Title: Five Days Later - Challenge #34: Flattery
Author: iniq
Rating: PG
Category: fluff?
Pairings: 3+5+3, 2+?
Warnings: teenage angst! serious discussion about manliness! *snort* as if I could write that
Notes: Trowa and Duo again - will this pair of muses ever grow up?
Words: less than 500 ^^;
Five Days Later
"It's stubble, Trowa."
Trowa stroked a thumb over his chin, and stretched his neck to see the underside of it. The "stubble" stretched down his neck, and he pursed his lips in satisfaction. He frowned in frustration as Duo touched his cheek with his cold fingers to feel the progress.
"Four days already?"
Nodding, Trowa batted Duo's fingers away, and slid his fingers up and down his jaw. He made clear that Duo wasn't allowed to touch until he started to properly appreciating the beard.
He saw Duo roll his eyes in the mirror and sighed. The barbarian would never understand the importance of masculine facial hair.
"I'm sorry, Trowa. It's not stubble, it's... much older and longer. It's a five day shadow."
Trowa grunted, and scratched his cheek. It would stop itching once he hit the seven day mark, right? He scrunched his nose up and pointedly ignored Duo's smirk.
"It looks good, Trowa, loosen up. I think the new look makes you look older, and more sophisticated." Suddenly, Trowa found Duo stretching to kiss his cheek. Smacking his lips afterwards, Duo sighed. "But man, the fuzz stings. Don't expect any more kisses from me."
Trowa snorted. Flattery and criticism in once, as always. Duo really didn't mince his words. But the latter worried him. Would WuFei like it too, or would he get less kisses? He licked his lips. Maybe he should've stayed with the side burns. Suddenly, he felt a smack on his ass, and looked at Duo sharply through the mirror.
"I have to go now, stubble man. See you in the morning."
With a roll of his eyes, and a dismissive wave, he bid Duo goodbye. When he heard the apartment door close behind the other man, he looked back at himself in the mirror. After a few carefully scrutinizing strokes over his cheeks, he shook his head.
"It may be stubble now... but it will be a beard!"
end... =p