NAME: Kate
AGE: 19
ASTROLOGICAL SIGN: Tropical - Taurus, Siderall - Aries
STRONG POINTS: encouraging, night owl, ticklish, friendly, outside thinker, moderate, critical/analytical, funny, stubborn, stern/commanding, generous, sarcastic, energetic, productive, good taste, creative, apologetic, laid-back, young at heart, curious, work rat, apologetic, great boobs
WEAK POINTS: spiteful, shy, procrastinator, foul mouthed, critical/blunt, talkative, smug, reckless, forgetful, naive, weak self-defender, grouchy, lazy, dismissive, easy to upset, hard to work with, self-absorbed, intimidating, dramatic, awkward, easily distracted
LIKES: details, nice weather, traditional animation, androgyny, jazz, classical music, blue comedy, comics/cartoons, research, family, shopping, steampunk, opera/takarazuka, architecture, arts and crafts, sewing, historical dramas (Amadeus, Gosford Park, etc),
red pandas,
tree kangaroos,
draft horses, bright colours, most animals and small children, and entertaining my friends.
DISLIKES: flagellants/extremists, dishonesty, know-it-alls (the "I hate stupid people and couldn't be bothered to educate them bcuz their stupid" types), all conspiracy theorists, religious/atheist extremists, uptight whiners, being alone with nothing to do or no-one to talk to, and goddamn lawn mowers and leaf blowers that wake me up on Saturday mornings! >.< They are one of God's greatest blunders.
FAVORITE CHARACTER[S], AND WHY?: I always had a soft spot in my heart for Duo. I'm sure it's just because he had the butt-long braid and he was cute and funny and a spaz, but if we want to get subconscious about it, I think it was cos he was a spaz, but he had a really important job that he didn't mess up too badly and he could still act like a gas molecule on speed.
MOST HATED CHARACTER[S], AND WHY?: I don't like that Relena seemed to take forever to get her own personality. Up until Endless Waltz, she seemed to copy Hiro with everything he did. Catherine isn't on my shortlist of favs either cos all she seemed to do was mope or complain or whine about something. I haven't seen the show in years, so that's the most I remember of her. XD I didn't like the two of them and whoever the wanker of the week was that'd just wind up getting shot by Lady Une.
IF YOU WERE INVOLVED IN THE EVE WAR, WHOSE SIDE WOULD YOU BE ON, AND WHY?: I'd like to say I'd be brave and patriotic and fighting for the independence of the colonies or supporting Earth's cause, but I think I'd probably be living wherever I live, holed up in my house and growling about the Gundam twats or the Oz bastards who keep bombing where I live. Y'know, I'd have my disagreements with whatever side I was on, but I'd probably follow whoever was fighting for wherever I lived, which, I dunno, I think would be the colonies.
(I'm so sorry about the huge picture. ;_;) Otherwise, I'm a 5'8" blue-eyed brunette shiksa from New York with a nice figure for someone with such disgustingly bad eating habits like mine. :P Aside from a few imperfections, my body and brain have been good to me. ^_^
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