Week 85: Extreme Close-Up

Sep 07, 2006 15:07

Sorry this is so extremely late... I've been more or less ill for the past three months. I think I even owe banners still, yes...? I'm so sorry, I'm going to get those done ASAP...

Theme: Extreme Close-Up

I believe it speaks for itself. The idea is to have an extreme close-up where the object in question takes up most of the icon space. You can have words or no words. The idea is to have the most aesthetically pleasing icon (i.e. tasteful and looks good).

[] Fresh icons only, please!
[] You can submit up to TWO.
[] No advertising your icon(s) anywhere before the challenge is over.
[] Fanart may be used, but remember to credit the original artist.

Deadline: Wednesday, September 13th @ 6:00pm PST (though it can be pushed back if there aren't enough submissions, considering how late I am getting this up... but I have faith in you guys!)

Vote for the mood theme challenge here.
Pick up banners here.

submissions, week 85

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