As of today I have been on sixteen blind dates in the course of my dating career. Sixteen dates wherein I began the night without knowing much about the girl other than her name and some assurance that she wasn't psychotic or a dog. I learned several things.
One, by the end of those sixteen dates, I realized I still knew no more than name, looks and mental state for four of them. One of them stalked me for nearly two years. Two of them turned out to be married and looking just for a fun night - I still talk to one of them on occassion. Usually when her husband's out of town. Three of them have had children since then, one of which sued me for custody. The child was not mine. One is currently in a mental hospital, and another is dead due to cancer. Four I have no idea where they are now or what they're doing.
Given they all began as blind dates, I don't think that's bad odds. I do think it says a lot about my inability to let go of a chance. It also says that I'm not a father, nor would I ever let that happen on accident. Not to mention it says a bit about why I'm not willing to let things go when I am not certain there can be anything more than what there is. All because of sixteen blind dates.
Patient: Blair Sandburg
Fandom: The Sentinel
Partner: Jim Ellison
walksthebordersWord Count: 240
Prompt: 48.4. Have you ever been on a blind date?