so I went to the show and yeah, it was cool and all. we got there about ten minutes before the show was supposed to start but my dad knew they were gonna start soon, so he told us to get out and he would park the car, and we walk some ways and then we hear TBS playing, so we ran as fast as we could and got to our seats.
so we watched TBS play, and we stood at our seats.... not too many people were standing...
but there was some.
well tbs was about to do their last song, and just before that they were like "yeah we're gonna be at the Atticus tent signing stuff" and as soon as we heard that I was asking where it was...
so we ran over there, and got in line...and we were really far ahead in line, I thought we were back til I realized how long the line was getting. (it was a really really really long line. haha. I can't explain it besides reallly really long.)
so we're in line adn the even staff start walking around telling people that the only thing tbs will sign are those posters so we're all "that's cool" 'cause we didn't have anything for them to sign. so we get up there and the first person sitting was Fred. and when he was signing he shook my hand and was like "how are you?" and the first thing that came to my mind was that, well, he had a beard. so I go "um, *laughs* you've grown a beard since the last time I saw you" and he started laughing and said "yeah well, I'm growing one well, yeah, um *laughs* well I don't know. do you like it?" and I said "yeah! I think it looks really good." and he goes "yeah, it's not on the poster, see? oh oh, tell him that you like it." and he started nudging Eddie and I said "yeah, I think his beard looks really good" and Eddie started shaking his head and said "no no no, I don't like beards" and then Eddie signed my poster and passed it to Adam. haha adam's gorgeous. anyways adam is signing my poster and I was all super loser and said "um, can you write my name pretty please?" and he's all "sure! what's yer name?" and i said "kaela...k-a-e-l-a" and he's like "alright" and then wrote "go in front of it...and when he was writing it I was so confused, I didn't kow what he was writing...
then he passed it to Mark, and he signed it. THen Mark passed it to Matt and was like "this is for her" and Mark was like "for her? okay, what's your name?" and I said "Kaela" and he goes "hey Kaela, I saw you" and I was so confused. I said "what?" and he said "I saw you standing up singing" and I said "not uh?" and he said "yeah I did! you were standing up singing when we were playing, you were off to here *points* yeah yeah, you know I saw you. you were singing along" and I said "you are too cool *laugh*" and did this little hand thing going on. and when I put my hand out he stood up and did the little weird thing and was "yeah I saw you" then signed my poster and was like "here you go" and I'm "thank you."
haha and that's my wonderful meeting TBS story.
they were awesome of course. they were probably better this time when we saw them than when I saw them in Novem. But awesome both times.
we didn't watch the Used. we walked around. then we went back. and watched Blink. They probably played as many old songs (or maybe even more) than they did new songs. so yeah, I guess I can say I was pleased with that.
it was all fun.
meeting TBS was the best though.