145th shot

Sep 08, 2008 22:41

I extend my congratulations to Prince Charming on his victory in the Warden election.

[ police filter ]

I hope that all of you voted will continue to work as diligently as you did under Seras for our new Warden.

[ end filter ]

[ private to Seras Victoria ]

...Where do I put you?

[ end private ]

[ private to Sasha Nein ]

I shouldn't have allowed you to come. Apologies for my demeanor the other day.

[ end private ]

[ private to the Sultana ]

Thank you for tea; I apologize if I wasn't the best conversationalist.

[ end private ]

warden, responsibility's my middle name, head of police whut, work work work, prince charming, police force, shooting up your problems ftw, no rest for the wicked, just doing my job here, hide your woes with professionalism

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