hahaha, I'm not dead
Art Dump ---
Air Gear fanart / Akira
FFXI fanart/ Galka and Elvaan chibis dancing?
Original Art / tube chest guy
Original Art/ test head shot
Akira from Air Gear...doesn't look much like him ~_~ but it's kinda stupid
cute, so...
Based on a flash video. I'm not sure where this came from. Drawn on a friend's facebook.
Done on my cousin's Facebook.
Test pic in Open Canvas. Character from something my bro is writting and I'm drawing.
EDIT -- (because it's not important enough for a post of its own)
WTF, if my iPod breaks ones my time... *kills things*
It seems like every other day the damn thing stops playing music and just cycles through songs. I've reset it three times just this week.
ARGH. Damn you, iPod!