NAME:Hime Chan
AGE: 24
CHINESE ZODIAC:Dog, but I don't believe in astrology
STRONG POINTS:sweet, caring, loving, accepting, empathetic, fun, self-sacrificing, loyal, humble, can make friends with all kinds of people provided they aren't shallow and mean, feminine but willing to get my hands dirty, spiritual, never forgets my friends, respectful, not afraid to say what I think, generous, I'm here when you need me, able to see both sides of the coin, optimistic, beauty and brains, your true friend forever, and resourceful.
WEAK POINTS:short tempered, weak stomach, cry baby(but I cry alone), heart over head, naive, impatient, unrealistic, clumsy, stubborn, sarcastic, procrastination, really bad with directions, competitive, easilly jealous(Make a play for my best friend or my man and you'll be sorry!), needy, overly critical.
LIKES:Ballet, Pointe, Cosplay, anime, manga, sewing, Japanese, imagination, dress design, babies, singing, acting, learning more about the things I love, my friends, my family, art books, dolls, clamp, music, Nintendo, fairness, fairy tales, guys who make me laugh, Red Green, shoujou, dueling(as in Yu-gi-oh! Duel Monsters), regressing
DISLIKES:Dragon Ball Z, jerks, perverts, pedophiles, law breakers, vampires, ill-behaved children, women who smoke and drink while pregnant, domestic violence, yaoi, arrogance, infant mortality of any kind(I will fight to the death to protect the innocent), Cross Dressing, bad smells, guys who think they're all that, thieves, liars, shallowness, ingratitude, hypocrites, people who are obsessed with death, irresponsible parents, over sensitivity, pettiness, people who tell me not to sing, being told what I should be doing, the constant game of "pin the tail on the Mary Sue."
FAVORITE CHARACTER[S], AND WHY?: Relena...she is a true innamorata! One of my first favorite anime characters who has a really awesome man! Her love to Heero inspires me.
MOST HATED CHARACTER[S], AND WHY?: Dorothy...what a sick @#$%*! Never liked her one bit, but I had great respect for Relena for putting up with her. And Wufei is a sexist jerk, but all I do is imagine Sally Po spanking his bare butt and the hatred goes away.
IF YOU WERE INVOLVED IN THE EVE WAR, WHOSE SIDE WOULD YOU BE ON, AND WHY?: The Gundam team. Young people fighting for a true 'cause. And to support Heero, of course.
PICTURE DESCRIPTION:A very feminine girl with long blonde hair, bangs, hazel eyes, 5'2" and guys tell me I'm quite a beauty!