Mariachi... I love you. Great great weekend. I won't soon forget a weekend consisting of rum, beer, meat, beaches, and beautiful music and people. I think we have a very good congregation of decently wonderful people. That is all.http://
I'm beginning to realize that I don't enjoy Christmas... or not the way i used to. I think of all the holidays it rests the most guilt on my conscience... the idea of people giving me things like I deserve it... to think back throughtout the year and realize how many other chances I had to be nicer to the people I love and how I neglected to take
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Hung out with Melody tonight and it was awesome to see her and shizat... it's certainly been awhile. Yeah, dude, Mel is awesome... It's always wonderful to catch up on everything. I don't think I'll ever get sick of midnight Denny's run. Definitely a reminder that I need to see more people.
Home, Roots, Belonging... these are images and idealisms that only last finitely... it is no place that remains constant, static and infinite
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You know spending an average of 8 hours in the corner room of the quad in the math building everyday for the last week, sometimes by yourself with nothing but the white walls and the chalkboard and your math book... is a bad idea when around 2:30am in the morning you find that you've been talking to the chalkboard for quite sometime... and it wasn'
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This weekend I went to Berkeley with Tina to go visit Berkeley. We to see Talia's Gospel Choir which was just in-fucking-credible... the wall of music that came from that choir, was truly godly. I know I'm hearing music I really love and enjoy and feel a connection to when I hear it and feel that sudden wave down my spine where all my hairs stand
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I thought all of last night as I watched United States almost completely covered in fucking red, "Man, a way more apt color or symbol instead of red would have been flames and burning ... just to give us a feel of how completely screwed we are
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Today I finished a 200 hundred mile relay race from Napa Valley in North California to the beaches of Santa Cruz. I hadn't seriously run since March, and I just decided to go... why the hell not, my body can usually pull it off. It took 22 hours and 17 minutes and went through two small mountain ranges, grape vineyards, the Golden Gate Bridge, San
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