NAME: My real, given name is Katie. But this is the internet, so Atagamay will do just fine.
AGE: 17 18 this Monday.
ASTROLOGICAL SIGN: Virgo. The utter archetype of a Virgo, actually.
CHINESE ZODIAC: Dragon! I'm the only mythical beast on the chart! I feel special! XD My mom always joked that I'm the utter stereotype of a Dragon, actually. Probably because I'm stubborn intelligent and determined. ^_^;
STRONG POINTS: Energetic, intelligent, mechanically inclined, determined, open-minded, enthusiastic, loyal, fun-loving and generally cheerful. Oh, and people say I'm hilarious and have a good sense of humor.
WEAK POINTS: Stubborn, easily pissed-off, at times cathartic and acid-tongued, just. Can't. Sit. Still. Pessimistic, moody, shy before the ice is broken, worries too much, doesn't know when to keep mouth shut, morbid (is that bad?), cracks too many jokes when people are being serious. And also, common consensus from friends: LOUD.
LIKES: Science, anime, good music, weird humor, running around (I'm a VERY active person, as you can tell! XD), goofing off, sci-fi, anything you can build or put together, thrift stores/flea markets, dragging home random junk on the street (I'm known for this), kids, animals, doodling, reading.
DISLIKES: Jerks, snobs, people who are smack-'em-with-a-mallet stupid, most TV, spiders, man's inhumanity to man as a whole, tonic water, some of the things that happened in my childhood, being shown up, udon noodles, when people make fun of my beloved junk.
FAVORITE CHARACTER[S], AND WHY?: Well, I have two #1 favorites, for one thing! XD My favorites are Duo and Quatre. I like Duo because he's sort of different than any other character. I've never seen someone so content in their dark/pessimistic outlook. Plus, he's just really cool and funny. And I used to have hair just like his! XD Quatre I like because he's kinda different, too. In just the opposite way. Kind of a reluctant optimist. Plus, his personality on the whole is absolutely adorable. But they're not the only characters I like. I like all five of the pilots (my second favorite character is Trowa). Zechs and Noin are also cool (Damn, I love this show! XD).
MOST HATED CHARACTER[S], AND WHY?: Once again, I have two. Relena and Dorothy. Relena just sort of gets boring as it goes on. Blah blah Peacecraft, blah blah Heero! It gets kinda tired after a while. But I dislike Dorothy a lot more. She's just... A creepy and not-nice person. Plus, she has that scary deal going on with her eyebrows. *Shudder*
IF YOU WERE INVOLVED IN THE EVE WAR, WHOSE SIDE WOULD YOU BE ON, AND WHY?: I'd probably be on the side of the Gundam pilots. Because I don't like war at all, but being completely disarmed isn't smart, because something could need protecting. Plus, I'm always part of a tiny group who thinks both sides are doing it all wrong! XD Like I'm a Deist instead of religious or an Atheist, I'm support the Greens as opposed to the Democrats and Republicans... I'm one of those pain-in-the-ass people who just can't be either kind of normal! XD
The usual mirror picture! XD
And another! Just because I love that hammer. IT SQUEAKS WHEN YOU SMACK SOMETHING! X3 Plus, check the shirt.