Well, flamingatheist came over this afternoon with a USB DVD drive. Before attempting that, he took off the back cover, fiddled with a few connections, twiddled this and diddled that...
And the thing started again once we replaced the cover.
I repaired permissions (suddenly this thing is speedy again - it took about 20 secs.) and so far so good.
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Comments 4
I had the CD drive crap out on my old iMac. That was quite annoying. :(
Buy a small hard drive for it. 40-80 GB will be MORE than enough.
Load OSX (I'm guessing you're using Tiger and if you're not, e-mail me a snailer and I'll send you my TIger DVD).
Keep that around as an emergency boot disk.
Learn how to do the "Major Reboot" on your machine. It involves pushing a button. On my G5 tower, it's inside the case as too many were indiscriminately doing it on earlier macs and hosing their systems in other ways.
When you're more flush, think about replacing it with an Intel Imac. From what I hear they're far more stable. I donno what it is with your system, it seems to be snake-bitten. I have NEVER had the kinds of troubles you're having and I've owned seven Macs, dating back to an LC3.
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