Yesterday I received a flyer in the mail from a group of wingnuts calling themselves "Concerned Canadian Parents". It was regarding my MP's support of Bill C-38. The jist of it was that same sex marriage will change MY life, that marriage is our "greatest Canadian treasure", etc., and that I should immediately mail in the card included with the
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Comments 146
I was fuckin pissed off
Keep an eye on your mailbox - this 'literature' has been mailed out all over Canada.
In fact, there's an article on this flyer here.
It could've been from anyone really, but whomever it was has money to be pumping into the cause - every riding in Canada that has a non-conservative majority has/will receive this flyer.
My beef with it is that it looks misleading at first glance - it looks like it's *from* the MP and the MP is telling me to support his decision to vote 'no' on C-38. In a haze after waking up from a nap yesterday, I misread it and nearly called up my MP's office screaming!
And it's not as if they're hurting anyone.
We live in a strange time when the worst the queer community can do is marry.
"Those sick freaks! How do they /sleep/ at night!"
oy vey.
That, and numerous other stories I have read, make it quite obvious that religious American groups are doing a lot to influence how things turn out. They are contributing huge amounts of money. They are assisting Canadian groups in preparing and distributing literature to outline their points. They are very much involved.
probably because they actually are the same people.
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