Huh. I was just in the library the other day, and it turns out that there were some clippings about me and Rua. Weird, huh?
They're about the time I fell into my coma, about eight years ago. They're from the
Tatsu no Kiba papers.
One of them was very strange, though. )
No, that's why I asked. All I knew until now is that they lived in their Spirit World.
But you know where they come from?
And these- monsters are either sacred guardians or demons from the West, depending on the purity of the heart of he who carries them, or did at one point. The demons, naturally, must be confined. Their hearts are weighed, and those that are found wanting never meet Osiris; they are left to die the second death, as is no more than they deserve. Petty criminals, after all, do not harbor any such demon.
The judgement is always just.
... so... duel monster spirits... come from human hearts?
In that... the heart is the center of thought and self... I suppose you could say that. It's an indirect way to put things, however - the spirits, as you say, are beasts made of the Ka of the person who creates them. All other aspects of the soul determine everything else - the Ba is the living force that connects the spirit and the sorcerer, the ib and sheut determine characteristics more than anything else.
So if all the spirits come from people, then how do they, um, outlive the person they're from?
And they are sealed.
Why? And if you call upon ka beasts for battles then why do you not already know this?
Umm. [Ruka pulls out her handy, dandy DUEL MONSTERS DECK OF COLLECTIBLE TRADING CARDS.]
They don't really say 'sealed heart of Ichiro Suzuki' on them or anything.
{And... the cards. Ankhetisis is staring.}
... how in the sacred name of the Aton did you get all of these? Surely they aren't all yours.
Mama and Papa bought them for me.
{She's looking at the deck and almost looks repulsed - this is practically sacrilegious.}
There have to be dozens of beasts in there. And you have more?
....... well, except when Aki duels. But that's not her fault!
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