...Thoughts on being a man...

May 07, 2006 00:57

Thoughts on being a man ( Read more... )

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Comments 10

writeonmyshoes May 7 2006, 16:23:18 UTC
Okay, so how am I, a young ripe female with no interest in riding nor being ridden, supposed to interpret that? You can have female friends that you don't do, right? Hmm....She's got a ticket to ride, and she don't care... Hmm hmm la la la...


Buttered Toast. guppyiii May 7 2006, 18:30:08 UTC
You can interpret it as you like. I can and do have female friends whom I 'don't do.' I wrote this in response to some eye-ball'n strangers, you should know it's not a blanket opinion, it's just more fun to write that way. Plus, it keeps people out of my personal world, which is only mine to have.


Re: Buttered Toast. writeonmyshoes May 8 2006, 21:11:06 UTC
Works for me! I will save an especially phallic popsicle for you.


Re: Buttered Toast. guppyiii May 10 2006, 00:18:04 UTC
As long as someone is saves me something phallic, I guess I'll be content.


fayefil May 8 2006, 14:48:15 UTC
You're terrible. ^_^


guppyiii May 8 2006, 18:47:05 UTC


fayefil May 8 2006, 21:36:31 UTC
But if you weren't you wouldn't be Mr. P. That's just one reason why we love you.


guppyiii May 9 2006, 00:46:00 UTC
I was told recently that sleeping with me would lead one to lose their faith. Heheheh.


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