Today I feel like posting
PICTURES............ enter if you dare
Usually during Christmas break I have projects to do, and exams in January that I don't study for. This time the semester is over and no projects, but my dad wants to make me get up early anyway because my sleep schedule is mixed around. Usually I sleep sometime around 4AM. This time at least it won't be doing projects
I was trying to format the size of this one but had some problems. It might look better this way... It says, "Danger Storm" but I thought it said Dancer.
I stumbled into the Science Wing on the first day and went to the bottom level. Creepy! I only saw people with lab coats there... and then there was an elevator that was half open! WITH A CHAIR INSIDE! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
Here is a lone condom. On a bench. Must be a trap.
I can't really say I've made new friends but obviously I've met new people. I'm not sure what it is, if its my seatmate or anything, but I'm looking up more and more Korean things. Most of it happens on YouTube. It seems that not everything is pronounced as it is written, which is also true for English. If one were to pronounce everything as written, would it still be understandable? Also I dont get what eo and and ae is all about...and I've only encountered the intonation recently, it sounds interesting.
I've also been watching Taiwanese variety show called 100% Entertainment
Considering the above points and previous experiences I get star shocked, culture shocked, and plan people shocked in general pretty easily.
Here is the Meeting Place. A long time ago there were chairs and tables here for actual meeting... now its just like an intersection between some campus buildings. There are some events though. Here they're performing some kinda art show. I thought it was feminist for a couple reasons, but it wasn't really, as I learned when I attended the reception party in the small room. The girl in blue, her name is Tanya Mars. They had sushi and..... wine. The sushi was free. All I remember is some hipsterish looking girl swirling a glass.
The exhibit itself, one girl stack bags of salt, and the other painted books gold and laid them out. Surrounding them is square drawn in chalk, made of words taken from some old French feminist author. Every so often the girl in red opens a fortune cookie and lays it on a tray.
Police cars: there was suspicious person asking for a certain chemical so they shut down the whole building.
I thought they were witches.
Cleaning up
Some Chinese people think I'm Chinese/Korean. Some Filipinos think I'm Chinese/Vietnamese. What do you think...?
I take pictures of myself when I'm bored.
I think I woke up pretty recently here
Lol I always see people taking pictures like this in front of their mirrors. Would be fine if not for the TOILET. This is me before my haircut.
Today I visited my uncle in the hospital. His body is swollen just like my grandmother's before. His breathing is loud, through a tube that delivers oxygen through a hole in his neck. He is still unconscious but when my aunt says his name he opens his eyes, and that's it. When his limbs are like that, and his head is rolled back like that he looks kinda like a blob. It sorta scares me.
Left: This is their cat. Isn't she precious?
Right: This is my box of tissues... I took this picture a long time ago.
Cat doesn't want me to study
This is my dog... and this is me this Spring. (I didn't know what else to pair this picture with)
Cat of my cousin's girlfriend. It's name is Sebastian. Fluffy tail.
Bad titration. I think I got low in this lab, but it's okay.
Or maybe this was the one I did well on. In that case the one on the right is dark because I've already recorded my data, so I added more indicator. In high school I never got the chance to mix stuff.
I have hijacked this post.
I was going for ninja look, but people were calling me terrorist =( Btw, I was painting. The shirt was for keeping my uniform clean.