(no subject)

Aug 14, 2011 03:51

Name: Märchen
Journal: theskiesabove
Contact: frayfrancesca@gmail.com

Character Name: Rorolina Frixell (“Rorona”)
Series: Atelier Totori: Adventurer of Arland
Gender: Female
Age & Canon Point: 22, after making Totori her apprentice
Requested Sponsor: Opal
Entry position (Cadet, SeeD, Instructor, other): Instructor (CHM 101 {MON/WED/FRI}, TAIL 101 {TUES/THURS})
History: http://www.nisamerica.com/games/atelier-totori/ (US)
http://atelier-ps3.jp/totori/ (JP)
Garden History: During Rorona’s year at Garden, she made a habit of making nicknames for the instructors, and excelling at anything involving baking. Her grades weren’t always the best, but at least her pies were, even if a lot of them ended up having weird effects that had the potential to cause a lot of trouble at times. After graduation, Rorona didn’t immediately apply for an instructor’s license, so as much as she attempted to develop a way to set up an atelier of her own in Garden, before eventually coming to the conclusion that teaching at Garden wouldn’t be much different than teaching alchemy, with the exception being... many things, including the fact that she wouldn’t have an apprentice.

Her time spent away from Garden was spent collecting ingredients, and attempting to spread alchemy throughout the world.
Abilities & Physical Abnormalities: Rorona is an alchemist, which isn’t exactly an ability as much as something she’s learned over the years. In Atelier-verse, alchemy is essentially item synthesis; mixing ingredients to make something else.
Personality: Rorona, essentially, is special. Or, to put it in better terms, she’s a clumsy ditz who manages to get by on dumb luck.

A silly girl who started working for Astrid when she was younger, Rorona is one of those people who tends to be slow to pick up on things, but still manages to come out ahead of the rest nine times out of ten. As Astrid puts it, she’s an idiot, but the good type, in terms of picking up alchemy without the senior alchemist having to teach Rorona much of anything. She’s a girl who pays more attention to a pigeon than the knight it belongs to, believes a lot of incredulous excuses, and doesn’t seem to pick up on people’s true feelings very much. It could probably be surmised that she takes after her parents, in this case, given they share much of the same traits.

While she’s done a bit of maturing over the course of the years, especially while she was working hard to keep the workshop from closing, Rorona is still a silly and clumsy girl, who enjoys spoiling her apprentice, dressing her up, and spying on her own apprentice while hiding behind a barrel, simply because she went off without her. Things blow up, pies have weird effects, and Rorona acts more like she’s still in her teens rather than an adult; she even calls Sterk’s face “scary”, and makes sound effects while mixing ingredients.

While it could be surmised that Totori is more mature than Rorona, Rorona still shines through in her unique way. Still, she’s more of a big sister than a mentor, even though Rorona has taught Totori a lot. On the other hand, Rorona certainly is very knowledgeable about certain aspects of alchemy, or at least how to make the most interesting pies, such as pies made from gold, or pies that cause a personality change. Of course, while she knows how to make pies like such, she doesn’t exactly know when the effects will wear off.

She’s also fond of giving people nicknames, whether they like it or not, especially when they become friends with her.
What are your plans for the character in-game? Rorona plans to make all the friends and bake all the pies... or at least bake all the pies. She also wants to try and teach alchemy on the side.

Anything else?

Complete TWO out of the FOUR options.
i) IC Questionnaire (can be found on the application page)

(As this questionnaire is entirely IC, your character is free to lie.)
What do you prefer to be known as? Rorona! It’s really “Rorolina”, but nobody calls me that.
How old are you? 22

Do you have any history in combat? Well... alchemists have to be able to defend themselves, right?
If so, have you ever killed? Huh? Um! I’ve beat up monsters and bad guys, but I’ve never actually killed anyone! Ghosts don’t count, do they?

i) How do you feel when you get involved in some project that calls for immediate and rapid activity? I’m pretty used to deadlines by now, so it’s no problem for me!

ii) Do you organize and initiate leisure activities? Um... I don’t think I get this question.

iii) What role do you take when working in a group? Any! [Rorona they probably want you to be more specific...]

iv) How talkative are you around other people? I like making new friends, so really talkative! It kind of depends, though, I think. If they’re scary, it’s sort of hard...

v) What three things would you want to have with you on a desert island? State your reasoning. Totori, and... um... wait! Can it be more than three? Totori isn’t a thing, though, so does she count? What if I want to bring some of my ingredients? Wahhh... this is a tough question.

vi) Is it important to be liked by a wide range of people? Definitely! … As long as they don’t pick on me, anyway!

vii) When the odds are against you, is it worth taking a chance? Of course! Why not?

viii) Do you consider yourself to be an impulsive person? Um...

ix) Would you agree that planning things ahead takes the fun out of life? Well... sort of?

x) Do you like surprises? Are they good ones?

xi) Do you sometimes wonder if there is something wrong with you? [... Okay, she has to think about this for a second, before shaking her head.] Nuh-uh.

xii) Do you consider yourself to be smarter than your superiors, and disagree with their decisions? Um... well...!

xiii) Lastly, how do you feel about cabbages? I don’t want to see any more cabbages again... [THE MEMORIES... and the “Cabbage Girl” title.........]

ii) Prose sample:

She wasn’t really sure as to how well it would work with the change in ingredients, but Rorona was determined to make a pie through alchemy here in Garden. True, SeeDs probably didn’t spend their time baking pies, and true, she’d be in trouble if something blew up, but she’d been wanting to make something through alchemy for awhile now, and what better way than to make a pie?

“I’ll just add this, and... twirl~ twirl~ and then-”

The resulting explosion that occurred probably a sign that Rorona’s plan wasn’t going to work. Hoping that nobody heard any loud booms coming from her dorm (or that’d they’d mistake it for someone training out in the Training Center), Rorona coughed as she tried to clear up the smoke, before cautiously poking her head out the door, as she checked the hall to see if anyone was around.

“Ehehe... oh, good, the coast is clear,” Rorona remarked to herself, feeling relieved. Well, that just left cleaning up to do, then.

Hopefully nobody would find anything odd about a SeeD covered in soot tiptoeing down the halls. This was a perfectly normal and natural occurrence, right?

Well, Garden would have to get used to it with Rorona around.
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