The Ultimate Politics Survey
Describe your stance on:
Abortion: BOTH parent's choice... While I realize it's the mother that has to carry it, doesn't mean I'd like my kids dead without my involvement.
Affirmative Action: Inverted Racism... is still racism. Remove this once necessary antiquity.
Age of Consent: These convoluted set of laws keep kids dating and adults from dating them. My only complaint is I've seen 14yo's in bars and 25yo's at skating rinks.
Animal Testing: Ayup. Should we test cures to monkey diseases on us? Um, no. However, stop complaining about UFO abductions.
Death Penalty: Where's my gun? Lemme help.
Downloading Music/Movies: Theft... is theft... is theft. There is no morally correct stance on stealing someone else's item. Never was, never will be. Admit you're a thief.
Drug Decriminalization: Legalize *everything*. Then, I'm going to hide in my house for a year. When they're done, I'll come out... nice and simple.
Factory Farming: By nature of humanity, the price of food must go down in order for 'civilazation' to go up. Once everyone had to farm all day, now, 1/20 do. Now, until I get paid for not coming to work, can we stop paying farmers for NOT planting something? The price is SUPPOSED to go down you twits! And you're right, the family farmer will no longer be commercially competitive. Go bye bye. You're breaking the above rule of civilization, your food costs to much.
Free Trade: I don't necessarily believe in 'let the buyer beware' in this day of huge drug companies and lying governments... however, it's still the best idea.
Funding of Arts: You like art, fund it. You don't, don't. I dislike the government not giving me a choice. I *LIKE* a steel and concrete world.
Gay Marriage: Um, go for it?
Gun Control: Constitutional Amendment: Right to bear arms. You wanna discuss that in person? *ca-click*
Immigration: Well, either they come here and take our jobs, or we ship them overseas, and they take our jobs. Shit, I dunno anymore.
Hardcore Pornography: No harm, no foul. It's not like anyone's getting into something... unexpected here. Don't like it? Don't watch it.
Human Cloning: Woo hoo! New Lungs! Smoke forever with no side effects! Go doc go!
Miltary Draft: If necessary.
Minimum Wage: It's to low. I've tried living there. It's painful.
Prostitution: See Pornography. All parties involved have both eyes open. Legalization will just help get it out of the mafia's hands.
School Vouchers: Hrmph... not enough information for an intelligent response
Taxes: Necessary evil... but DAMN if I don't want a LITTLe more control over where that cash goes.
United Nations: What a waste of an incredible idea. Scrap it, everyone's ignoring it and its scandle after scandle anyway.
Universal Health Care: ROFL. Yeah. Right. Darwin anyone? Yes, I have specific friends with nasty diseases that it will be a shame to lose... but still.
War on Terrorism: Glass desert.
Welfare: Workfare. 1 in 12 babysit the other 11's. 2 months to get your shit together, otherwise 4 days a week, you clean sidewalks with toothbrushes.
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