★ Name: Mary
★ Age: 19
★ Gender: Female
★ Likes: Family, Friends, Graphics, Sleep, Animus, Funny shit, Nature, Movies, Porn
★ Dislikes: Being lied to
★ Hobbies, Interests, Talents: Gfx, Swimming, fixing stuff, making people laugh
★ Describe yourself in three words: Lazy, Laid back, Happy
★ Strong Points: I'm sympathetic, caring, always willing to help, have no problem sharing.
★ Weak Points:, unmotivated sometimes, sarcastic, I sometimes prejudge
★ Fears: Losing those close to me
★ Goals in Life: To not be a hobo
★ How do you perceive yourself? generally a happy person
★ How do people perceive you? Someone they can talk to if they have problems or look up to.
★ What does "Trust" mean to you? Someone who won't let you down
★ Describe your personality: I'm pretty calm most the time. Because I rarely get mad, when I do get mad it can be extreme. I'm sarcastic in joking and laugh easily. I try to be kind overall.
★ If you have lost everything and everyone you love, what would you do? Move in with a friend until I can get myself settled in to a new home and get some new stuff. I'd be a wreck for a long time I'll admit but it wouldn't stop me.
★ Are you a Leader or a Follower? Try to be a leader
★ Are you Optimistic or Pessimistic? In the middle
★ What is your general Mood? Asleep :3
★ Favorite Character and why? LYLE!!!!♥♥♥ Scuse the fangirling
★ Least Favorite Character and why? Nena, because she is annoying with her little giggle and the fact that she just can't choose a side. She's generally, as I'd put it, fucked up.
★ Favorite Mobile Suit? Arios
★ Least Favorite Mobile Suit? That stupid looking thing Patrick piloted in episode 1
* Would you join Celestial Being? (please explain what you think their motives are if yes) Probably, I too would like to stop war and bring an end to a corrupt government. But the fact they were fighting to stop fighting is just hypocritical
★ Post at least 3 apps. you have voted on
I didn't know I could ;/
★ Post a picture of yourself
My face is scarred from burning, so I never get pictures taken
★ Anything Else? Kirby dance! (>' ')> <(' '<) <(' ')> ^(' ')^ v(' ')v