NAME: Sarah! 8D
AGE: 15 in 21 more days and half an hour >D
ASTROLOGICAL SIGN: Depends. Depending on the book or whatever, I'm either a Leo or a Virgo.
STRONG POINTS: Oh my... optimistim, I guess. I can also cheer people up pretty fast. ^3^
WEAK POINTS: I'm very sarcastic. And my mouth gets my into a whole sh*t load of trouble. Also, I tend to mid a great deal about what people think about me, I'm a coward on the inside and I tend to become very emotional and cry... a lot. Over stupid things. Oh, and I'm a ditzy blonde ;_;
LIKES: I like a lot of things. Sugar, coffee, junk food, Battle Royale book and movie, Japanese horror movies, books, anime/manga, music, Dir en Grey, piercings, shiny things, pointy things, Angel Sanctuary, Angel Sanctuary music, writing, and lately... Dr. Tran! XD
DISLIKES: Spelling and grammar, but on the flip side I hate pps wHo typ Lyk Dis, u dIg? Sexist people, racist people, extremists, hypocrite, mindless voilence, people who hurt people on purpose, blood, American remakes(WHY! They're gonna butcher Battle Royale! *Sobs*), suicide, people who think tomorrow won't be any better(What? Can they see the future?) and give up on life, cliches... Woah, I have a lot of dislikes o_O Oh, and not being able to finish a anime(;_; like Gundam Wing. Never got to watch all of it. I was like... how old when it was on YTV, I'm not allowed to buy things off the internet, I don't live anywhere NEAR a city, and I can't find no downloads ;_; I think my third cousin has the movie... I might burrow it off him.)
FAVORITE CHARACTER[S], AND WHY?: ...Do I HAVTA pick? DX Awww.... Duo. I mean... so many things happened in his past, yet he still decides to live and smile.
MOST HATED CHARACTER[S], AND WHY?: Well, I don't really HATE characters... but... if I must... Relena. I mean... her character... she's... just a bit extreme, no? And she's just... so naive, in an annoying way. To me at least. And... Umm... Because of those "Women" comments, I'm not too fond of Wufei either. depends. On the side note, Dorothy creeps me out >.> And those eyebrows ._.
IF YOU WERE INVOLVED IN THE EVE WAR, WHOSE SIDE WOULD YOU BE ON, AND WHY?: To honestly tell you the truth, I can't picture myself in the eve war. I just can't. I'd be too afraid and I'll probably end up hiding under something with my hands over my ears to block out the sounds.
PICTURE/DESCRIPTION: Ah... a picture... my mom took the digi cam when she left with my dad for their vacation, and I don't believe I have a recent picture after I chopped off my hair and died it... Anyways, I'm pretty pale, short red hair, blue/grey/green eyes(Depending on the day), I'm kinda short, and I'm not exactly a twig. I got a bit of meat on me, So, I'm healthy! XD