A Warehouse on the East Coast | Sunday

Mar 20, 2011 12:08

In spite of the constant annoyances Dimitri had to deal with, things were falling into place. The warehouse had been modified. His Strigoi warriors were assembled. Was there any doubt Dimitri had an evil plan? He'd shared with each of his new minions only the piece of the puzzle that they would be responsible for, effectively keeping his true intent from ever reaching the fools he used to work for so diligently.

Rose would know, but then, she had understood the way he thought. How everything always had a purpose.

He knew that getting to Lissa would be the easy part. In the last few months, Dimitri had come to learn that technology was good for a lot more than just annoying emails and scaring people via text. Thanks to some geeks he'd brilliantly turned, Dimitri knew just when Lissa and the Ozera boy would be available to him. And without Rose.

Kidnapping Lissa sent a far clearer message than the eCard Jessi had suggested. All Dimitri had to do now was wait. How lucky he was to be so well trained at just that.

[NFB, NFI, Warning: Cut for plots to kill, maim, kidnap!]

events: spirit bound, places: off-island, fact: evil sob

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