Current members please ignore this post as it does not apply to you.
If you have been rejected membership from
gunnergirls, there may be several reasons as to why. Here are a few major ones we'd like to point out to avoid confusion and hassling of moderators at their personal journals.
1. Arsenal must be your number one team. Many of our members support other teams as well as Arsenal but Arsenal must first and foremost be your favourite team above all others. If you've got two favourite teams and Arsenal's one then that's fine as long as you understand that this is an Arsenal community where members are allowed to be as biased as they want and as offensive to any other team as they wish. If your profile is predominantly Manchester United icons and states multiple times that Manchester United is your #1 team while you have a minor interest in Arsenal, your request will be rejected.
2. You must have made entries in your own journal and have updated it within the last couple of months at least. We do not want inactive members and we will not approve requests of journals which are empty or have not been updated in a long time as they indicate a non-active user and we are looking to form a community of active members participating in community activities and commenting regularly on posts.
3. You must have a friends list consisting of more than just communities. You have to have mutual friends in order to be accepted into the community for similar reasons as above. We want members who actively interact with other lj members. Also, having a friends list indicates to us that yours isn't a blank journal that has been created by a non-Arsenal fan joining simply to cause trouble or see what they're missing out on.
4. You must have indicated somewhere that you are an Arsenal fan. We know that obviously not all Arsenal fans on livejournal have it explicitly stated or displayed on their profile but just a simple addition of the interest "arsenal" or "arsenal fc" etc. to your profile will notify the mods immediately that you are indeed a fan (so long as you don't have indicators of having a major interest in any other teams).
If your request to join the community has been rejected, do not do the following.
Do not contact a mod at their personal journal. All problems should be brought up and addressed in this post and harassing a mod at their personal journal is going to make us even less inclined to approve your request.
Do not continue to request to join the community without first addressing the problem by commenting in this post. Sending multiple requests after your first has been rejected only spams our inboxes and agitates us to the point of not wanting to approve your request.
What the mod team of this community is trying to put out there is simply that we are not trying to be elitist in any way and that we are simply rejecting blank journals and journals with no indication of being an Arsenal fan because we want to limit the amount of drama either starting or resulting from this community.
If you would like to plead your case for membership or feel you have been wrongly rejected membership then please comment to this post and not any other public posts in the community.