Le hrm?
8:00AM - 9:20AMDANCE 31 (1585)1.5 hrs free timeDANCE 311.5 hrs free timeNO CLASS9:30AM - 10:50AM1.5 hrs free time1.5 hrs free time1.5 hrs free time1.5 hrs free timeNO CLASS11:00AM - 12:30PMACCT 1 (1005)1.5 hrs free timeACCT 11.5 hrs free timeACCT 112:45PM - 1:50PMMATH 23 (2432)MATH 23MATH 23MATH 23NO CLASS2:00PM - 6:30PMNO CLASSNO CLASS4.5 hrs free timeNO CLASSNO CLASS6:45PM - 9:50PMNO CLASSNO CLASSENGL 57NO CLASSNO CLASS
Let me wrap my head around this new schedule.
SO... Mondays, Dance in the morning, followed by enough time to shower/get dressed and study, then accounting, then math. I'm done with class for the day by 2PM.
Tuesdays, I don't have to be at school till 12:30. (!!!) I'm still getting used to that one. Tuesdays and Thursdays, the only class I have is Math. (!!!)
SO, TUESDAY.... 12:30PM. MATH. Out by 2PM. I'm DONE.
Wednesday, it's Dance in the morning, shower and study, then accounting, then math. I'm out by two, but then I have to putter around for 4.5 hours... I'll have to figure out what to do with that time. It'd be kinda hard to find a place to work at just for 4 hours. Hmm. Maybe study? ACTUALLY, wait... I could READ!!! YES. Makes perfect sense, wanna know why? Because at 6:30 (6:45 really) is my Latin American Literature class! Good Glorious God! I can go out to the beach at 2:00Pm, when the sun isn't too hot, and just lie in the sand for a good 4 hours of reading.... Man, Wednesdays are gonna be awesome. Mental note: buy sunscreen and maybe a beach umbrella. Also, I could just putter around doing errands. But I like the beach idea better :-)
Thursday! Math! 12:30 - 2PM! Woo!
Friday! Accounting! 11AM - 12:30PM! I'm DONE!
Wow, I'll have plenty of time to study during the day... I'm pretty happy with my schedule. Accounting won't be too hard, and I could do homework for that on Tuesdays and Thursdays, if I don't finish the night I get my assignment (I'm really gonna push myself to get things done as soon as I get 'em), and there should be enough time on Tuesdays and Thursdays for me to do math homework right before class. Math homework is ridiculously time consuming... I've had this teach before, and I really like her, but regardless who's teaching the homework assignments are long and there's one every day so I really can't slack off.
Ohh I can't wait to hear back from FedEx, I just want to know when I should expect my work hours to be, whether it's with FedEx or or some other place I end up with, so that I can just get used to those work hours and know for sure when I'll have time to study.
*sigh* I know, I know, I'm being really impatient.. it's just that I just really want things to go right for me this year.
So far, not too bad. Thanks. Off I go to SMC to pay for courses and mail off my transcript request and proof of enrollment. I'll talk about today later on... [exit 10:40am]