I'll quite happily make you a banner. ^^ Who could resist hugs, kisses, AND Remy or M*A*S*H ficlets? XD
If you give me a picture you like and give me an idea of what sort of text you'd like on it, I'll whip something up when I get home from work tomorrow. ^^
(And you don't need to write any of the above if you don't want to. I never ask for things in exchange for making icons/banners for people. I just have too much fun making them to ask for anything more than the sheer pleasure of creating. :D)
Definitely! *hugs* I'm not deleting anyone on my F-list, because I love you guys. <3 I'm just making it harder for people that aren't friends to poke around in my life. :D
hey, wow then im glad i have my own server and when u blog wise then u can hide stuff from public. Although its like a matter of time a journal (personal) gets hidden from public. I dont post anything that can be used against me. Altho i got compliments from a teacher. And I played with the thoughts of cheating a test...i learned. I was surprised a teacher read it, *huggles statistics* and good to know what ip's to hide lol.
I understand that if you post something on the internet, then there's no way it can be private. I just assume that people will also have the common decency NOT to go through someone's things if they try to keep it private. ^^ I think I expect too much out of humanity.
My journal hasn't been compromised (as far as I know, anyway) but my personal life was, so I just don't know if I want this journal to stay public anymore.
Does this mean I have to get a journal now if i can't be bothered sending you an sms to see if you got your job and instead just quickly check on here in a much needed break from study :-P Beck P.S. sorry to hear about your mum :-( parents can be harsh, and they don't seem to realise that just because they gave birth to you doesn't mean they get to invade your life. P.P.S. *hands rachel and bottle of "Happy Mojo"* you'll need this for saturday by the time i have executed my ..... plan BWHAHAHAHA!
XD Yes, you do have to get a journal, you lousy bum. Unless you just want to get left with my 'spammy' posts (mostly quizzes and shit).
P.S. sorry to hear about your mum :-( parents can be harsh, and they don't seem to realise that just because they gave birth to you doesn't mean they get to invade your life.
Good grief, can I get that painted on our living room wall? :D Or at least get you to come over here and give lectures to my parents.
P.P.S. *hands rachel and bottle of "Happy Mojo"* you'll need this for saturday by the time i have executed my ..... plan BWHAHAHAHA!
Comments 92
Interested in making me one for hugs and kisses and maybe some Remy!ficlets or M*A*S*H or something *puppy eyes*
If you give me a picture you like and give me an idea of what sort of text you'd like on it, I'll whip something up when I get home from work tomorrow. ^^
(And you don't need to write any of the above if you don't want to. I never ask for things in exchange for making icons/banners for people. I just have too much fun making them to ask for anything more than the sheer pleasure of creating. :D)
And I shall search around for some sort of image...
That picture please :D And something along the lines of "mostly friends only..."
or, yanno, make a bad crack about sex. I'll be happy either way :D
I still consider u as friend.
gtg cya
My journal hasn't been compromised (as far as I know, anyway) but my personal life was, so I just don't know if I want this journal to stay public anymore.
(Psst, you're still a friend too. ^^)
im not gonna make this journal filthy so i leave it to this
P.S. sorry to hear about your mum :-( parents can be harsh, and they don't seem to realise that just because they gave birth to you doesn't mean they get to invade your life.
P.P.S. *hands rachel and bottle of "Happy Mojo"* you'll need this for saturday by the time i have executed my ..... plan BWHAHAHAHA!
P.S. sorry to hear about your mum :-( parents can be harsh, and they don't seem to realise that just because they gave birth to you doesn't mean they get to invade your life.
Good grief, can I get that painted on our living room wall? :D Or at least get you to come over here and give lectures to my parents.
P.P.S. *hands rachel and bottle of "Happy Mojo"* you'll need this for saturday by the time i have executed my ..... plan BWHAHAHAHA!
XDXD! Is it a...simple plan? :D
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