Ian Alexander Fleming, born 4/26/06 at 4:34 AM

Apr 26, 2006 21:46

My boy is finally here! This post won't be long, because I have a million things to do (and sleep is near the top of the list, in case you didn't notice the time of birth), but I wanted to let everyone know that Ian and Erica are both doing very well, and of course,

Edit: I'm a moron, and left out the details. Ian is 8 lbs 10 oz and 21 inches long. He has blue eyes (like all babies) and brown hair. In reply to several people pointing out that Ian is thoughtfully displaying his middle finger in the last picture, it is one of two things: 1) Ian is contemplating the administration of George W. Bush, and reacting appropriately or 2) Is directing said finger at a gentleman named Mike Kun, for no particular reason.
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