Today I took Rob to school, but didn't know exactly how much time I'd have because I can't remember when he gets out of class. So I decided I'd henna while he was at work. I had mixed the henna last night. hennaforhair had new mixes and the one I got was supposed to be "really red" but it also was the "finest sift for ease of rinsing." I thought ease of rinsing would be good what with how curly my hair is and how it gets tangled so easily. I mixed it just purely with lemon juice. I think it ended up being over 2 cups of lemon juice. It did mix really smoothly though. I didn't mix anything extra in. No cinnamon or paprika. I'm still trying to hold out before rinsing it out. It's really getting itchy from having the wet mixture just sitting there for so long. I want to hold off until 9. So I have about 15 more minutes.
Yesterday Rob got an email with a house that just sounded amazingly perfect and was well within our price range. It wasn't exactly on the side of town we wanted it, but it wasn't too terribly far from where we are now, so since it was a nice day and we didn't really feel like staying inside, we took a drive over there. Fell in love with the house. It was in a beautiful area. The house was beautiful. What we could see in the windows looked good. The pictures in the listing were gorgeous. The patio out back was very nice. We were just wondering what could possibly be wrong with it that it was such a low price.
Well we found out this morning. It's a repo. It had been $115k, and just yesterday dropped to $79,900. Which is almost exactly what we were hoping to pay. Here's the problem. When it dropped in price, there were practically immediately 3 other offers at higher than list price. So there's probably no way we could possibly even begin to enter that bid war.
It's so sad too 'cause we got way too excited over it.
So we turned to our next two top choices. One of them is a "manufactured home." Our real estate agent said that a lot of banks won't finance those. So, I emailed the mortgage rep that we've been working with at SunTrust and she confirmed they do not finance those.
So, there is still one that we've been interested in and is within our price range. It's a little disappointing to me because it only has one bathroom. But it's got a gas log fire place. And I just like what I've seen in the pictures. I think we might still have an appt to see it on Thursday. If that one doesn't work out, then I guess we continue to sit and wait for a suitable house to come on the market. Which I guess that wouldn't be too terrible. It'd give us more time to build up savings.
After taking Rob to work today I decided to go to Wal-Mart to refill my prescriptions since I was out and about anyway. I had originally filled them at Walgreens because... well... I dunno why. I just did. I don't like going to Wal-Mart pharmacies because at one point they put my name in their computer incorrectly and they can't correct it? They've tried a couple of times but it won't let them. I don't know how they were able to correct my last name after I got married. But they can't correct my first name. It's a little thing. Just annoying. But anyway, one of the meds I knew was on the $4 list at Wal-Mart and it was like $8 something at Walgreens. So I figured why not just transfer the prescription over to Wal-Mart and save a little.
The pharmacy at the Cookeville Wal-Mart was insane. like O-M-G. I gave it about 15 - 30 minutes to fill the prescription and then I got in line to pick it up. I waited in like probably a 15 minute wait. It was insane! And the poor woman in front of me waited all that time and she had even gone and done her shopping and had something in a freezer bag and when she got to the counter they still weren't ready for hers.
So, I'm in my 2 week break from Prometrium. And this morning when I wiped, I had some brown discharge. It's cycle day 20. Some of the girls at my plus size TTC board said that sometimes some women have spotting when they're ovulating. I hope that's what it is and not a full blown period because I'm just not ready for that again quite yet. But I haven't had any thing else since this morning. So I dunno what it was.
Clear Blue fertility monitor still hasn't gotten a "peak" fertility day. Which very well may not happen if I am not ovulating. But that's why I'm using the monitor. it'll help me know what's going on.
And it's about time I can wash out my hair. Which is a good thing because I'm sweating henna juice down the side of my face. Ugh. I hope that the juice isn't dying 'cause I know it's hard to get henna off quickly. I may have to wear makeup for a couple of days if it dyed my face.