NAME: Chelsea
AGE: 15
STRONG POINTS: Nice, polite, quiet (I guess this is a good thing?), determined, smart (if I do say so myself), loyal, honest (for the most part), open-minded, humble about my strengths (for the most part; this part was really hard to fill out), empathetic
WEAK POINTS: Lazy, procrastinator, not a good conversationalist, vain, moody, spazzy, constantly stressed, will hardly voice my opinions, needy, clingy, overly sensitive, I get jealous really easily, I can have a panic attack really easily
LIKES: School, friends/family, video games, anime, math (except for pre-calc, holy shoot), Skittles, slash/yaoi/shounen-ai, fangirling over slash/yaoi/shounen-ai, cucumbers, fanfiction, computers, psychology
DISLIKES: Chocolate, milk, people who try to get me to join their church, typos, fanon portrayal of many GW characters, grammatical errors, that feeling you get when you know you talk too much about yourself, all the 1x2 fanfiction (good in small quantities; give me more 1xR and 3x4 any day!), cursing
FAVORITE CHARACTER[S], AND WHY?: Quatre, because he is so kind and seems like the type of person to attract anyone. He's also so noble and selfless! And he and Trowa are pure ♥
MOST HATED CHARACTER[S], AND WHY?: I don't hate anyone, but I don't like Noin, because she seems slightly pathetic to me. She likes Zechs too much, IMHO (and what was with that whole tapping the swords together thing? The whole time, I was cracking up at Zech's face! XD).
IF YOU WERE INVOLVED IN THE EVE WAR, WHOSE SIDE WOULD YOU BE ON, AND WHY?: I don't really know. I think it would depend on where I lived or if I knew anyone in the war. I'd actually probably be neutral because I would just want it all to end.
PICTURE DESCRIPTION: Just don't look too closely at my hair! So ugly!