I felt like I was ready to explode when she said this.
Guardian’s Song: Holy premature ejaculation, Batman!
For a fraction of a
second, I was worried that Jessie was going to refuse me,
Tom: (Jessie) You heathen! I hate pepperoni!
but the look on her
face laid my fears to rest. She had a shy smile on her lips,
Jerry: (Jessie) Until the effect of Lickitung’s Lick wears off, this is the furthest I can stretch my mouth…
and her cheeks were
as red as her hair.
Jerry: You mean they were maroon?
The light burning in her sapphire eyes
EYEBALLS? *pauses* Backlit eyeballs?
Jerry: Huh?!
Tom: What th’ Muk?
Guardian’s Song: Stay very, very still and keep your eyes shut, and he won’t notice you…
told me that she was
gripped by the same desire that had consumed me.
Jerry: (Victreebell) *thinking* Ooh. Other human look tasty, too. *grips Jessie in its vines and draws her in*
(Jessie) *struggling* Let go of me, you wretched thing!
(James) *already engulfed* Mm-mmph MMRRRRPH! [Now would be a very good time for Meowth to get back here!]
(Meowth) Hmm… I still have some cash left oiva from dat pizza… I woinder which one of dese cat toys I should try first? *bright idea* I know! I’ll try dem all! It’s not like Jessie and James can’t go a little while without me, anyway, right? Σ:3
"I know because I want it, too," she continued. "I want you, James...all of
Jerry: (James) Mmm-mm-MMPH! [Well, at the moment, so does Victreebell!]
I breathed a sigh of relief as I took Jessie in my arms again and held her to
me. My heart started pounding as she returned my embrace and covered my face and
neck with soft kisses. When she began to nibble on my ear
Jerry: (James) *having been rescued from his Pokémon* *eyes tightly shut* I don’t even want to look at this point.
(Jessie) No, no, his ear isn’t candy! Bad Lickitung! Return!
(Lickitung) *gulps down Pokéball and considers it* Licki, lick… [Honestly, I’ve had better…\
and blow into it, my
urge became even more acute than it already was. I wanted nothing more than to
Tom: (James) - go to the bathroom. *whimper*
tear all of our clothes off and
Jerry: (James) - feed them to our deranged Pokémon to distract them while we make our getaway -
take her right then and there, but I knew that I
couldn't. This was going to be our first time...and our first time had to be
something special.
{snip, they get out their sleeping bags and begin to strip}
Before Jessie took my shirt completely off, she stopped again. My eyes were
still covered by the black fabric, and my arms were pinned behind my head,
making it difficult for me to see or move.
Jerry: *mumbling* I don’t want to see this.
Guardian’s Song: Remember, they just bear a strong resemblance…
Jerry: I still don’t want to see this…
I could feel the soft cotton fabric
of her own shirt brushing against my bare chest and her hands caressing the
ticklish spots on my waist again as she stepped closer and put her arms around
me. Then, I felt her moist breath on my lips.
Guardian’s Song: Can’t you just feel the excitement? The passion? No?
My heart raced faster than ever as
she teased my mouth with her lips and tongue, and I returned every kiss she
gave. Presently, Jessie drew her mouth away from mine and began covering my neck
and chest with her warm, velvety Hershey’s kisses. When her lips found my nipples and
started teasing them the way she'd done to my mouth, the fire that was burning
in my loins became like a lance stabbing through my entire body.
Tom: (James) *screaming* I take it back, I take it back! This isn’t chili powder in my boxers, it’s Charizard flame-gland extract! It burns, it burns!
I was vaguely aware of her hands unbuckling my belt, but she wasn't moving
quickly enough -- every touch was making my need more urgent,
Tom: (James) I really need to go!
and my pants were
becoming more and more confining with every passing second.
Jerry: (James) The good news, Jessie, is that I know where that inflatable bra went. The bad news is that I can’t turn it off!
As Jessie continued
to work at my belt buckle, I quickly wriggled out of my shirt and unzipped my
pants. She blushed again when she saw why I'd done this,
Jerry: (Jessie) You weren’t joking about your inflatable bra being down there!
and she drew her hands
Panic seized me when this happened.
Guardian’s Song: Any scene relying on intensity and passion cannot afford to be bloated.
Was Jessie having second thoughts?! Had I
done something to scare her or turn her off?! "Is...is something wrong, Jess?" I
Her eyes met mine for a moment. Then, she blushed more brightly than ever and
turned away from me.
Guardian’s Song: Swearing Count: |||| |
She is having second thoughts! I said to myself. Then aloud, "What is it?
What did I do?"
Jessie looked back at me and smiled shyly. "No, James. It's not you, sweetie.
It's me -- I...I'm being stupid." She ran a hand through her hair and sighed.
"I...it's just that...I've been fantasizing about this moment for such a long
time, and now it's finally here, and...
Jerry: (Jessie) And Lickitung’s Pokéball keeps jiggling ominously…
(Lickitung’s Pokéball) *extremely muffled and faint, but audible* Licki…
I don't know. I guess I'm just nervous.
Jerry: (Jessie) Do you ever get the feeling that people are… watching us? All the time?
(James) …
*they both look directly at the screen*
*several-second pause*
*they both look away*
(Jessie) I suppose I’m just imagining things.
Everything is always so perfect in my fantasies, but I'm afraid that now that
it's real, I'm going to do something to screw it up...."
I placed a hand on her shoulder. "Jessie, if it's any consolation, you're not
alone -- I'm feeling all the same things you are," I told her.
She raised an eyebrow. "You are?"
Tom: (James) That cramp in your left leg… your stuffed-up nose… that itch you’ve been trying not to scratch all day…
(Jessie) Good grief, you really are!
I nodded. "You're...you're probably going to slap me for this, but...I've been
Tom: (James) - wondering if I’d look better in your uniform than you do -
(Jessie) *SLAP*
fantasizing about this moment for a long time, too. Wanting to make love to you,
wondering what it'd feel like...
Jerry: (James) Minus the Lickitung slobber, of course…
it's been on my mind ever since I was
thirteen...." Now I was blushing as brightly as she was.
Jessie looked down at the ground and took a deep breath before meeting my gaze
again. "You don't have to be ashamed of that, James," she said. "I've felt the
same way about you.
Tom: (James) Wondering if you’d look better in my uniform than I do? Well, we already have our clothes partially off, we could exchange right now…
I just never wanted to admit it. Jeez, those other boys I
dated...I never really cared about any of them, and they proved that they didn't
really care about me when they left because I wouldn't sleep with them.
Tom: …Y’ don’t think it’s got anythin’ t’ do with yer temper?
And all
the while, the boy I really did care about, the boy that I wanted to date...the
boy I really would've slept with if he'd asked was
Tom: (Jessie) - too busy trying to get into my underwear - and when I say “get into”, I don’t mean “get them off of me”, I mean “get into them”.
Jerry: He’s not that obsessed with crossdressing!
Tom: *shrugs* ‘S fer “comedic effect”. Y’ know - Huh? Special delivery? Fer us? Wonder - *opens it*
Letter: We, the Lickitung Rights Association, are suing the Team Rocket members known only as “Tom” and “Jerry” for severe defamation of character and libel/slander (typed dialogue should really count as both). The defendants have insinuated that Lickitungs are unwilling and unable to control their insatiable hung- *the rest of the letter is unreadable due to copious amounts of drool*
right there beside me, and I
didn't do anything about it because
Guardian’s Song: (Jessie) - we’re the villains of a children’s action show, and the target audience is nominally not interested in us doing anything but blasting off again.
he was my best friend...."
My heart started racing again as I listened to her.
"I guess that's another reason I freaked out just now," she continued. "I...I
want this, James. I really do. But I know that it's going to change everything
between us, and that scares me. I don't want to lose
Jerry: (Jessie) - my personality and yours because we’re in a romance fic…
(James) Er, Jessie? I think it may be too late.
you as a friend...." Her
voice trailed off as her eyes grew moist with tears.
I cupped her chin in my hand and caressed her cheek with my thumb. "You're
partially right, Jess -- things are going to change between us. They changed on
the morning we admitted our true feelings...
Tom: (James) *at a sports game* Go Smogon Steelixes!
(Jessie) *simultaneously* Go PokéTech Piloswines!
*they look at each other*
(Both) Get out of my sight, heathen!
and if your answer is still yes,
then they're going to change again tonight," I told her.
Tom: (James) *solemnly* If you still refuse to renounce your love for the pagan PokéTech Piloswines, I, as a servant of the Smogon Steelixes, must challenge you to duel me in mortal combat.
(Jessie) I’ve always preferred Soul Calibur, myself.
(James) Oh, we could do that, too…
"So far, it's been
nothing but good changes -- I love how close we've become over the past three
Tom: (Jessie) I don’t - when is this wretched superglue going to wear off?!
I can only imagine how wonderful it'd be if we were lovers, too! But I
promise you, no matter what happens between us, I will always be your best
friend...and you'll always be mine -- that's something that's never going to
This made her smile again.
"When I was a boy, my grandparents told me that the key to finding true love is
to find somebody that you like," I went on. "And I really think they're right. I
can't imagine falling in love with somebody that I couldn't consider a friend!
Nothing will ever change things between us, Jessie...unless it's something that
makes our friendship stronger and makes me love you even more than I already
Guardian’s Song: Awwww… Okay, maybe it was written a little ham-handedly, but that is really sweet. Credit where credit is due - I do like that part.
*sigh* I suppose even a broken clock’s right twice a day… Or, to use a non-clichéd version, even Cassandra Claire could actually write something decent every two hundred “silver”s.
Jessie's smile grew even wider than it already was as she leaned closer and
pressed her lips to mine. "Thanks, James," she whispered.
I put my arms around her and returned the kiss. "Just telling it like it is,
sweetheart," I whispered back.
Jessie reached up and ran her fingers through my hair. "Damn.
Guardian’s Song: Swearing Count: |||| ||
Now I want you
more than ever!"
Guardian’s Song: *sourly* We have that good-hearted speech up there, and then it goes right back to Everything Is About Sex. My favorite Gadawful Romance cliché. ‘Our relationship isn’t just about sex! …Except that it totally is.’
She blushed again. "But I'm still kind of nervous. This is
going to be my first time -- I...I don't really know what I'm supposed to
Jerry: Er… didn’t you ever read a biology textbook?
Guardian’s Song: Actually… James ran away from home at a young age, and Jessie grew up extremely poor. Neither is a recipe for a good education. All things considered - they might not have.
Jessie did briefly attend nursing school (even if it was for Chanseys), however, so she ought to have learned something. James should be the totally naïve one, if anything.
I placed a finger to her lips and silenced her. "Jessie, if anybody around here
has performance pressure, it's me -- I'm a virgin too, you know. Jeez, all these
years of fantasizing about this, and now that it's really happening, I have no
idea what I'm supposed to do!
Tom: *makes a series of extremely crude hand gestures*
Jerry: Tom!
Tom: *shrugs* Why th’ Muk don’t they know how t’do it? Even Pokémon can figure out how t’do it…
I mean, I know what to do,
Tom: So y’ ain’t a total dunce?
but I don't know how to
do it so you'll like it.
Guardian’s Song: Uh, I know there are books for that… But if he’s too embarrassed to do that, why don’t they just use the scientific method? Guess, see if guess works out, scratch that off the list if it doesn’t work out, formulate another guess, and repeat? It may not be the most ~*dramatic*~ and ~*sensual*~ thing, but if he’s really so concerned (and good for him), why can’t they be pragmatic about it?
I don't know. I just...." I paused for a moment and
took a deep breath. The inside of my mouth had gone dry, and my heart was still
racing. "I...I guess what I'm saying is that I'm probably going to be really,
really bad, and I don't want you to be disappointed."
Guardian’s Song: Well, here we have a guy genuinely nervous, awkward, and concerned that he won’t be much good, since he’s never done it before. Well, I’d say that’s fairly realistic and unlike cheap romance, and that I’m honestly glad that he cares (since I suspect that’s rarer than anyone would like to admit). It’s sweet, and even though he probably WON’T be much good the first time, at least he’ll likely get better at it as time goes on, since he knows he needs to improve in the first place and is willing to try.
Now, watch all of that go out the window as they have absolutely perfect sex on their first try.
"Don't worry about it, James," Jessie said as she took my hands in her own and
kissed them. "I'm not sure what I'm going to like at this point, either. But I
do know that whether it's good or bad doesn't matter -
Tom: (Jessie) - unless it’s really bad, of course.
(James) Um…
being with you is what's
important to me. If we're bad at it, then we'll be bad at it together...
Guardian’s Song: *snicker* I admit, I like that line. Credit where credit is due.
we'll just keep on doing it until we get good!
Guardian’s Song: Um. If you do the same thing over and over again, you’re not guaranteed to improve. Figuring out where you’re going wrong, what you could do better, and how you could experiment with other things is important to ensuring improvement.
For instance, Cassandra Claire actually got worse as she wrote more and more (as did Christopher Paolini), this sequence of fics degenerated into sheer self-indulgent insanity, and… I think we all know to whom I refer when I speak of “the Doomcrotch”.
Anita Blake: *throbs ominously in the Tightness And Wetness Between The Worlds*
It'll come with time."
I smirked at her. "Pun fully intended?"
She gave me a playful shove. "You behave!"
Guardian’s Song: *covers eyes with one hand* #$%*. I tried to comment on how I saw that as OOC, and then my mind jumped to trying to come up with a porn version of the Team Rocket motto. I need brain bleach…
*giggles hysterically, having temporarily lost sanity* I’ll just say it involves “To extend our come to the stars above” and leave it at that. *demented laughter* But James, you don’t WANT to come at the speed of light! Endurance is a GOOD thing! *mentally weeps*
"Now, why would I want to go and do a thing like that?" I asked as I took her in
my arms again and planted a kiss on her neck.
Jessie giggled. As she melted into my embrace, I lifted her arms above her head
and pulled her shirt off. Her body writhed, and she made a low moaning sound as
my hands slid down her sides and caressed her ticklish spots, the way she'd done
to me. After a moment, her hands closed over mine, and she placed them on her
hips. She bit her lip and moaned again as I slowly pulled down her skirt. Once
it was past her hips, the skirt fell to the ground, and Jessie kicked it aside.
Then, she let me take her hands in my own and guide them as she finished pulling
off my pants.
Jerry: *covers eyes* I can’t watch.
Guardian’s Song: Neither can I. My childhood is vehemently objecting.
Tom: Yer both sissies.
Stepping out of my pants, I placed my hands on Jessie's shoulders and slid down
the straps of her black lace bra. Then, I
Roy: - put it on. *flees*
wrapped my arms around her so that I
could unhook her bra and savor the feeling of her soft skin against my own.
Guardian’s Song: …This is all very ~*sensual*~ and ~*romantic*~ - but come on here, if they really want each other so badly, shouldn’t they have OTHER things on their mind than “the feeling of her soft skin against my own”? Such as “the feeling of her voluptuous breasts against me”, to preserve the structure of the phrase?
Also - perhaps Cori Falls has a fetish for slow-motion sex, but this fic is bordering on being written as a computer program.
do giggle
goto jamesembrace
writhe body
if james_caress_sides true
output moaning_low
if james_remove_skirt true
bite lip
output moaning_low
if skirt_past_hips true
kick skirt
james_pants_state == jessie_skirt_state
It’s been forever since I’ve programmed anything (besides Mathematica, and I haven’t done anything too complicated on that), so the structure may be severely mangled, but I think you get the point. Having more than one step per sentence and varying sentence structure more might help… though I’m not any good at writing sex scenes, myself, but I’ve read enough excellent ones to tell a mediocre one when I see it.
I'd undone the clasp, Jessie shrugged her shoulders and let the bra slide off.
My heart fluttered at the sight of her bare breasts.
Guardian’s Song: Ah, I don’t think a teenage boy’s first reaction to having bare breasts right before his eyes would be “[his] heart flutter[ing]”. I think another part of his body would be taking precedence.
As I reached for her,
however, I stopped myself. In the back of my mind, I was still worried that I
was going to do something to upset her or turn her off.