Well...I filled this thing out a month or two back, and never got rated. XD But it's not that I minded because, after reading through it I realized that copy pasting a survey I filled out nigh a year ago was a very dumb idea, as I've changed a lot since then. So I'm redoing a lot of rating comms lately.
NAME: Emily, though I've been known to respond to Em, Emi, Jo, Ragdoll, Kappa, Yotan, Jinx, Pirate, Hey You, Sexy and Johnny Depp before. (This last one comes from work, where I was "Jack Sparrow". People would be like "Look it's Johnny Depp! Are you Johnny Depp?" And I'd smirk and go "Why yes, yes I am."
AGE: Physically? 19..Mentally? *snicker*
ASTROLOGICAL SIGN: ^_- Are you hitting on me? I'm an Aries if you must know. Though I'm not really a typical one...
CHINESE ZODIAC: I'm a tiger. Rar. A fire Tiger if ya want to get technical. Flaming rar.
STRONG POINTS: I'm charismatic, loyal (if the cause is right), smart, I've got good deductive skills, I've got a great sense of humour, I'm laid back, not too much can upset me, protective, sarcasm, I can be a hard worker, stubborn (this can be both good *and* bad though...), I don't give up easily, I'm usually always optimistic, gregarious. I can protect myself, quick-witted, street-smart, I always appear at just the right moment. I'm an honest liar. (Figure that one out. XD), extremely friendly. Courteous/civil to the mass majority (even those I don't like. Unless...I really, really don't like you...or you've pissed me off recently.), "jinxing things". I can adapt really well.
WEAK POINTS: Argumentative, stubborn, sometimes obnoxious without meaning to be, sometimes I'm too apathetic towards things, lazy, messy (I'm definitely getting better), drinker, smoker, I tend to cuss too much, I tend to blame myself for things that aren't my fault and won't let them go, and if I am upset/depressed I tend to bottle it all up inside and ignore it until it explodes. I can be a bit naive. I've got quite the temper and this causes me to get into heated arguements with friends, sometimes they're playful, sometimes they aren't. I have my bouts of depression. I can be selfish. At the same time that I'm apathetic as hell, I'm go-get-em enthusiastic. o_O I'm an enigma! I'm afraid I used to be a bit of a theif. Still am, but to a much smaller degree. And only if I plan on returning it. I hate being alone. Sometimes I talk too much.';
LIKES: I like fire. Everything about my birthday/personality says fire. And it works because I absolutely despise the cold. I like good smelling candles/incense. (I collect them.) I love picking on my friends, arguing and fighting, hanging out with my friends is a good thing too. I love cats, all sorts domesticated, and undomesticated. I like to flirt, but most the time I don't even realize I'm doing it. I love plants and flowers. I want to be a florist one day so that's kinda obvious. I like to dance, sing and act. I love to write and create worlds and solve mysteries. I like to collect sunglasses, and watches, I like having fun and gambling. Even more so I like to win, even if I have to cheat. I like drinking and smoking a bit too much than is good for me, and I also like a few more adult activities. I like sewing and making props for costumes, and I like boots. And cucumbers. And baking sweets. I like to have fun, overall. And I like to be around people. I like helping people.
DISLIKES: I dislike people who try to play the victim when they're not. People who use great human tragedies (Like 9/11 and the hurricanes) to get sympathy when they aren't even directly affected other than being human. People who hurt others (Especially men who hurt women, and people who hurt children). Liars, not people who tell the everyday white lie, but people who make stuff up about themselves and/or others in order to garner attention. Superficial people, attention-whores, being along. Cowards (People who do something that hurts/offends/affects someone else and then won't own up to what they did.), people who seem to think they're always right, especially when they aren't and they won't give it up, two-faced people (People who say one thing but do the opposite), people who shove their sins on someone else, going to work early/getting up early in the morning, hummers (Worst invention ever.), authority, self-righteous dicks, arrogant pricks, people who think they're better than someone/everyone else (Particularly when they aren't.), people who don't do anything but follow others, emo-children, betrayal, people who are into something simply because they think it's Japanese/French/Chinese...whatever. (Like people who are into Cosplay simply because they think it's the cool Japanese thing to do. When in reality...it's a transplanted American hobby that got imported back to the US.)
FAVORITE CHARACTER[S], AND WHY?: *snicker* Duo...which is very stereotypical. But my reasoning is not. He's the one who's had the worst life. Out of all the Gundam pilots he's the one who's had it the hardest. And yet he shoulders it the best. And I admire him for that. I admire his adaptability.
MOST HATED CHARACTER[S], AND WHY?: I betcha want me to say Relena don'tcha? Well I won't, because she's not. It seems to be the "hip" thing to bash/hate Relena, when she's actually one of the only characters that grows. She's what the series is all about in reality. If you're bothering to pay attention. It's about human growth and communication. So, I guess what I'm trying to say is that...I don't really have a "most hated" character.
IF YOU WERE INVOLVED IN THE EVE WAR, WHOSE SIDE WOULD YOU BE ON, AND WHY?: Actually, neither side was right. The Gundam Boys had the right idea, so...I'd back them all the way.
I'm Jack Sparrow! But not...XD!