Sep 09, 2006 18:56
Figuring out how to get a background and header fixed on here took WAY too long...but 'tis awesome now, in my opinion.
now all i have to do is figure out how to get a sidebar... *grumbles*
Sep 09, 2006 12:29
Lesson of the day: Sinus headaches are worse than regular headaches, and should qualify as a form of cruel and unusual punishment.
Aug 29, 2006 21:49
lesson of the day: it is nearly impossible to get to an airport if you don't own a car, or don't want to spend $81 on a ride in a mercedes for thirty minutes.
whoever said learning was fun was playing a cruel joke.
Aug 21, 2006 19:22
Sadly enough, this was probably the best last day of summer i've had in years, no matter how much i'm trying to deny the fact that i do start school tomorrow.
i should probably be taking advantage of these last few hours of summer, but i guess i can't think of any better way of spending them than watching CSI and trying my hand at writing a fic.
Aug 20, 2006 17:16
oh and if anyone knows where i can get a decent layout, let me know. i have yet to find one and i seem to be too stupid to be able to make my own.
Aug 20, 2006 16:30
I decided to make a livejournal because i have nothing to do, and I am a CSI fanfic writer poser. As in any attempts to write it have failed miserably, so i'm settling for reading it (which really isn't bad at all).
I'm just hoping that i don't totally fangirl any writers on here.