Have this memory/dream fragment of being in temple with grandmother, air smokey with incense. Did that happen? I went hiking with my maternal grandad a lot, but I can't remember going anywhere with my paternal grandmother
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I have many strong memories of being in Church with grandparents with the censer going full pelt and dirgeful latin chanting droning throughout the place. It makes me sad to see beautiful old Churches here in England turned into coffee shops or apartments but it happens a lot. I personally have adopted many habits and ideas from religions other than the one I was raised in and I am glad for it. So the Chinese are all going to Church while all the 'hipsters' (I'm not from North America so that term is a bit hazy for me but it seems a mite derogatory) are going to the Temples and kids in China are learning to play Mozart and dance ballet while kids in the Europe abandon ballet for Asian martial arts. It seems a bit to me that since you have no strong convictions in either religion, just not to dwell on it too much as you will just drive yourself mad.
How many Catholics are lapsed? In my Irish experience, all of them, since I never met a single one that followed the Churche's rules, even slightly, despite growing up in a country where 99% of people I met were supposedly Catholic (it's different there these days, with more nationalities and religions represented).
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