<[name:] Becca
[sexual orientation:] heterosexual
[in a relationship now:] yes
[how long since last serious relationship:] in one
[# of relationships longer than 3 months:] 4
[# of relationships shorter than a month:] none
[longest relationship how many months:] 2 years and then some
[ever lived with a girlfriend/boyfriend (how many):] No
[ever done the long distance thing:] No
[do you have faith in long distance relationships:] If it's meant to last it will.
[do you date:] presently, yes :
[on dates do you pay or get paid for:] At the beginning, paid for. But I like to treat him a lot too..
[describe your typical date:] hanging out and being with one another
[ever been on a blind date:] Yes--oh the horror!
[ever dated more than one person at a time:] nope
[do you call or get called:] both
[ever have "friends with benefits":] no
[ever cheated:] no
[ever had your heart broken:] Oh yeah.
[ever been dumped:] In a way.
[do you put out the first night:] no way jose
[last sexual episode:] I don't kiss and tell.
[do you kiss on the first date:] If the mood strikes me.
[what kind of person gets your number:] Someone I know. I don't give it out to strangers..
[ever been in love(how many times):] Love evolves. I'm in it now. Have been in it before. But this time is different.
[say I love you even though you didn't mean it:] never
[have any bitter ex's:] yes
[bitter towards any ex's:] nope
[oldest person you've dated:] 26
[youngest person you've dated:] at the time we were 16...
[around what age to you tend to date:] 19-24
[have relationships changed you:] Of course. You learn and grow from them.
[have your relationships been worthwhile:] yes.
[where do you normally meet people for dating or relationships:] Friends
[what defines a girlfriend/boyfriend:] a best friend that makes butterflies arrive in my stomach
[would you ever get married:] I hope so.
[key to a successful relationship:] Communication, nurturing, caring, COMMUNICATION, respect
[best attribute you bring to a relationship:] listening, loving, giving, etc.
[worst attribute you bring to a relationship:] I can get attached and I also set up walls.
[importance of relationships in your life:] very. whether friends or lovers, they are important.>