splendorocity | application

Oct 06, 2010 00:02

Player Information:
Name: Eri
Journal: vriska
Method of Contact: Email [prettypinkchosen(AT)gmail.com], AIM [Kiitastic]
Previous characters: N/A

Character Information:
Full Name: Shizuo Heiwajima
Series: Durarara!!
Canon point: Post-anime
Age: 24
Species: Human
Appearance/PB: Oh yeeeeah.
Appearance upon arrival: Nothing out of the ordinary.

Previous RP memories: N/A
Bringing someone along?: N/A
Character History: Here, here.

Even though Shizuo is a pretty widely-recognized figure in Ikebukuro, it’s likely that a large percentage of those people only know the Shizuo on the surface: a hot-headed, violent individual with superhuman strength, who has a tendency to fly into a fit of rage at the slightest provocation. If, while walking the city streets, you happen to see a random heavy object (or a person) fly across the sky, there’s no question who you’ll find up ahead. Some people even recognize Shizuo by his trademark bartender clothing, and immediately know they shouldn’t cross paths with him.

While all this is not necessarily untrue, this is really only one side of Shizuo, and not one that he’s exactly proud of. He dislikes violence, and hates having to resort to getting angry. In fact, when he’s not flying off the handle for one reason or another, his personality is pretty much the exact opposite of what a lot of people expect from him. Shizuo is usually pretty quiet and reserved, and doesn’t have a problem having ordinary conversations with people (if they aren’t getting on his nerves, anyway). There aren’t many reasons why he would go out of his way to start a conflict himself- it’s almost always the other party who provokes him in the beginning.

In general, Shizuo prefers to live peacefully when he can. His interests and hobbies indicate that he would rather enjoy himself calmly than spend his time fighting with other people. A lot of the time when he isn’t working, Shizuo seems content just wandering around Ikebukuro, taking in the sights. Even while working his debt collecting job, he remains calm unless otherwise provoked; it’s often just the sight of him that scares people into paying up. He’s actually rather friendly to people that have gotten the chance to get to know him, as is evident from his relationships with Celty Sturluson and Tom Tanaka, to name a few. Shizuo is also very protective of his friends; in one scene, Shizuo was insistent on leaving work to get back at somebody who had given Celty a hard time. He does have a soft side - it’s just that he doesn’t get much of a chance to let it show.

Another reason that Shizuo hates violence so much is because he’s afraid of his own incredible strength. He hates the fact that it’s so hard to control, and doesn’t ever want to end up accidentally hurting anybody he cares about again. This is likely one of the reasons why Shizuo tends to keep to himself, and doesn’t seem to go out of his way to build relationships with many people - he knows what he’s capable of, and he doesn’t want to get people who don’t deserve it involved. He also desperately wants to be accepted for who he is - something that seems impossible, since so many people seem to be just as afraid as he is.

He’s slowly learning to control his own power, though - the first instance of this being when he was able to stop his fist during the battle against the army of Saika-controlled "children". He believes that by gaining the ability to control himself, he’ll finally be able to like himself more - and this will likely lead to him being able to trust himself around others more.

Of course, none of the rumors about Shizuo being the “strongest man in Ikebukuro” are without evidence to back them up. While Shizuo doesn’t like being violent, he has an extremely delicate short temper, leading him to have destructive outbursts which have gained him his reputation. Most of the time, as stated above, it’s the other person provoking him that lands them in trouble; an example of this would be a group of thugs attacking him on the streets, or somebody picking a fight with somebody that Shizuo cared about.

He’ll often attempt to calm himself down and avoid the situation altogether - even if he gets angry, he still dislikes fighting. But in many cases, if somebody pisses Shizuo off, it's all over; they'll either be flattened by whatever heavy object he's got within arm's reach, or simply beaten up or tossed away themselves. There seems to be a certain amount of control to his rage, at the very least - once he’s let his anger out, he usually reverts right back to his calmer, much less frightening disposition. Although, such a drastic personality switch might be regarded as frightening in itself.

And then, there's Izaya Orihara.

Izaya is special, because he's the only person who can make Shizuo snap without even stopping to question it first. This is most likely because Izaya seems to go out of his way to provoke Shizuo into attacking him - Shizuo hates being forced to use his power, and therefore hates Izaya for coercing him all the time. (There are other reasons for Shizuo to dislike him, of course; this is just scratching the surface of their history together.) Whenever Shizuo senses Izaya in the area (... and he can do this, too, it's actually a bit unnerving. He's even alluded to being able to smell when Izaya is around), his mood changes instantly, and he’ll drop whatever he’s doing to chase the man down with murderous intent. Of course, Izaya escapes every time - but not without teasing him from a distance, as the hatred is very much mutual.

Overall, Shizuo would be a pretty normal guy, if it weren’t for the one huge abnormality that’s made such a big impact on his life and how he grew up. He’s a really nice guy once you get on his good side... and you definitely want to, because getting on his bad side is much worse.

Character Abilities: As mentioned above, Shizuo’s most notable ability is his unbelievable strength. Basically, if a human being tried to lift something that was beyond their physical capability, their muscles would send a message to their brain telling them to “stop”. Shizuo’s muscles have no such limiters, though, which allows him to ignore the sensors that would normally tell him to “stop” and lift objects that should not be humanly possible to move.

He’s shown to be able to lift things as “light” as traffic signs (though, he still has to tear them from the ground first, which is a feat in itself) to heavier objects like trash bins, refrigerators and vending machines. In one episode, he was able to uproot a large tree from the ground. It’s unknown if there is an exact limit to what he can do, since he’s never actually attempted to lift anything as large as, say, a building. (Though, it’s probably safe to assume that something of THAT scale would actually kill the guy, haha.)

Shizuo also has an extremely high tolerance to pain. He’s been stabbed on a few occasions and usually just shakes it off; if anything, attempting to hurt him physically will only serve to piss him off. There was even an incident where he was shot multiple times, and it took him a while to even realize what had happened. He thought he had just slipped in the rain.

Lastly, he has also trained in parkour, mostly for the purpose of chasing after Izaya. One probably wouldn’t think he was very good at it, due to the fact that Izaya seems to elude him most of the time, but he’s been shown to be able to scale buildings. He’s also in excellent physical shape after using his strength for so many years.

Possessions: The only notable thing that Shizuo would have on his person upon arriving would be his trademark sunglasses; he really never goes without them. Oh, and a pack of cigarettes. He’s really not very high-maintenance at all.

He also owns a collection of bartender suits, all given to him by his brother Kasuka, which happens to be the only ensemble he’ll ever wear. He’ll have them if it’s allowed; if not, well, at least he has the one on his back.

Anything else: No, everything’s pretty much covered.

Action/Communication thread/post sample: d_m! It's short, but it's still in progress.

If you'd like more of a sample, I would absolutely love to do a thread (or even write a prompt) at splendortrials~

Log/Prose sample:

“...Yeah. See you tomorrow, Tom-san,” said the blonde man, exiting the sushi restaurant and walking the opposite way down the street.

Shizuo took a pack of cigarettes from his pocket, lighting one up and staring up at Ikebukuro’s night sky with a neutral expression. They had been out late again tonight, but Tom had treated him to dinner so it’d been worth it in the end. It was evenings like this when Shizuo was glad he and Tom could call each other friends, rather than just business associates.

Today had been a day of ups and downs. Then again, any day that greeted him with Izaya Orihara’s presence could instantly become a bad day, no matter how relaxing the rest of the day had been. It had been Izaya’s fault they were late, anyway - if he hadn’t shown up to distract Shizuo, their work likely would have been done on time.

Shizuo took a deep drag from his smoke, trying to let his thoughts of that damn flea leave his mind as he exhaled. Today was over - it was time to go home and rest, and forget about it.

He turned down an alleyway, heading down a different route home. This wasn’t his usual shortcut, but it was a bit quicker, and he didn’t feel like wandering around too much that night. Best to just get home and sleep; that’s what he felt like he needed most right now. Just then, though, he literally tripped over something that shouldn’t have been as big of a distraction as it was: a tiny golden box, with a key stuck into the back.

“Ahh...” His curiosity getting the better of him, Shizuo bent down and lifted the music box up to his face. If this was a children’s toy, it certainly looked expensive... so what kind of ungrateful child would leave something so pretty out in an alleyway? He was about to put it back down and leave, but... well, he supposed it couldn’t hurt to see what kind of music it played. There was nobody else around, anyway, and he felt oddly drawn to the intricately decorated gold box. Maybe if the music wasn’t too irritating, he’d take it home and try to get a chance to show it to Kasuka.

So he leaned up against a nearby wall, put out his cigarette, and slowly turned the key.

application, !ooc

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