Well, here it is, mid- August already. My how the time flies! Not to mention, mosquitoes! Those little bastards have sent me scurrying for cover, after succumbing to their aerial barrages on my side porch, for the last few days. See, my porch faces due west, and I get the intense afternoon sun which, lower in the sky as nightfall approaches, slants
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Comments 17
1) How do you ship plants? You have mentioned that a couple of times, but I can't see how they can travel some distance via mail or otherwise. Please share your knowledge! :)
2) If your washer quit on ya during the rinse cycle, is it still worth giving to another? Is Bill a fix it kinda guy?
3) I got bitten by my first mosquito of the season, this afternoon. I swear those varmits can hunt me down from ten miles out. They never bite Mr. O. I'm breaking out my 'Skin So Soft'. Have you ever tried that before?
2) Bill is a fix it kinds guy. :)
3) I have used Skin so Soft with varying degrees of success. A few summers ago, I made my own, homemade bug juice, but I need to reorder the essentisl oils needed for the recipe. It worked great!
Glad you managed to replace the washing machine
And, as far as a full summer...I haven't gone anywhere, or done anything. No picnics, fireworks, or swimming. :(
Do you see anything wrong with this sentence?
Wedding. Pictures. Thanks. Love you!
For now, you can look at some of Chloe's and Peggy's pictures.
Love you too!
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