[KDrama: SUFBB] A Wrinkle in Time

Mar 15, 2012 16:02

Title: A Wrinkle in Time
Fandom: Shut Up Flower Boy Band
Rating: pg-13
Word count: 790
Spoilers: For the end of episode 2
Summary: Byunghee is shit at keeping promises. (Jihyuk/Byunghee, Jihyuk/Su-ah)

a wrinkle in time

The accident happens at a quarter to twelve at night. Jihyuk wakes up the next afternoon sprawled over the length of his couch still in his street clothes, wipes away the drool on his cheek, and sees Byunghee sitting in the corner of their shared apartment, picking at his guitar strings.

"You're awake?"

Jihyuk doesn't know what to say. He doesn't know where to look. There's blood matting the side of Byunghee's hair and his face is swelling and his curls are loose. "Yes," he croaks finally, tongue tied between are you real and what the fuck, man, what the fuck.

"Hmmmm. You seem awfully quiet this morning."

"Can I--can I make you breakfast?"

Byunghee turns around and grins that crazy, wild grin that Jihyuk fell head over heels from the second they'd met in that guitar shop. Before the eyeliner, before the band, Jihyul had seen Byunghee's smile and known that he'd follow Byunghee to the ends of the earth and straight into the fires of hell if it meant hearing him laugh and watching him live. He wasn't like Hyungsoo, comfortable and quiet and never one to complain, he was more like a rush of adrenaline, like something uncontainable, always blurring the boundaries of reality.

"Yes," Byunghee says carefully, hair still dark and sticky with blood, "Eggs."

"We don't--"


And Jihyuk laughs hysterically, relief bubbling up from his stomach and expanding in his chest, his lungs, his heart. "Eggs it is."

The thing is, Jihyuk is the only one who knows that Byunghee didn't die. The thing is, he's pretty sure that no one will ever believe him.

The thing is, Jihyuk's pretty sure he's the only one who sees Byunghee at all.

Byunghee tells him about the concert when he's about to skip school for the third day in a row: "you can't fuck this up. You managed at my funeral. You've got to get this right, Jihyukkie."

It's the first time Byunghee's mentioned the accident. Jihyuk's hands freeze over his instrument. "I don't need to," he chokes, "I'm just going to stay here and--"

Byunghee's hands are warm on Jihyuk's neck. This is the way Byunghee never touched him in reality, the way Jihyuk only dreamed of, rough callouses on his cheeks and shoulders and collarbones. "Go. I won't disappear."

Jihyuk has to swallow a few times to make sure that his voice doesn't come out reedy and weak. "You're shit with promises."

Jihyuk's always done what Byunghee told him to do, so he goes to school. There he sees Su-ah, the girl who Byunghee sort-of-almost-not-quite died for. The girl who.

Something in Jihyuk's face throbs and pulses and Su-ah turns to look at him and smiles and Jihyuk sees Byunghee's hysterical laugh and hideous eyeliner and grins right back at her.

"You're here," and a hand claps him on the back and shatters the illusion. Su-ah hops up the stairs into the school building, heels clicking against the pavement, long hair spread along the back of her uniform, skirt flared. "We've been worried about you."

Dread seeps coldly through Jihyuk's stomach. He's not sure what it is, but the memory of Su-ah's eyes encircled in kohl burns holes in his chest. He barely manages to sit through all of his classes before darting home, making rapid, nonsensical excuses to Do-il and Kyungjong and Hajin.

Su-ah looks too much like. As real as.

Up the stairs, around the railing, key in the door and a quick jiggle at the knob to open it properly, and Jihyuk's inside the rooftop apartment that he once shared with his best friend in the entire world. It's completely empty.

When he stops shaking, Jihyuk makes dinner for two and waits at the table. Dusk falls. Midnight follows. Eventually, Jihyuk's alarm rings.

Go to school, Byunghee had said.

So Jihyuk goes.

It gets easier. Jihyuk sees more of Byunghee in Su-ah every day, but he also learns to separate memory from reality, to attempt to bridge the chasm that Byunghee left in Jihyuk's life. Jihyuk tells her things that he would have told Byunghee, that he couldn't tell Hyunsoo or Do-il, and she smiles and laughs in a light, effortless sort of way that makes Jihyuk miss his best friend all the more intensely.

"I love you," she says one day, looking up at him. He's wearing the sneakers she gave him. He's still in full-makeup, still fresh off the high of performance. A lot has changed since Byunghee died, since Eye Candy debuted, since Su-ah stopped sneaking around school and lying to all of her friends. They've all changed.

For one, Jihyuk is a better liar.

He closes his eyes and leans down and imagines that she's a few inches taller, that her voice is a bit deeper, that her eyeliner is a bit messier.

"I love you too."

Author's Note: ....i literally have no idea what happened other than i opened my browser to catch up on episodes 10 through whatever the fuck we're up to now and this happened. i don't even particularly like this drama actually.

my wrists hurt and i might need to sleep at some point :| also i wish i could promise that this is the beginning and end of SUFBB fic from els but it actually isn't because i've already started something else ooooooooooooooops.

g: ar/canonfuck, r: pg-13, f: kdrama

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