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статистики центра малых планет пришлось на конец декабря. Постоянно увеличивающиеся числа впечатляют - практически 97.8 миллионов, но не объектов, а зарегистрированных наблюдений, в
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Comments 15
All Spectroscopy from SDSS-I/II/III: Total number of useful spectra 2,598,033. Среди них Galaxies 1,457,002, Quasars 228,468, Stars 668,054 ( ... )
North (l=10 to 65 deg) + South (l=-10 to -65 deg), b=+- 1: 31,184,509 in catalog, 49,258,859 in archive. GLIMPSEI is single epoch data.
GLIMPSEII V2.0 Data Release. (Version 2.1 November 18, 2009)
From all epochs: data taken in September 2005 (epoch1), April 2006 (epoch2) and reobservations of bad/missing frames. Also includes GLIMPSEI data at the boundaries of the GLIMPSEII survey and the Galactic Center data from the Guest Observer Program GALCEN-PI Susan Stolovy.
5 l 10, 350 l 355: -1 b 1
2 l 5, 355 l 358: -1.5 b 1.5
0 l 2, 358 l 360: -2 b 2.
l=11 to -11 deg: 19,067,533 cat, 24,377,005 arch.
GLIMPSE3D V1.0 Data Release. (v1.0 DR Version 1.4 October 27, 2011)
Southern Galactic Plane (l<-9), Northern Galactic Plane (l>9), Inner Galaxy (|l|<9). Up to |b| < 3deg, but up to |b| < 4.2 deg in the center of the Galaxy.
Galactic Legacy Infrared Mid-Plane Survey Extraordinaire. GLIMPSEI, GLIMPSEII and GLIMPSE3D Enhanced Data Products.Table 4. Photometric Accuracy of GLIMPSE3D Sources. Band, ( ... )
UKIDSS is a set of five surveys.
Planned final UKIDSS 7-year sky coverage. The dashed line marks the Galactic plane, and the dotted line marks the ecliptic. Note that UKIRT lies at latitude +20 deg:
( ... )
Hi-GAL Herschel Infrared Galactic Plane Survey - The largest Herschel open-time key project. Wavelength Coverage 70-500 μm, Sky coverage 2°x360°, |b| ≤ 1° (following the Galactic warp), PACS and SPIRE observe simultaneously, Scan speed 60”/sec.
Hi-GAL 1: |b| < 1, l -71 - 66 deg. Hi-GAL 360 & 2pi: the whole plane.
Band Nominal beam (“) Pixel size (“) Tot pixel
PACS 70 5.2 3.2 ~1700x1700 (~3000x3000 total?)
PACS 160 12.0 4.5 ~1200x1200
SPIRE 250 18.0 6.0 ~1000x1000
SPIRE 350 24.0 8.0 ~700x700
SPIRE 500 34.5 11.5 ~500x500
Preliminary catalogue in Hi-GAL “1”: ~ 400,000 sources.
Two instruments: the Far-Infrared Surveyor (FIS; Kawada et al. 2007) for the far-infrared observations and the Infrared Camera (IRC; Onaka et al. 2007) for the near and mid-infrared wavelengths, 9-200um.
AKARI was launched on 2006 February 22. AKARI All-Sky Survey started in 2006 May and was completed in 2007 August.
The post-Helium phase (Phase 3) routine observations (only with IRC) have started on June 1st, 2008.
The operation of satellite was terminated officially on 24 November 2011.
The Akari All-Sky Survey Point Source Catalogues was released on 30 March 2010. This release consists of two infrared catalogs: the FIS Bright Source Catalogue (BSC; Yamamura et al. 2010) with 427,071 objects observed in the four far-infrared wavelengths, and the IRC Point Source Catalogue (PSC; Ishihara et al. 2010) including 870,973 objects in the two mid-infrared wavelengths. The catalog set covers more than 98% of the sky ( ... )
GALEX is providing wide-field (1.2 deg diameter) imaging in two Ultraviolet (UV) bands simoultaneously: FUV (eff=1539A, =1344-1786A) and NUV (eff=2316A, =1771-2831A), with a resolution of 4.2/5.3′′ (FUV/NUV) (Morrissey et al. 2007).
The Galaxy Evolution Explorer (GALEX) Source Catalogs, Jan 2012.
Covering a total of 26,300 deg2 of sky, the All-Sky Survey Source Catalog (GASC) consists of all GALEX observations with exposure times below 800 sec and reaches a depth of NUV 21 (AB mag). The Medium Imaging Survey Source Catalog (GMSC) covers a smaller region of 5000 deg2 with exposure times between 800 and 10,000 sec and reaches a depth of NUV 23 mag. There are a total of 40 million unique sources in the GASC and 22 million in the GMSC.
GALEX Release 6 and 7: Medium Imaging Survey (MIS), NGS, CAI, DIS, GII, All-Sky Imaging Survey (AIS) imaging survey data and WSS, CAS, MSS, GIS, DSS, ETS Spectra survey data.
GR5 AIS and MIS coverage:
( ... )
SNR - 6, Seyfert I (Sy 1.0-1.5) - 292, Seyfert II (Sy 1.7-2.0) - 261, Other AGN 23, Blazar/Bl Lac 49, QSO 86.
Swift Gamma-ray burst observatory has been continually observing the hard X-ray (14-195 keV) sky ever since with the BAT.
This paper extends this work to include all sources detected in the first 70 months of data between 12.2004 and 09.2010.
Hard X-ray source cats have also been published based on observations from the INTEGRAL and on independent analyses of Swift-BAT data by the Palermo group. The INTEGRAL-based surveys benefit from the somewhat better angular resolution of the IBIS instrument (12 arcmin versus 19.5 arcmin FWHM for BAT); however, the much narrower field of view of IBIS coupled with their observing strategy limits the uniformity of the IBIS sky coverage. This leads to lower sensitivity than BAT surveys over much of the sky away from the galactic plane ( ... )
00.69% (B/vsx) AAVSO International Variable Star Index VSX (Watson+, 2006-2013) (статистика в истории!)
00.65% (B/gcvs) General Catalogue of Variable Stars (Samus+ 2007-2013)
00.42% (I/280B) All-sky Compiled Catalogue of 2.5 million stars (Kharchenko+ 2009), Кинематика и физика небесных тел, vol. 17, no. 5, p. 409-423.
00.26% (III/135A) Henry Draper Catalogue and Extension (Cannon+ 1918-1924; ADC 1989)
00.26% (J/A+A/469/799) Torun catalog of post-AGB and related objects (Szczerba+, 2007)
00.25% (B/wds) The Washington Visual Double Star Catalog (Mason+ 2001-2013) (125672 двойных 12 мая 2013 г., статистика в истории!)
00.24% (B/mk) Catalogue of Stellar Spectral Classifications (Skiff, 2009-2013) (636441 записи 6 мая 2013 г., статистика в истории)
00.16% (J/ApJS/204/5) SDSS DR7 white dwarf catalog (Kleinman+, 2013)
00.13% (B/eso) ESO Science Archive Catalog (ESO, 1991-2013)
00.11% (B/sb9) SB9: 9th Catalogue of Spectroscopic Binary Orbits (Pourbaix+ 2004-2013 ( ... )
A catalogue of 294 Galactic supernova remnants. A revised catalogue of 294 Galactic supernova remnants (SNRs) is presented, along with some simple statistics. This catalogue has twenty more entries than did the previous version (from 2009), as 21 new remnants have been added, and one object has been removed as it has been identified as an HII region.
Каталог магнетаров, составленный учеными из университета МакГилла в Канаде - 28 штук (08.2014).
RAdial Velocity Experiment (RAVE): четвертый релиз данных (arXiv:1309.4284). Stellar atmospheric parameters (effective temperature, surface gravity, overall metallicity), radial velocities, individual abundances and distances determined for 425 561 stars.
(обзоры 305, 317).
WDS 31-Mar-2014: 128426 binaries.
Catalogue of the Components of Double and Multiple Stars (CCDM): 105838 records (2002).
VSX 2014-03-31: 285660 stars.
WDS updates:
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