NAME: Nicole, Niki, Nykee, Nykeesha, and Momo. (Nicknames included).
AGE: 24
CHINESE ZODIAC: Rooster! Cock-a-doodle-do, yeah!
STRONG POINTS: Selfless, generous, dedicated, determined, open minded, honest, friendly, fun, happy-go-lucky, caring, good at hiding my sadness, and intelligent.
WEAK POINTS: Stubborn, dense to subtly (at times), insecure/self-doubting, and on occassions can get jealous.
LIKES: anime, manga, walking all around the city, painting, drawing, collecting stickers, collecting stamps that were on letters sent to me, journalling, making webpages, designing layouts, roleplaying, reading books, watching horror films, studying demons, sorting and alphabeticalizing, and travelling.
DISLIKES: Hypocrites, mean people, and passive aggressiveness.
FAVORITE CHARACTER[S], AND WHY?: Hm, it's really a toss up between Duo and Wufei. I read about their backstories and enjoyed them both the most. They also seem to be the characters people either love or hate. I like them for different reasons of course XDD In reality, I think I would annoy the bejeebas out of Wufei and I would probably end up splayed somewhere, but I admire him, I do! I'm sorry I can't spiel out tons of reasons why ;p; It's been so long.
MOST HATED CHARACTER[S], AND WHY?: Ms. Catfish whisker-eyebrows. Dorothy (thanks to reading other people's surveys I actually remembered her name) BECAUSE HER EYEBROWS, MY GAWD, THEY'RE OUT TO TAKE OVER THE WORLD! RUN! AIIIIEEYAAH! Seriously, her eyebrows really creeped me out, I know this is a shallow reason, whenever she was on the screen I wished I could reach through and snip them off -_-;
IF YOU WERE INVOLVED IN THE EVE WAR, WHOSE SIDE WOULD YOU BE ON, AND WHY?: Uhhhhh. I donno. In all honesty, when it got really serious, as in technical or political, I fell asleep. *weeps* I tried, oh I tried to stay awake! I watched the series a bazillion times, but my brain, my body, they all betrayed me! *gasp* I'm sorry, I really am just a fangirl ;p;. I stayed awake for any angst and plot development that didn't involve a lot of high-technical lingo mabobbers. Yeah. Uhh, probably the side with the G-Boys, cuz they seem to be fighting for a good cause from what I can remember. *brain fart*
Sorry about the randomness.... The first three explaining to my boss what emoticons are.