tonite i wrote a short story.
it moves a little off path at times, and is quite emo. buaha.
11:24 PM 2/20/2004
Scene 1: The Room
He lay in silence. Head in hands, awaiting an arrival of a face so forgotten.
Hands clasped behind him in a fashion only Christ can compare. He could feel
the warmth of his blood raining down his clenched fist. His motive? Love? Hate?
No one to know the truth behind his pain. No one to truely understand what motives
were running through his mind.
His room was empty. Equivelent in size to a coffin or a tomb. Many hours spent in that
room, sulking to the blank paper that sat on his desk. A pen lay, strewned across it in
a manner that no one could conceive. The ink dry as a desert. Sitting in the dark barrel
for years, craving the attention of a piece of canvas. So thirsty, it would accept
whatever may come to it, even the oily residue of skin, as long as it got used.
Next to the pen and paper, layed a stapler, another unused item that soon vanished in the
darkness of his tomb. A couple old picture frames hung from the walls. Asymmetrical with
uneven lengths, they flashed ancient pictures of deceased relatives, and smiling faces
that left no mark on this mans tattoo'd body.
The dark room had a distinct smell to it. Whiskey and cheap cologne spewed from the pillows
and bled onto his already urine stained sheets. The bathrooms odor was unique as well. Vomit
and fecal matter hazed the room in a cloud of filth. It's presence was known like a white tie
at an Upperclass banquet. The cheap grin on his face was plastered with bleach and thousands
of hard earned dollars.
Motive? None you shall ask. A greatful man filled with riches, hapiness, a smile, and a good
head on his shoulders. But why does he constantly stare at eyes like these? Two hollow black
holes that stare deep into his pupils, burning his retina, driving the sanist man, insane.
Again you ask, motive? Why? Any respectable man can tell you that one thing can kill the
strongest of men. Love...
Scene 2: The Eyes of Love
Dark and hollow, like 2 caves with a little burning light at the end. Kindling our hearts and killing
us all. His hands are tired now, his head heavy with pain. His finger swelling at the touch of the
metal curvature. Years of emotion and growth, effected by a simple man with some blood in his veins.
His youth was spent enjoying his surroundings. Everyday staring at the vivid picture that layed before him.
It's so clearly in sight, yet no one beholds the answer. The truth behind every humans one question.
His muffled breathe couldn't compare to the rain, pounding at the cement outside. A single nerve stood between
him and his life. A simple electric shock from the brain, moving down his neck, into his arm, up his finger,
resulting in a muscle spasm that could end his life at the drop of a pin. Sweat slowly rolled down his face.
It puddled below his feet, mixing with blood, tears, and rubbing alcohol. The only sedative he could find that
could temporarily remove the pain that was curled up inside his chest. His finger still pulsating against the
trigger. It's sweet, smooth, metal curvature slowly caressing his finger, giving him a feeling no woman or
aphrodesiac could ever give him. Slowly taunting his eyes like a 3-dollar whore at the local pub. Cheap enough
to love. This was too easy. He knew it was too easy. There's no way of leaving this one.
Complication is what he needed. A system that would kill at ease, but not so simple. It couldn't be so simple.
His whole life he planned for this moment, it couldn't end this fast, this easy, it had to have more. It had to.
Hours on end he layed in his bed, cuncocting a plan within his brain. Decades of math, science, arithmytic
all put into this indiginous plan. It was done, the final stages were set. He sat and waited.
Scene 3: The End
A knock at the door would start this dominoe rally.
It began. With the swing of the door, a marble dropped from the top, into a metal barrel of 10 feet in length.
Stopping and starting with a one-way ticket to this mans fate.
Who stood at the other end of this door?
A woman, 6 ft. tall, long blonde hair, stilettos and an expensive overcoat.
Her presence reminded him of his college years, spent arroused in a testosterone filled blood bath.
Soaking in his reign of homecoming king, nothing could step in his path. Accept one thing...
This mysterious woman had a name to her head. "Stella" as others would call her.
Only this man knew the real identity of her.
The marble still rolled; down the tube, into a bucket of kerosene.
"Oh god Marshall, look what you're doing!", Stella cried.
"Shut your lips Stella, this is the last time.."
She quickly interrupted
"Last time what? How many last time's you gonna' give me?"
His hand shook in fear with a match in his hand. Soon to end this 10 year pestilence that grew on him
like a bad disease. He couldn't shake this one virus. No pill could cure this sickness. No money could
stop it in it's tracks.
The drops of gas around his body soon lit by the fire held in his hand. The rush of flames over whelmed
Stella and forced her made-up body to bounce back, startled by the blaze in her face. She screamed in horror
as she watched her lover, her favorite customer, burn alive.
His immolated body layed in a torterous way. His charcoal face still witheld the same smile as it did yesterday.
and the day before that...
and the day before that...
and the day before that...
Loves tender murder never did touch the lips of this man again.
It seems this flame that he brought to himself, was nothing more then a 100-barreled gun, that spun on an axis,
firing streams of bullets into a crowd of innocent civilians. And with each bullet was a "sorry", and with each
sorry came a rose, and so on, and so forth...
Little did he know that the kerosene which ignited his life, was nothing more then a little love... a little jar.
12:30 AM 2/21/2004