[ Player Name ] : Moe
[ Personal LJ ] :
atomais[ Age ] : 18
[ Timezone ] : GMT
[ Other Characters ] : Nodoka, Aziraphale, Raven and Godric
[ Character's Name ] : Kristoph Gavin
[ Character's Age ] : 32
[ Series ] : Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney
[ Canon Point ] : Post-game
[ History ] :
[ Personality ] :
Kristoph Gavin comes across as a calm, collected, refined gentleman. He is always well-dressed, well spoken and almost gentile in the way that he acts; he exudes a persona of elegance that can draw a person in. It is because of this that Kristoph can be seen as 'perfection'; he is the perfect gentleman, the perfect man and the perfect defence attorney - the 'coolest defence in the West'. Anything less than perfection is wrong, and Kristoph strives to hold himself to his own set views on what perfection really is.
At first meeting it would be difficult to believe that Kristoph is really anything less than this perfect gentleman; his speech is soft and he has a sense of humour that is slight but noticeable. He is obviously well read - he inserts lines of literature into his speech and often speaks poetically, further adding to the façade he has created; a façade that fooled everyone he met. It's hard to see Kristoph as the man he truly is as the way he presents himself is almost perfect; there is no room for doubt or second guessing.
In truth, however, Kristoph Gavin is a paranoid, self-important man that believe in the perfection of everything, not just himself. Should someone attempt to piece his perfection, however, the consequences become dire. Any insult, no matter how slight must be righted, no matter what the cost. It is this that lead to his forging of evidence in order to get Phoenix Wright disbarred; failure was unacceptable and he could not accept it. His desire lies in the idea of 'absolute law', wherein the law and evidence is the absolute way to find the truth (ironic, considering the forgery he played a part in). His obsession with this absolute is what lead to his eventual arrest for the murder of Shadi Smith and the possible outcome of further murder charges being placed against him.
Kristoph's disregard for the foolish and common is a fine crack in the perfection that he has created; he is outraged at the idea of people who are uneducated making choices, especially where his theories of absolute law are in place, and he is often seen to be amused at the foolishness of others - if he is not visibly irritated, that is. His pride is what gives him strength; he is proud of being intelligent, he is proud of being a perfect defence and he is proud of being himself. While this might be commendable, Kristoph takes it to the extreme.
Everything Kristoph seems to do is based around his image and his self-importance; should someone insult it, hold evidence that could ensure his downfall or break his gentlemanly image, they will find themselves punished; Phoenix Wright lost his career, Vera Misham lost her father (and almost died) and Shadi Smith lost his life. There is nothing that Kristoph won't do in order to ensure his image of perfection is eternal - he even goes as far as to use his brother as a tool to ensure that his plans are successful. He didn't seem to feel any guilt for abusing his brother's trust; it was all a means to an end to him.
Kristoph's true colours are often shown through his relationships with the people who call him 'friend'. His friendship with Phoenix Wright was never a real friendship; Kristoph befriended him only to find a way to get vengeance for the slight that the magician Zak Gramarye afforded him when he selected Wright as his defence attorney over Kristoph. Kristoph made friends with Phoenix to make it seem as though he had nothing to do with the forging of evidence: his friendship was a means to a personal end. Phoenix admits that he never understood Kristoph and Kristoph admits that he knew Phoenix always suspected him.
The same could be said for Kristoph's unlikely 'friendship' with Vera Misham. Kristoph was friendly to her so that he could earn her trust and use her to create a forgery that he could use to gain a not-guilty verdict in court. He used the girl and played her; she described him as an "angel" and a "devil"; he gave her a good luck charm but there was something frightening about him that she couldn't put a name on - the darkness that hid behind the gentleman's persona. The good luck charm - a bottle of nail polish - turned out to be poison intended to kill Vera; nothing more than another example of how unimportant people seem to be to Kristoph.
What is, perhaps, the most disturbing example of Kristoph's dark personality is the way that he uses his younger brother, Klavier. The earliest memory of the two that is afforded the audience is that of Kristoph handing Klavier a tip about forged evidence - evidence we he had planted himself. He used his brother's position as a prosecutor and Klavier's trust in him to get what he wanted out of the trial - and Klavier, as expected, did not question him. This seemed to only develop in the later trials where Kristoph was a suspect; the man stood and tried to manipulate his brother into believing that he was innocent when all the facts pointed to his guilt. Kristoph seems to have no regrets about the way he pushed and pointed his brother; it seems as though Klavier was just another step in the ladder to perfection.
Kristoph doesn't have 'friends'. He is cunning, intelligent and well-versed in how to use people, and that is what people are - things for him to use. Be it in the courtroom to gain a perfect outcome of 'not-guilty' or outside to ensure his secrets remain hidden it seems as though there is no one that Kristoph can fully trust, and there will likely never be. He never tells anyone everything, holding his secrets to his chest so that no one could gain the upper hand - it's only when the people around him band together that the truth eventually comes out and Kristoph is brought down.
Essentially, Kristoph is mostly a persona; he maintains a friendly, gentlemanly humour until the very end, even when accused for murder, but once the final nail is hammered into his coffin the truth comes out: he is an obsessive, self-obsessed character that believe in perfection beyond all else. It is from this that his paranoia stems from and once he has been defeated his image of perfection is broken forever, and he is unable to retain it no matter how hard he tries: once the truth is out no one can see him as the friendly, yet stern, gentleman he tried to be.
[ Strengths/Weaknesses ] :
Kristoph's strengths lie in his ability to use his image and persona to manipulate people. His gentile, kindly outer image makes it easy for people to trust him and he can use them to his own ends because of it. He doesn't care about his own personal relation to the person, and because of it he has been seen as both an "angel" and a "devil"; he can use any situation to his own advantage. In addition to this, Kristoph is an incredibly intelligent man; he is well read and well educated. Because of this he knows the backwards and forwards of the law, as well of it's loopholes, and he is also intelligent enough to not make slip-ups - most of the time. Add this to his charming acting skills and his ability to act unconcerned when, in fact, people are poking at the truth and you have a man who had the strength to become an almost unpunished murderer.
It's obvious to see where Kristoph's weaknesses lie; although he has created an image of a perfect defence attorney with the most gentlemanly personality should someone decide to damage his pride a grudge will form. Kristoph will become obsessed with this grudge: it may take months, or even years, but he will find a way to settle the score. Unfortunately, this obsession can often lead him to make slight slip-ups, and its these slip-ups that lead to his eventual arrest. No matter how careful he is, Kristoph's need to maintain his perfect image is a weakness he cannot seem to overcome.
[ Other Important Facts ] :
- As mentioned, he was a defence attorney before he arrest.
- He once owned his own law offices - "Gavin Law Offices".
- Klavier Gavin is his brother, younger by eight years.
- He is probably fluent in German, as his brother is.
- He has a scar on his hand that, when he tenses, has two 'eyes' appear above it, making it look like a devilish face.
- His Japanese name, "kirihito", reads 'killer' when read backwards.
[ Sample ] :
[ A figure stands in the middle of the city, arms crossed and a slight frown on his lips. From behind he might look familiar - there is someone else in the city with ridiculous hair like that, after all - but on closer inspection it's obvious that it's someone different. After a moment, he shifts and brushes some hair behind his ear before adjusting his glasses, the light flashing off them gently. ]
This is a rather nice change.
[ Of course anything is better than prison. Kristoph's mind is in overdrive; he's trying to deduce where he is without letting on to the fact that he hasn't really got a clue. It's an easy image for him to maintain: his arms remain crossed and a serene smile is plastered on his lips like armour.
First, and foremost, he needs to work out how he was removed from prison and placed here. If he can work that out then he can use those means to his advantage. Secondly, he needs to ascertain who is here; if it is someone who has evidence against him then they need to be dealt with. There can be no hesitation in that regard. Thirdly, though certainly not least important, he needs to find a way to make his escape. He will no longer be able to retain his place as a defence lawyer where people know his name, but elsewhere? There he can pick up the pieces and return to transforming the world to the side of absolute law.
None of this planning shows on his face, however. In fact, if anything he just looks innocently confused, a small frown marring his lips as he thinks things over. When he turns and spots a person, he offers them a soft, almost welcoming smile. ]
Ah, hello. Perhaps you would be able to tell me where I am?
[ Questions? Comments? Concerns? ]: None since the last time I app'd :|