Really now? Really!? No. I didn't just like Thrall less after Cataclysm, I stopped finding a reason to like him after Cataclysm, period, for one simple reason: Thrall was turned from this unique, inspiring beacon of hope in War3 into...
...well, the cross between
Kira Yamato and
Delita Heiral that we ended up getting.
And like Kira, Thrall basically was turned into this messianic, overpowered purity/author-sue who can do anything without consequence, is so inexplicably popular and awesome that he steals the show and title roll from the other main characters mid-series, and can make the whole world bend to his will even when he was being extremely stupid, especially where Garrosh was concerned. (To say nothing of Aggra, naturally, but I'll save my enmity for her for another time.) I know I'm probably beating a dead horse at this point, but as of Cata, nothing can convince me anymore that Thrall genuinely wanted peace between Alliance and Horde all along; He probably just wanted peace, and used Jaina to that end, when it suited the Horde's purposes and gave the Horde a convenient meatshield to use to deal with the Burning Legion at the time let it gather strength (because it was a radical solution to the Horde at the time, no less), because Thrall couldn't possibly have had not known that Garrosh would (and did) declare war on everyone and everything that so much as looks at him wrong --- unless Thrall was being incredibly ignorant.
And the thing is? Now that the Scourge was gone and Thrall felt he no longer needed Jaina the Alliance, Thrall should've manned up to Jaina and Varian and outright declared war on them if that was the case, rather than letting Garrosh do so for him by running off and washing his hands of the entire Horde so Garrosh can be the one to start off hostilities. That, Thrall, is not being noble; It's you being a Delita-level manipulative jerkass, and I seriously hope Metzen turns you into a villain with the exact same downfall, becoming King of all, and then losing everything just as quickly.
(And maybe Jaina Aggra won't miss you with her dagger this time like Ovelia did. =3)