The day will come. And then sometime you'll go like three weeks without thinking of him and then realize it and go...whoa. That was awesome. And congratulate yourself for getting over someone totally not worth your attention or affection.
I was hoping that day would be when I was visiting you and Wedny over Fall Break. But then a movie came on that I had watched w/ him and dagnabit... I was really close that one Saturday.
I was JUST reading through my old Livejournal (I want to read it all before I delete it) and I came across a post where I was writing a personal note to everyone. Yours was something like: I'm so glad I have you to vent to....blah blah blah...we can always complaign about life and boys together, I love you.
I was seriously just thinking about you yesterday. I was like....Awwww, I miss talking with Leigh about boys.
We went to college and things just randomly fell apart. Kinda. I still love you I owe you money. hahahah
Comments 3
<3 Hope your day improves.
I was seriously just thinking about you yesterday. I was like....Awwww, I miss talking with Leigh about boys.
We went to college and things just randomly fell apart. Kinda. I still love you I owe you money. hahahah
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