★ Name: Anna
★ Age: 22
★ Gender: Female
★ Likes:Manga, Books, Movies, my Friends, Italy,hugs, tea, summer, reading, writings, my cat,animals,stronomy,icons,rainbows,book stores,coffee.
★ Dislikes:Discrimination, being stressed, intolerance,being bothered, liars,close-minded people, waiting, slow internet connection,ignorance,spiders, feeling weak, losing.
★ Hobbies, Interests, Talents: books,movies, music, tennis.
★ Describe yourself in three words: Creative, Critical,Stubborn
★ Strong Points: honest, loyal, creative, friendly,determined,analytical.
★ Weak Points:critical,stubborn,mischievous,loud.
★ Fears: being alone
★ Goals in Life: to travel around the World and find a decent job
★ How do you perceive yourself? ? I like to think of myself as a determined,friendly, open-minded person.
★ How do people perceive you? as a friendly, annoying girl
★ What does "Trust" mean to you?Trust means a lot to me, but i don't trust easily It does taketime to trust someone, because i do fear that the other person may let me down one day, butwhen you gain my trust you have completely
I think trust plays an important role because without trust i don't think there'll be a successful relationship. If you don't trust the other person,you will probably start to doubt the relationship and it will lead to diagreemen.
★ Describe your personality:I'm honest (sometimes brutally honest) and loyal. I know that I can be very stubborn at times but I'm normally pretty understanding and patient with things. I'm friendly and loud.
★ If you have lost everything and everyone you love, what would you do? If I have lost everything (and i mean material possessions) I think i'd be capable of starting over but If I have lost my family and friends it would definitely be a lot more difficult.
★ Are you a Leader or a Follower?Leader, especially if care about the situation.
★ Are you optimistic or Pessimistic? Pessimistic.I just happen to see the worst side of things >.< (but i normally try to hold a realistic world view)
★ What is your general Mood? happyyyyyy
★ Favorite Character and why? Probably Allelujah, but Lockon is a close second
★ Least Favorite Character and why? i don't have one
★ Favorite Mobile Suit? i love orange, so my favorite is Kyrios
★ Least Favorite Mobile Suit? Don't have one
* Would you join Celestial Being? (please explain what you think theirmotives are if yes) i don't know, it would probably depend on the situation. I think i would join if
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