Twoscore and counting

Oct 13, 2009 09:26

I haven’t done a proper update in a while. And today, being my birthday, seems like a good time for one. :)

So what have I been doing in the past two months? [Wow, two months since a real update? Sorry about that!]

I finished the second summer novel, turned it in, and got edits back. Nothing major, and they seem happy with it-happy enough to have offered me a second book!

I submitted a pitch for the second book. The deadline for the manuscript is the start of next year, so this will be the third full novel I’ve written this year (for those keeping track). Not counting junior novels, children’s books, etc.

I got offered a tie-in middle grade book, submitted the pitch, got it approved, submitted the outline, got that approved, and have started writing. It’s on a very short deadline, but that won’t be a problem.

I had lunch with two of my editors, and then coffee with one of them and another one. All in one day! That was fun. It’s one of the great things about being in New York, too, that I can do that easily.

I got copies of two recent books: Bandslam and one of my pseudonymous YA books.

I finished the short RPG project and am hard at work on the Pathfinder setting book.

I put together a storyline for the Zombie Game Experiment.

I’ve been coordinating with my agent, and we have several projects out with various editors. Fingers crossed!

I completed an office move, or rather our company completed a company-wide move-they moved our entire division into the main building with everyone else, which necessitated shuffling everyone around all over the place. I actually really like the people I’m with now, though I miss my co-workers who are now twelve floors away. If I had a door to my cube, I would be almost completely happy with the move. As it is, I have a “wall” of boxes cutting off some of the blind spot, but eventually they’ll make me move those. It is proving harder to get my writing done in the morning, but I'm coping.

My daughter turned six, and we had a birthday party for her. It was a lot of fun-three of her friends came over, and her best friend’s little sister and two little cousins, and of course our son, so we had eight kids in all, all between three and seven. Everybody had a good time.

We bought her a proper twin bed for her birthday. It’s a captain’s bed (though this one is called a “mate’s bed” because it’s only a twin), which will give her some added storage as well. We tried to put it together this past weekend but a few of the pieces got broken in transit. Fortunately the manufacturer was very nice and is sending replacement pieces.

We got tickets to go to New Orleans for Thanksgiving. It should be a lot of fun, and we’re all excited to go down there, and to see my dad and his girlfriend again. I’m hoping one or both of my younger sisters will join us, but holidays are tough.

The TV season has begun again! jendaby and I resumed watching Lie to Me and Castle (both on Mondays), CSI and Supernatural (competing for the same timeslot on Thursdays), and Dollhouse (on Friday). We added Big Bang Theory (also on Monday) and Flash Forward (also on Thursday), which makes for two big blocks of TV and then one we catch up on after the fact. We tried Eastwick but were severely underwhelmed. I’ve seen the pilot to Stargate Universe and I’m still on the fence about it-I have episode two but haven’t watched it yet. Of course we’re also looking forward to the return of the Sarah Jane Adventures later this month.

We may have found a babysitter! She comes well recommended and is local, so hopefully that’ll work out. If it does, jendaby and I will be able to go out on-*gasp!*-dates again!

Hm, anything else going on? Not that I can think of. The kids are doing well, and both loving school-our daughter adores her first-grade teacher, which is a noticeable change from last year, and both kids have made friends in their classes. jendaby’s doing really well with the PTA, busy social activist that she is. :) The cool weather has arrived, which is excellent. And I am old. :)

family, writing, books, work

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