta say.

I hope all of y'all are doing well, and I will sort out what to do about both my LJ and my Yahoo account over the next couple weeks.  If I have to switch emails over, I'll let folks know.  If you want to switch to following my DW account... it might not be a bad idea.

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health: mental, day in the life, family, health, i got nothing, families of choice, friends

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