my only real advice is: don't let yourself get bitter. (trust me, it's harder than it sounds.)
i could give a detailed outline of my relationship / dating woes, whip out my misery e-peen, but what good would that do? :p
i went through a few jackasses, a few jerks, and a few guys who didn't understand how to interact with me after what a stupid hand life dealt me. and then i got a guy who's great; sweet, smart, and committed to me. it'll happen, dear. and yeah, be proactive; put yourself out there, show off that bubbly personality. but don't get bitter.
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i could give a detailed outline of my relationship / dating woes, whip out my misery e-peen, but what good would that do? :p
i went through a few jackasses, a few jerks, and a few guys who didn't understand how to interact with me after what a stupid hand life dealt me. and then i got a guy who's great; sweet, smart, and committed to me. it'll happen, dear. and yeah, be proactive; put yourself out there, show off that bubbly personality. but don't get bitter.
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