What are your middle names?
Lynn and Andrew
How long have you been together?
1 year and 7 months
How long did you know each other before you started dating?
hmm like 1-2 years
Who asked who out?
He did.. like 10 times and I finally said yes. lol I'm glad I did..
How old are each of you?
I'm 20 (21 in May), and he is 22 (23 April 30)
Who's mother do you see the most?
hmm lately his
Who’s siblings do you see the most?
my kaila!
Do you have any children together?
What about pets?
If so, what kind?
Which bill is the hardest on you as a couple?
i think electric was when we lived together.. it always varied..
Did you go to the same school?
Yeah at one point but we didn't know each other
Are you from the same hometown?
Do you live in the same town now?
nope, im downtown and he is in spring
Who is the smartest?
haha kidding. I'd have to say we are both pretty damn intelligent
Who is the most sensitive?
[twenty one]
Where do you eat out at most as a couple?
its always different
[twenty two]
Where do you shop the most as a couple?
uh. we dont do much shopping together.
[twenty three]
Where is the furthest you have traveled as a couple?
[twenty four]
Who has the best group of friends?
both of us :)
[twenty five]
Who has the craziest exes?
HAHA after having his stalk him.. I'd say his. But most of mine aren't exactly sane :/
[twenty six]
Who has the worst temper?
oo depends. probably me?
[twenty seven]
Who does the cooking?
[twenty eight]
Who is more social?
[twenty nine]
Who is the neat-freak?
eh i clean more.
Who is the most affectionate?
... hmm i think thats pretty equal
[thirty one]
Who is the most stubborn?
oh god.. HIM! taurus..
[thirty two]....
Who hogs the bed?
neither of us.. at least i dont think. lol
[thirty three]
Who wakes up earlier?
probably him now by a couple minutes
[thirty four]
Where was your first date?
?? I dunno. lol
[thirty five]
Who said I Love You first?
he did :)
I was leavin one morning for work.. back when we all stayed at jasons. i was closing the door and i heard a quiet i love you. I stopped for a second and was like uhh what? lol. I said it back, only because I meant it.
[thirty seven]
Who has the bigger family?
Me I think
[thirty eight]
Do you give/get flowers often?
psh no. has twice tho and that was sweet. theyre nice but not something to lose sleep over if i dont get
[thirty nine]
How do you spend the holidays?
family. wouldnt have it any other way
Who is more jealous?
id say me, but its hard to tell. he doesn't let me know usually when he is jealous. It's a rare issue though, we trust each other
[forty one]
Do you have little pet names for each other?
I love the blue monsters but hate how it makes my stomach feel.