NHL13 John Tavares Cover Campaign - managed by Michael Grabner

Sep 20, 2013 10:46

Tweets from Grabs' (and the rest of the team's) spring 2012 campaign to get Johnny on the cover of the NHL13 game, while he was at the Worlds in Finland. The Islanders also made this website for the whole thing, and roped in PK and Sharpy and Stammer? And then kept posting pictures from the game of them all gathering to discuss the campaign? I DON'T KNOW.

Anyway, there are pictures of people on the toilet behind the cut.

image Click to view

read bottom to top:

God knows why/how the Islanders got PK, Stammer, and Patrick Sharp (???) involved but at least PK makes sense!

image Click to view

image Click to view

This is a very interesting video.

For people who wanted to see this picture full size.

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