This, The Day That Never Ends

Feb 02, 2012 04:01

I fondly remember the movie Groundhog's Day, if only because I can sympathize with the feeling of being stuck in a stubborn loop. When reality twists the thumbscrews and the horizons of depression broaden to encompass us completely, it can be easy to fall into the self-perpetuating cycle of hopelessness.
I try to remain positive when I can perceive a method to avoid the negative, but when the two intermingle, it's difficult to simply ignore the negative sometimes; other times it can be downright impossible.

As our designated moving day approaches, I feel the anxiety building bit by bit. I don't mind the actual moving, as I have been blessed with size and strength to handle it fairly easily. What bothers me is the organization (or lack thereof) and the putting-off-until-the-last-minute of packing things we use on a daily basis. My desk is a monster too - moving it will be easy, but taking it apart will be a pain that I'm not looking forward to. I have a ton of old games, dvd/cds, and folders/books/loose papers that all need to be organized. There's also a bookshelf full of hardbacks and whatnots that have to be wrapped and transported. What really sucks is that we're not even getting the downstairs apartment like we had originally planned. Nope, we're just moving from a 1B1B upstairs apartments to a 3B2B upstairs apartment to give Jonathan and our roommate Bill his own space. Part of me wishes we had just held out to find a house, but we've already been approved and paid our deposit, so no point in backing out now.

In WoW, not much new. I've been pvping on my shaman Castiella a lot lately instead of running LFR on my 8 other toons. Frankly, LFR is boring, and I can't get into any pug DS10s cause people want 390+ ilvl now which is just absurd but I guess when you're running DS25 with a guild every week it's easy to get good ilvl. Starting to regret not jumping back into the raid game, but at the same time I'm glad I didn't. I'd rather not burn myself out before MoP comes, and I can pvp with Bill and my other friends instead of isolating myself to raiding with AMAM.

Anyway, time to get back to work. The hotel is nearly full tonight so that's a lot of breakfast needing to be prep'd.
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